The Modern Milkman Reviews: Goodbye, plastic, until we meet again. With online ordering as flexible as a limbo dancer and eco-friendly groceries brought straight to your door thanks to our milk round, it’s the ideal way to reduce waste. Our non-plastic produce is delivered in packaging that may be composted, recycled, or returned and reused, and our drinks are packaged in returnable glass bottles.
Every week, we’ll deliver locally sourced goods in sustainable packaging to your house, including freshly baked bread and farm-fresh eggs, as well as fresh fruit and vegetables. This cuts down on the number of trips to the store and the waste produced by single-use plastics. While waiting in line at the convenience store, you won’t be tempted to buy a bottle of wine or a box of chocolates! When the sun is shining, it’s time to put on your milk house. In warm weather, we provide plastic-free boxes and milkies to keep your goods cool, calm, and collected while also keeping them out of the reach of hungry animals. Isn’t this the case? Join your neighbors on our app or website to put waste, shell suits, mullets, and MSN Messenger in the past.
By supporting local farmers, dairy farmers, bakers, and other tasty treat producers, we have prevented nearly 91,000 wheelie bins of plastic from ending up in landfills or the ocean. We’ve just started. Every day, 8 million pieces of plastic enter landfills and our oceans, contaminating our drinking water, landscapes, and wildlife. This is a major issue. Furthermore, one-third of all food produced globally is thrown away, adding to the already catastrophic levels of greenhouse gas pollution on our home planet. However, there is a way out of this predicament. Using and abusing single-use plastics is perfectly acceptable.
Become Zero Hero after playing Modern Milkman
Is it too early to give the Modern Milkman a shot: Use the code HEROMUMZ at checkout to receive a 25% discount on your first Mumbler purchase. If you want a simple way to limit your consumption of single-use plastics, sign up for The Modern Milkman. They’ll collect your empty glass bottles, which include fresh milk, fruit juices, and traditional fizzy pop, once you’re finished. They also offer a wide range of fresh, high-quality foods in non-plastic packaging. Its bread packaging is made of a unique paper and plastic blend that can be recycled alongside the rest of the paper. This will assist environmentally aware shoppers.
Small-scale farmers and producers should be supported. The Modern Milkman helps independent farmers and suppliers. Three weekly deliveries ensure that their milk and other essentials such as eggs, fruit, and vegetables are fresh from the farm. Ordering milk has never been easier thanks to the Modern Milkman. The multiple purchasing options and online payment alternatives available on their website or mobile app make signing up a breeze. You may check your account balance immediately from your phone, rather than digging through your house for spare change.
There’s a lot to like about The Modern Milkman:
- They’re one of the few online grocery retailers that don’t utilize plastic packaging for the most part.
- They recycle and reuse their glass bottles and recyclable packaging to lessen their environmental impact.
- They support local dairies, farmers, and suppliers who aren’t giant companies.
- You can order fresh produce at any time during the week.
- You can place an order on their website or through their mobile app to have farm-fresh food delivered to your home three times a week.
- You have complete control over when, how, and even if you order because there is no obligation and ordering is flexible.
- Orders can be managed via their website or mobile app.
- Every day, before 7:30 a.m., the delivery arrives on schedule.

We’ve recently started buying our dairy products from a firm named “The Modern Milkman.” We were surprised to learn about them via the mail and decided to give them a chance! It was a chance for us to help a small business while also contributing to environmental protection. Modern Milkman’s current delivery areas are Leeds, Greater Manchester, and Lancashire. They’ve already placed three orders, and here’s how it works:
Make a name for yourself in the Business World
We’re a forward-thinking organization that’s fast-growing. The environmental issue, on the other hand, motivates us more than any stock price or KPI. We’re changing consumer habits for the better with innovative package return and reuse options that reduce plastic waste. You can have a beneficial impact on the environment and your job as a milkman. Using The Modern Milkman is a great decision; we love getting our fresh dairy products on Monday mornings!
What makes us want to wake up in the morning?
The Modern Milkman began as a neighborhood milk round, motivated by David Attenborough’s Blue Planet and the devastation caused by single-use plastics. That’s why, whether through doorstep deliveries or return and reuse programs, we’re always aiming to reduce the amount of packaging our customers have to throw away. We’ve grown into a large network of milkmen and women, as well as independent suppliers, all supported by cutting-edge mobile technology since we started with four friends and a van. However, there’s more to come. Our mission is to reset our throwaway society.
Use the Modern Milkman app or the company’s website,, to place an order. You can add one-time items to your weekly order, choose a delivery date, and even plan a delivery for the next day if you order before 8 p.m.! This supermarket sells milk, juice, milkshakes, fizzy drinks, cereal, fruits and vegetables, eggs, cream and butter, and even some pastries. There are numerous options available. We’ve tried their milkshake pack in the past, which came in pint-sized glass bottles with flavors including banana, strawberry, and chocolate…. They’re all delicious as well.
it’s a fantastic place to work, Development & Sustainability
We are concerned about the health of our workplace as well as the environment. That is why we ensure that our employees have everything they require to succeed. At The Modern Milkman, everyone has the right to the training and opportunities they need to succeed. That’s why we’re so excited to invest in your professional development. Employees at our organization are dedicated to environmental conservation and community involvement. ( We must be a constructive force in the world to be successful.

As we continue to grow at a rapid rate, opportunities exist. Ambition is the most powerful fuel on the planet, producing no greenhouse gases. And if you do, you’ll get a long way at The Modern Milkman. In Nottinghamshire, The Modern Milkman will shortly begin delivering milk to clients’ houses. A door-to-door delivery service will begin rolling out across Nottinghamshire on Monday, as previously reported on BBC Countryfile (April 27). The Modern Milkman has successfully moved traditional milk delivery into the twenty-first century in Manchester, Leeds, and East Lancashire.
Since its debut just over a year ago, the company has delivered plastic-free items to consumers’ doorsteps, such as glass-bottled milk. Covid-19 has become a popular choice for folks who prefer to be alone since its release. The Modern Milkman co-founder Simon Mellin says, “It was inspired by David Attenborough’s Blue Planet documentary on the catastrophe of plastic trash in our oceans.” The response to our offering has simply staggered us; it’s been overwhelming.