Https //Itx.ekhuft.nhs.ukpatheks: Blood tests must now be scheduled in advance for all patients. We regret to inform you that the walk-in service is no longer available. Please visit to make an Appointment (the link is external). If you are unable to book online, please call 01227 206739 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please note that this phone number is only for individuals who are unable to schedule blood tests through the aforementioned website.

In addition to adult blood testing, we also offer this service to children as young as five years old. Patients who require a blood test are referred to our clinics by their primary care physician (PCP). Fasting for your blood test is a leaflet that gives information about fasting before a blood test. ( More information on the tests we offer can be found in our supplemental patient pamphlets. We cannot process the sample if the patient and the requester are the same person (self-requests) or have a close personal relationship (family/friends). Every NHS employee should have a primary care physician (PCP) who is not a family member.
Please call 01227 206739 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. if you are unable to make a reservation through this portal (Monday through Friday). Please note that this phone number is only for individuals who are unable to schedule blood tests through the aforementioned website. When a primary care physician requests a glucose tolerance test, and Ambulatory Care visit is established. Please remember to bring your completed documentation with you if you are having a blood test. If you don’t bring this form with you, your exam may be canceled and you’ll have to reschedule.
Where do you think you’ll find us?
Turn left at the back of the outpatient department (on the right as you enter the complex from Ethelbert Road) to get to the main hospital corridor. The pathology department is located around 100 yards down the rail on the right side of Station 7. Turn right and walk past the casualty and fracture clinic section from the 1937 building down the link corridor (major ward area on the left side of the hospital complex). If you want to continue your journey, there is a lift or a flight of stairs at the end of this corridor. Pathology is around 20 yards on the left side of the main corridor (location 7).

Update on the Coronavirus for Maternity Care Facilities
We place a high premium on the safety of new mothers, newborns, and families. As a result, we apologize for any trouble this has caused. However, we prioritize the safety of you, your child, and your loved ones. If you’ve been diagnosed with Coronavirus, please let your midwife or maternity team know so that we can protect you and your baby. If you have no or just mild symptoms, you will be told to recover at home. You may need to be admitted to the hospital for treatment if your health worsens.
X-rays and appointments
During the COVID-19 pandemic, all NHS Trusts struggled to keep hospital visitors to a minimum. During pregnancy, the repercussions of these decisions were usually felt the most acutely. As a result of the relaxation of lockdown limitations, we can now ask a support person to attend every antenatal appointment and scan during your pregnancy. We want to make sure that everyone understands that for their safety, they can only bring one partner to the scans and visits. Two people can be present for the birth, and one of them can stay in the postnatal/antenatal unit 24 hours a day.
Those with COVID-19 symptoms are asked not to visit the hospital. All visitors, regardless of whether they are patients or visitors, must apply hand gel before entering and exiting a hospital ward or department. To foster social separation, please arrive no earlier than 10 minutes prior to your planned appointment time. Keep in mind that if the waiting area cannot be kept socially isolated, your support person may be required to wait outside the department before the appointment.
Face coverings
Everyone entering the hospital, even pregnant patients and your birth partner, must wear a face covering. This is for your own safety as well as the safety of other patients and healthcare professionals. Face masks can be constructed of cloth or by hand, and the government’s website has instructions on how to put one on and how to make one. When entering and exiting the hospital, as well as during checkups and scans, all patients must disguise their faces. Your birth partner must wear a face mask throughout labor, even in private rooms and behind curtains. Protective gear will be worn by those who will be looking after you.

Witnesses and birth Companions
You can have two selected birthing partners with you during your labor and delivery. You can only have one birthing partner with you in the hospital after the birth, and they can stay overnight. All visitors are prohibited to prevent the transmission of sickness. Antenatal lessons are classes for pregnant women. For the time being, pregnancy programs have been canceled, but you can still participate in free online sessions. This package includes coverage for your pregnancy, labor, birth, and your baby. NHS midwives, health visitors, and clinical psychologists collaborated on pregnancy and childbirth education resources.
Our maternity units at QEQM and William Harvey hospitals are now closed to visits and drop-ins, but video tours of our maternity units are available through the MOMA app and on our website here. The information regarding birth partners and visiting directions on these films have been changed as a preventive measure to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
At-home births
We’re overjoyed to be able to give birth again in the privacy of our own homes. If you want to give birth at home, you should talk to your Community Midwife beforehand. Everyone who wishes to give birth at home will have a full discussion about their birth plan with a community midwife.
Blood tests are Performed
Blood tests must now be scheduled in advance for all patients. We regret to inform you that the walk-in service is no longer available. Appointments can be booked by going to and filling in your information. If you are unable to book online, please contact 01227 206739 to make a reservation. Please note that this phone number is only for individuals who are unable to schedule blood tests through the aforementioned website.
Attendees at Covid-19 received the following message from Maternity Voices Partnership:
The changes made by Covid-19 to prenatal care may make it seem even more frightening to expectant moms and fathers who are about to become parents. It might be challenging to keep up with all of this information and how it affects your care as a new mother. At this time, Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) is an outstanding resource. Several Kent MVPs have long-standing relationships with local hospitals, birthing centers, midwives, and maternity chiefs of staff.
MVPs are accessible to answer any concerns you may have, and they are also creating a list of private and non-profit birthing professionals that can offer telephone and video chat guidance on topics such as breastfeeding, pregnancy, birth, and postpartum care. Discover your MVP on Facebook using the links below, “like” the page to receive updates, and feel free to ask them any questions you have about the game you play.