Email @.Com Outlook Web App Offline at! Check out the most popular Webmail Musc pages, as well as the rest of data, on this page. is a university Project that is kid-friendly and safe to use. English is the most commonly used language on WebMail Musc sites, according to our findings.

Information for New M.D:
The Medical University of South Carolina’s College of Medicine would like to extend a warm welcome to you. It is our goal to provide you with the information, skills, and humility necessary to serve others while you are a student at MUSC. When you decide to pursue a career in medicine, one of the most important things you’ll discover is that you’ll never stop learning. Please spend a few minutes going over the information listed below to get yourself ready for this voyage, and come back often to see if anything has changed. We can’t wait to meet you and get to know you!
Don’t be a bystander! Start an Employee Resource Group (ERG)
Considering how far we’ve come as an organization during my time here, I’m reminded of how critical it is to ensure that everyone at MUSC has a strong sense of belonging. Healthcare organizations like MUSC, which are large, complex, and dynamic, have a strong emphasis on addressing issues of employee engagement and meeting the demands of a wide range of stakeholders. These tools include ERGs (employee resource groups).
People who identify as belonging to a particular ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual orientation might join ERGs, which are employee groups that are self-organized and run by their members. The use of ERGs is one new and inventive technique to make sure that “connectivity” is always present even as our DEI plans increase and align with employee engagement.
How about we get things going from there?
At noon on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, we will hold our first enterprise-wide virtual meeting. At that time, we’ll answer your questions, explain the objective of MUSC ERGs, and give you a list of guiding principles to follow. Email [email protected] if you are interested in attending the launch meeting and would like to be included in the list of attendees. ERG Advocates will be identified following the meeting, whose purpose is to help foster a sense of belonging by coordinating ERG networking events and identifying group resources. The ERG’s needs will dictate the evolution of this position.

Consider the positive impact MUSC ERGs could have on employee engagement. In my opinion, there are infinite options, and I’d like to offer three examples: ERGs are partners in helping to identify opportunities and gaps in talent development and retention processes; (2) ERGs ensure that employees have a mechanism through which they can be heard, feel valued, and stay engaged; and (3) ERGs create a means through which leaders in organizations better understand their workforce team and the stakeholders they serve.
Awarded the Insight Into Diversity Health Professions Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award, MUSC is honored to be named a Diversity Champion for the year 2021. You should go to the MUSC Health virtual urgent care for screening and medical guidance from an MUSC Health practitioner if you are symptomatic (respiratory illness, fever, cough, flu-like symptoms), or you know you have been exposed to COVID-19. Please make use of the Chat Function to speak with a provider when you access the virtual urgent care.
Notice of Data Collection
Everything you do or submit on official MUSC Web sites is covered by this privacy notice (see the definition above). MUSC’s official Web sites adhere to the following Internet/Intranet privacy policies and procedures. MUSC has the right to make changes at any moment without prior notification, thus this should not be considered a contractual obligation. As an additional precaution, MUSC asks that all of its schools, divisions, and other contributing units include notifications about how they collect and utilize any personal information that may be associated with their official Web pages.

MUSC gathers a slew of data whenever you visit our website. When you visit one of our websites, some of this information is automatically collected. Only if the visitor or client chooses to furnish us with particular information do we gather any other optional information. As a result, we advise you to read page-specific notifications to ensure that you are aware of the relevant privacy policies and practices that apply to those individual pages.
Observance of Digital Copyrights and Software Developers’ Obligations
The MUSC is committed to upholding the copyright protections afforded to creators of digital content and software by federal law. When using MUSC equipment or services to access, use, copy or otherwise reproduce copyrighted digital materials or software that is not allowed under U.S. Copyright Law (especially with respect to “fair use”), it’s against university policy for faculty, staff, and students to do so unless they are specifically granted permission to do so. Faculty, employees, and students at MUSC may only use the software on the computers that are stated in the various software licenses.
MUSC considers any violation of this policy to be a serious offense, and any such violation will be punished. Repeated offenses will result in a range of punishments, including the revocation of computer privileges. The Medical University of South Carolina places a high value on the privacy of its students and visitors. This notice explains our online information policy and practices so that you can better protect your privacy. We’ve placed a link to this notification on every page of and to make it easier for you to find.
Giving out information is entirely up to you
Providing any information on our website is not required by law. Even yet, we cannot provide you with a number of services if we don’t route certain information to the proper parties. However, certain parts of our website may not function properly if your browser does not supply necessary technical information (such as Web “Cookies”). If you do not give the requested information for any optional information requested on the website, you may not be able to access the associated feature or service.
Please contact [email protected], [email protected], or the Prohibited Conduct Response Kind if you observe or encounter any form of Prohibited Conduct. This policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct will continue to guide our investigation and adjudication of cases. Please contact the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion or fill out an online form if you have any concerns about harassment or discrimination. The submission of this form can be done anonymously.
Security of Data is a Priority for Us
It is our goal to protect your personal information from unauthorised access, maintain data integrity and correct use in accordance with the policies of the MUSC and the laws and regulations of South Carolina. We have implemented appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to protect your personal information.
Contacting Us
Contact the webmaster at [email protected] if you have any additional questions or issues regarding these privacy policies and practices. State and federal laws govern our responsibilities with regard to the privacy and public records. In the state of South Carolina, medical records and personal health information are considered private and so exempt from public access under the state’s Freedom of Information and Open Meetings Acts.