Jordan Peterson Diet Plan: Jordan Peterson claims that his fad diet is helpful in helping individuals lose weight and feel better. I can attest to the fact that it was awful after using it for a week. When I started my carnivorous diet, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. At the time, it seemed like a decent idea. I had no clue when I started this trip that it would finish with me losing a considerable amount of weight, exhaustion, and a Nutrition professor warning me that I was at risk of getting scurvy.

It all started innocently enough
Jordan Peterson, the disillusioned male’s favorite academic and popular book, was interviewed on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, where Elon Musk recently smoked weed. The release of Peterson’s self-help book, 12 Rules for Life, in January created quite a stir. During their interview, the two talked about it. When comedian and fitness enthusiast Joe Rogan saw Peterson, he remarked on how trim he appeared. Peterson clarified the situation. He gained weight as a result of this. I just eat beef, salt, and water.” It’s as simple as that. Ever. Peterson said, “Not even a little. (Rybelsus) ” Mikhaila, his daughter, had started him on the diet, and he’d already shed 60 pounds. In addition, his stress and depression had subsided.
Bring on the steak on the first day
In an interview, Mikhaila Peterson says, “I had intestinal troubles.” Diarrhea persisted for six weeks. I contacted her on the morning of my first beef day to ask for some advice on my new diet. Mikhaila, now 26, suffered severe arthritis as a child. She isn’t a doctor, thus her diet was the first step in her attempt at self-healing. A gluten-free diet was followed by an “elimination diet,” in which common allergens were removed before being reintroduced. Mikhaila tried a number of different diets before deciding on a zero-carb diet based on greens and meat. She then took the greens out of the refrigerator. The remaining meat, with the exception of beef, was thereafter devoured.
My bowels were having a bad day on second day
Mikhaila’s prophecy comes true in 24 hours. There is only one bathroom cubicle at work. It’s also completely free. The lack of a window in the cubicle is bad for an innocent man who needs to use the restroom right after I finish. I tell a coworker about what happened as soon as I return to work. ‘Stop dieting,’ she suggests because she doesn’t want to find out. What if the early explorers had simply given up? I pose the hypothetical question. She calls me a knucklehead.
This medication has other side effects besides my bowels. This morning, I’m exhausted. I’m grumpy at my desk, unable to concentrate. It’s even worse than usual. I’m also hungry as if that wasn’t enough. I chose three beef sticks as my morning meal because I didn’t have time to cook meat this morning. I’ve lost some weight after three days, but I’m exhausted. ‘I’ve only been on the diet for three days, but my waistline has already changed.’ I am an early riser. My skin is much greasier than usual, and my hair, clothes, and kitchen all smell like beef. This is the truth I’ve been told. A window has now been opened. It has no impact at all.
I just can’t bring myself to buy more beef because it will make me feel even worse. I send Cindy, my next-door neighbor, an SMS to see if she has anything to say. She claims to be in Sin City, but then sends me a flurry of panicked texts, asking if I’ve noticed a strong odor coming from her place. To be honest, I’m currently only eating meat. She says she has some beef in her freezer if I want it. While the beef sticks are still available, eat them all.

Day four: Cow-like symptoms and visions
In a dream this morning, I found myself in the body of a cow. I was invited to travel to Vermont this morning to conduct an interview with a female candidate for governor. The fridge is stocked with beef! My boss has been notified. He’s not sure why that matters to anyone. My experiment has not been revealed to him. Take a cab to the airport, pack a bag with beef sticks, and board the plane. I fall asleep on the way and wake up feeling depressed. I’m not depressed as a result of anything that has occurred. But I’m exhausted and feeling sorry for myself, so I’m going to take a break.
On Day 5, “sleep and more sleep” is the order of the Day
My trip to Vermont will now consist of two legs. At 6 a.m., the steak I had planned to cook and eat awoke me. This is not correct. We’re going out to eat for lunch in Burlington. Only a steak is served. I drive 45 minutes to sleep in the car after interviewing a governor’s candidate. Tonight, we’ve decided to have dinner together. The rest of the group will be eating sandwiches and mac and cheese. Because the restaurant does not provide meat, I order two hamburgers with no bun, salad, sauce, or sides.
It’s day six of nutritionist vs. nutritionist, and she’s ready to fight!
Please contact a nutritionist. Lisa Sasson, a clinical nutrition expert at New York University, had read about the diet before I could ask her about it. As one patient put it, “I couldn’t even ride my bike two kilometers without passing out.” “It’s absurd. The situation is absurd,” Sasson declares. I find these claims ridiculous. ” This is 50 times worse than Atkins. When it comes to diets, this is the worst I’ve ever heard of. To me, it’s astounding someone would believe that something like this has any value.” Fruits and vegetables are well-known for their nutritional value. Plant-based foods are where you acquire most of your nutrients. “There’s nothing here at all.”
It’s easy to mistake Peterson, who hails from Toronto, for one of the many growing semi-celebrities with a miraculous story of self-healing—who post pictures of themselves in bikinis and peddle a supplement, a book, a tonic, or a compression garment. The daughter of Jordan Peterson, a pop psychologist who has sparked controversy, is a rising star in her own right. (We’ll get to that in a minute.) When it comes to extra-professional health advice, though, Peterson is pushing it to the extreme: She’s providing one-on-one therapy sessions at $75 per half hour for folks who want to stop eating practically everything.
Peterson appears to be able to help those in need
As a result of his lack of training or credentials in nutrition or medicine, Peterson appears to be able to help those in need. Her Instagram bio reads, “Check out my blog or Facebook page for information on treating weight loss, depression, and autoimmune problems with nutrition!” “Many (if not most) health problems are treated with diet alone,” the blog, “Don’t Eat That,” declares at the top. Her comments are “not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment,” as the disclaimer at the bottom of the page states.

Dietary rules offer limits, good or bad, that help people define the self. Those who are willing to impose such rules, whether they be dietary or otherwise, are sure to be noticed. In an interview with Tucker Carlson in which he highlighted “why the left seeks to stifle conservative ideas,” Fox News dubbed Peterson “the left’s public enemy number one.” Peterson’s ideas have been amplified almost constantly in the last year, so to have been alive during that time is a rare privilege.
The allure of a strict code for eating—a way to divide the world into good foods and bad foods, angels and demons—may be especially strong at a time when order feels in short supply. Any and every nutritional advice or rule for life can be beneficial, as long as a person believes in them and has a group of like-minded devotees who support them. Developing a code that is in line with scientific data about what is good and evil, as well as what is best for the world, is a difficult challenge to overcome.