Martin Macdonald Rapid Weight Loss Calculator: Martin’s Mac-Nutrition, a successful nutrition consultant, offers desired long-term internships and weekend mentorships. He also designed Mac-Nutrition Uni, the UK’s first-ever evidence-based, online nutrition education, which can be completed at any time. His services have assisted Derby County Football Club, English Swimming, and other top sporting organizations.

Martin is a clinical performance nutritionist who works for British Weight Lifting, which oversees both the Olympic and Paralympic weightlifting teams in the United Kingdom. He has taught at both the University of Derby and the University of Derby as a guest professor on Loughborough University’s famed MSc Sport and Exercise Nutrition degree. You create the calorie deficit required for weight loss by limiting the number of calories your body can consume. Despite the lack of specific TEF effect values, protein has a significantly higher thermal effect than other macronutrients such as carbohydrates and lipids.
What kind of protein is best for losing weight?
If you’ve ever attempted to lose weight, you know how difficult it can be. You’re not alone when it comes to protein. Even if you’re trying to lose weight by cutting calories, picking a shake might be difficult. There will be no exaggerated claims in this piece since that is not how we roll at TPW towers when it comes to taking on whey protein and determining whether or not it can help you lose weight using just scientific evidence. We’ve compiled a list of the best whey protein products on the market right now for your convenience. Don’t forget to scroll down to the bottom for a list of some of our favorite weight-loss teas and infusions.
How to Lose Weight Using Different Protein Types
Whey Protein Concentrate: Whey protein concentrate is different from other whey products in that it has gone through a lot more processing. The amino acid concentration is conserved while the texture remains silky and smooth because whey concentrate is micro-filtered rather than boiled. Whey concentrate is undoubtedly the most popular protein on the market today.
Whey Protein Isolated from Cow’s Milk:
Whey Protein Isolate contains around 90% protein, making it a relatively lean supplement. It is high in protein and low in carbohydrates, calories, and fats, which is one of the reasons it is so popular in the weight-loss world. Fat, cholesterol, lactose, and carbohydrates are removed from whey isolate using a process known as ‘cross-flow micro-filtration,’ resulting in an ultra-pure protein supplement.
Is Whey Protein Beneficial for Weight Loss?
Let’s get down to the business at hand. Is there any scientific proof that whey protein can help you lose weight? So sit back and relax, but be warned: before you’ve finished reading this post, you’ll want to add a pouch to your shopping basket. Thank you for a job well done! The Protein WorksTM has all of the top whey protein drinks. Take a peek at our products below to see what we have to offer. If you’re interested in learning more about the health benefits of whey protein, here’s an article to keep you busy: “Health Benefits of Whey Protein.”

- Whey protein helps to control hunger and appetite.
- It’s been proven that whey protein boosts metabolism.
- A calorie shortage is aided by whey protein.
Whey Protein Reduces Hunger and Appetite
Whey protein has long been renowned for making you feel satiated for extended periods of time. In 2010, researchers looked at how much food people ate after drinking a whey protein shake. The other half were given a protein drink that included 13 percent, 25%, or 50% of the required daily protein consumption. The subjects were served a pasta-based lunch after 90 minutes, and the results revealed that those who had consumed the protein shake ate much less. Men were more influenced than women, and they ate 450 fewer calories on average than those who drank a placebo smoothie.
One of the reasons for this discovery is that studies have shown that drinking a protein shake increases appetite-suppressing hormones such as GLP-1 while also lowering levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin. Another study, by Leidy et al (2011), looked at the effects of high-protein meals on appetite and satiety in overweight and obese men. The individuals were urged to increase their protein intake to 25% of total calories, which helped to reduce cravings by 60% on average and late-night snacking by 50%. As though choosing the wrong protein drink could result in you gaining weight rather than reducing it, which would be the polar opposite of what you want.
Whey protein may help to boost metabolism
Whey protein smoothies are a simple and cost-effective way to increase your protein intake. If you’ve done any weight-loss research, you’re probably familiar with the phrase “metabolism.” Consuming a high protein diet throughout the day can result in an increase in metabolism and more calories expended (Veldhorst et al. 2009). One of the reasons protein can help you burn calories more efficiently is its ability to encourage lean muscle mass growth, especially during resistance training.
Unfortunately, this does not imply that you lose weight while eating (although that would be ideal), but rather that your body processes fewer calories because they have already been consumed, allowing you to store fewer calories, resulting in reduced calorie consumption.
Consuming Whey Protein can help with calorie Deficiency
In order to lose weight, you must be in a calorie deficit. You must expend more calories than you consume in order to maintain your weight loss. As a result, you start to lose weight as your body turns to fat for energy. Despite the fact that it appears to be a simple rule, some people fail to follow it. Even if you eat well and exercise often, you won’t lose weight until you’re in a calorie deficit. A high-protein diet may assist to suppress hunger hormones, preventing you from nibbling and so minimizing your calorie deficit. Whey protein has also been shown to reduce insulin and blood sugar levels while maintaining a constant level (Patel, 2015).

How to Get Enough Protein in Your Diet
If your blood sugar levels are too low, sugary or fatty meals may appeal to your body more. Although we can get all of our macronutrient needs from our diets, if weight loss is your primary goal, it’s practically impossible to lose weight without supplementing with protein powders — “Why You Need More Protein While Dieting” can explain this a little more. ( Martin’s delivery was simple and straightforward, making it easy to follow along. Simultaneously, he ensured that no one was left behind while he laid the foundation for his developing body of nutrition knowledge.
Martin suggests cutting people’s caloric intake to 800 calories per day for a few days each week so they can “do anything they want” over the weekend without jeopardizing their progress toward their goals. Some of Martin’s IBS patients are encouraged to fast for 36 hours. This would have been sacrilege to me prior to the weekend. According to Martin, it’s not uncommon for a client who tells you what they eat and drink to be urged to “just drink a little less” or “cut back on something.”