How To Harvest Young Spring Bamboo: Young Spring Bamboo DIY Recipes: Where to Find Them & When to Use Them. Young Spring Bamboo is a seasonal crafting resource in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) that is only available during the Spring Season. In this guide, you will learn how to obtain Young Spring Bamboo as well as all of the bamboo items that can be made using it.

How to Grow Spring Bamboo from a Young Plant
Animal Crossing: New Horizons requires you to obtain Young Spring Bamboo. The Spring Season runs from February 25th to May 31st in the Northern Hemisphere and from August 25th to November 30th in the Southern Hemisphere, therefore you’ll need to be playing throughout that time period. It’s possible to obtain Young Spring Bamboo throughout the spring by just hitting a mature Bamboo Tree with an axe! Nook Miles Tickets can be used to visit a random mystery island, or they can be grown on your own island if you have planted a Bamboo Shoot. Bamboo Trees can be found both on mystery islands and on your own island.
In the event that you smash a bamboo tree with an axe, both regular year-round bamboo and seasonal Young Spring bamboo will fall from the bamboo tree at random. When you hit a tree, according to our research, you have a 33 percent probability of causing Young Spring Bamboo to fall from the tree. If you don’t want to cut down the bamboo tree and instead want to keep it for future use, you should use either a Flimsy Axe or a Stone Axe to do the cutting. Bamboo crafting materials can be obtained from a bamboo tree once per day, in the same way, that wood can be obtained from regular trees.
Create a farm of Bamboo Trees
If you want to be able to obtain a large quantity of Young Spring Bamboo in order to craft a variety of items, it might be worthwhile to consider establishing a Bamboo Tree farm on your island. To speed up the process, you can eat fruit and use Fruit Energy to directly dig up entire Bamboo Trees from a mysterious island, allowing you to completely skip growing bamboo yourself.
After that, you can return to your home island and begin planting them on a well-organized farm, similar to the one shown in the example image above. After that, you can harvest Bamboo and Young Spring Bamboo from the trees on a daily basis by chopping down the trees with your axe. Outside of the spring season, how to grow young spring bamboo. While Young Spring Bamboo can only be found naturally on bamboo trees during the spring season of the game, you can travel to other player islands during this time if your island is not in the spring season.
For example, if you’re playing in the Southern Hemisphere during the late summer or early fall, you might be able to obtain Young Spring Bamboo from a friend who’s playing in the Northern Hemisphere during the same time period. Players who have accumulated a large amount of the Young Spring Bamboo crafting material may be able to trade with one another online outside of the season if they have stored it away in their house storage or other locations, so you may be able to trade with other players who have accumulated the resource outside of the season.

Exhausted all other Possibilities
Finally, if you have exhausted all other possibilities, you can always time travel to a specific date during the spring season. Time travel to a date in March, April, or May in the Northern Hemisphere is recommended for this region of the world. For the Southern Hemisphere, time travel should take place sometime between September and November. A comprehensive list of all Young Spring Bamboo Furniture and Item DIY Crafting Recipes can be found here.
In Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH), you can craft a variety of fun items that are only available with Young Spring Bamboo seasonal materials. These items include furniture, tools, accessories, and other useful items. Bamboo in Animal Crossing New Horizons is a more fashionable alternative to simple trees, and it can be used for decoration, resource gathering, and the creation of new and unique items. In this article, we’ll show you how to obtain bamboo pieces as well as fresh spring bamboo, which you may use to create new products.
The Best Way to Obtain Bamboo Pieces in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Obtainable by slashing bamboo stalks with an axe and collecting up the broken parts that fall to the ground in New Horizons, bamboo acts in a similar way as the various types of wood. Planting your own bamboo stalks can also be accomplished by obtaining Bamboo Shoots, which are small brown pods that can be planted in holes that have been dug. It will take three days for bamboo shoots to appear in that location if they are not dug up and given enough room to flourish.
The Best Places to Look for Bamboo Pieces
Bamboo does not grow natively on any of the game’s first islands, and it is not available for purchase. Instead, you’ll have to go out and hunt for it by visiting mystery islands, some of which will have bamboo growing on them, as part of your quest. When it comes to making the most of a bamboo island, there are three main approaches: Harvest bamboo pieces by striking the stalks with any axe until the stalks are no longer producing any more pieces.

Eat fruit and dig up whole stalks of broccoli with a shovel. Bamboo shoots can be found by digging up the marked areas around the base of the mature bamboo. Doing so and filling your inventory will give you both the resources to build the various bamboo-based recipes, as well as planting your own stalks at home, whether it’s to add a certain flair to your island or just keep farming from them.
How to Grow Spring Bamboo from a Young Plant
It’s worth noting that Animal Crossing distinguishes between regular bamboo pieces and young spring bamboo, both of which have different applications in different recipes. You can also obtain young spring bamboo in the same manner, by striking a stalk with your axe, but you must do so during the spring months (March-May in the Northern Hemisphere and September-November in the Southern Hemisphere). If this is the case, there is a good chance that it will drop young spring bamboo each time you hit it, which looks identical to the mature bamboo but has a lighter green coloration to it. If you’re currently in the Spring season, we recommend harvesting as much of this as you can to help you get through the remainder of the year without going hungry.
DIY Recipes for Bamboo and How to Get It
DIY bamboo recipes can be obtained in the same way that other recipes are obtained, such as by collecting bottles on the beach, shooting down balloons, or conversing with villagers in the local language. The use of bamboo in cooking has been documented in at least a dozen recipes, including special walls and floors, as well as a lamp that is designed to look like a bamboo shoot.