Jordan Peterson Banned From Twitter: He has chosen to abandon Twitter in response to Jordan Peterson’s Criticism of a woman’s body. Jordan Peterson has declared his decision to leave Twitter due to the “endless torrent” of insults he receives there. In an “experiment,” Peterson decided to stop using Twitter for three weeks to see whether it would make his life better. However, when he did start using it again, he discovered that things had “immediately worsened.”

The comments came after he was criticized for calling Yumi Nu’s Sports Illustrated cover “not attractive” and asserting that “no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.” He didn’t expand on who or what he was making the comments in response to. Peterson tweeted that he will once more “depart” from Twitter and that he has plans to write an article describing his issues with the social media site as it is right now. I’ve recently taken a three-week sabbatical from Twitter to run an experiment.” I requested that a few of my coworkers provide the rest of the team with YouTube videos and other information.
Being able to unwind and have fun again was a genuine relief. My newfound interest caused me to read and write more frequently. “I started using it again a few days ago and I would say that my life got worse almost immediately,” Peterson continued. “I’ve never experienced anything like the never-ending stream of venomous. I like to follow individuals I know, but the platform’s incentive system makes me worry about my mental well-being. I’ve told my staff to change the password on my account so I can resist temptation, and I’m on my way out the door. If I have anything to say about something, I’ll write an article or make a video.
I’ll say goodbye to my pal Peterson once more:
The number of times the tearful philosopher has left Twitter has been recorded. When someone uses Twitter to express their displeasure with Twitter, they are displaying both their commitment to the platform and how well it functions. The “cranks” who complain that the social network “censors” their “free expression” don’t seem to understand how ironic it is that they criticize the company day in and day out while getting no repercussions from the purportedly autocratic leadership of the business. On the contrary, they frequently find participation and influence on the very platform they are criticizing.

If the problem isn’t critical enough to justify the effort, it might be best to leave it to go.” Peterson ends his intended piece on the “technical reasons that Twitter is bothersome” with a last “bye for now” tweet. Peterson left the last message, but he continued to tweet a few more times, including three retweets of the notorious “Libs of TikTok” account, which was accused of dissing the LGBTQ+ community with its posts. Peterson. Just hours before he announced his leave, Peterson came under fire for tweeting about Nu, the first Asian-American plus-size model to grace the cover of Sports Illustrated.
John Fugelsang, a comedian, tweeted in reaction to Jordan Peterson’s claim that Yumi Nu is “not attractive”: “Jordan Peterson gets to offer this judgment of Yumi Nu cuz he’s simply so god-damn good looking.” Or, as actor Ralph Garman put it in a letter: “Or you might just state that,” you could say, “That’s not for me.” When anger reaches a boiling pitch, it might be put out for a moment. The hater realizes that the critic’s actions are more akin to self-hatred or self-harm. Then, at long last, they declare a Twitter break.
Self-described “intellectual dark web” hacker Peterson
Even self-described “intellectual dark web” hacker Jordan Peterson, whose best-selling book is filled with nonsense about gender and his perverted readings of the Bible, often complains about Twitter. Despite the fact that Anonymous accounts have served as a shelter for “scoundrels and fiends,” the author has expressed his annoyance at having to read unapproved information. He was worried about being banned from the website after saying that immunizations can spread COVID-19. No, he wasn’t. According to fellow thief Bari Weiss in a column he posted, “Twitter will get a lot worse.”

You might assume that the present uproar was caused by his announcement of a hiatus this week if there is no proof to the contrary. Instead, it was a final howl of rage over the controversy he caused by referring to Yumi Nu, the Sports Illustrated cover girl, as “not attractive.” After receiving harsh and justified criticism for his revulsion over a woman’s huge thighs, Peterson was forced to come to the realization that Twitter is irreparably broken. If you can’t even criticize a gorgeous person’s physique without drawing flak for your own appearance,
How can you possibly explain having almost 3 million loving followers? What heck has turned into?
He needs to say farewell now. As the sign-off states, he is just “departing once again,” which is a funny admission. This emotional farewell is neither his first nor his last. People like Peterson, who make such declarations with all the smarm and pretense of wisdom, fail to actually “stop” Twitter when they do so. He continued to post material from Libs of TikTok, an account committed to harassing and spreading hate toward the LGBTQ community, on Twitter at least twelve times after claiming to have lost access to the account. Even more, he made a lengthy post promising about how Twitter is a waste of time.
“I recently stopped browsing Twitter for three weeks as experiment”
I asked a few of my workers to add things like video links. Being able to unwind and have fun again was a genuine relief. My reading and writing increased, too. I recently started using it again, and as soon as I did, things drastically changed in my life. Peterson was no stranger to controversy when he first rose to popularity in 2016 for openly criticizing Canadian laws intended to outlaw discrimination based on “gender identity or gender expression.” In a series of YouTube videos, Peterson argues that this law infringes on the right to free speech and rejects the preferred pronouns of transgender and non-binary people.
A year later, Peterson’s daughter Mikhaila posted on YouTube that her father had been admitted to a hospital in Russia due to his dependence on the anxiety drug benzodiazepines. In 2020, Mikhaila Peterson (pictured above with her father) claimed that her father had turned suicidal as a result of his severe dependence on anti-anxiety medications. His benzodiazepine dosage was raised throughout that summer, but it didn’t help; he just continued raising it until he was almost entirely dependent on the drugs.
Peterson decided to seek therapy for his mental health issues in Russia after trying in vain to find a solution in Canada, stating the belief of his family that “I was likely going to die in Toronto.” The staff of Penguin Random House made an effort to stop the publication of his book at this point, branding him a “symbol of white supremacy and hate speech” for his recent run of divisive statements. He stated in an interview in 2017 that “the idea of white privilege is completely repulsive and it is not because white people are not privileged.”