How Old Is Derek Garraway: Draper was Kathryn Mary Draper. Garraway MBE (born 4 May 1967) is an English broadcaster and journalist. While working for ITV News Central in the 1990s, Garraway became a co-host of ITV News Meridian. She co-hosted GMTV from 2000 until 2010. Garraway is currently the host of Smooth Radio’s Mid Mornings with Kate Garraway and the newsreader and co-Anchor of ITV’s Good Morning Britain on Thursdays and Fridays.

The beginnings of a Person’s Life
A civil servant and a teacher, Garraway’s father and mother were both employed by the government. Dunmore Primary School and Fitzharry’s School in Abingdon were her primary and secondary schools, respectively. The following year, she earned a Bachelor of Arts in English and History from Bath College of Higher Education (now known as Bath Spa University).
Career \sTelevision
A production journalist, reporter, and news presenter, Garraway began working on the ITV News Central South edition in 1989. ITV Meridian’s South East edition of ITV News Meridian was co-hosted by her in 1996 when a manager “talent saw” her on ITV Central while she was presenting a three-minute bulletin. The next year, Garraway joined Martin Stanford on Sunrise on Sky News. As of September 2000, Garraway was co-hosting GMTV Today with Andrew Castle (and Thursdays later on).
Fiona Phillips and Emma Crosby subsequently took over Garraway’s presenting duties. With Ben Shephard, she co-hosted GMTV on Mondays, Tuesdays, and alternating Wednesdays from 2009 until 2012. Eamonn Holmes, John Stapleton, and Dan Lobb were among the other co-hosts Garraway worked with at GMTV. Last night, she performed her final show. (
Derek Draper’s Recovery from effects of Covid
As Derek Draper continues to recuperate from Covid, Kate Garraway says a ‘new path’ is emerging for the couple. As Derek Draper’s recovery from the effects of coronavirus progresses slowly, Kate Garraway says she has discovered a new way to be in love with her husband. As she confesses in a new interview with You magazine, the TV star’s feelings with the political lobbyist turned psychiatrist have evolved since he was infected with the virus in March 2020.
This is a new way to be in love, adds the Good Morning Britain host, and I don’t think we have ever fallen out of love. His faith in me is immense. “Whatever you think” is a beautiful thing to say, yet it makes me cry. “God, I hope I’m worthy of that trust,” I think to myself. I, on the other hand, am not going to let him down. Isn’t that the definition of a relationship? Couples distrust each other countless times. This is a good thing to come out of this, to have that certainty of each other. My relationship with him is quite close.’
She won a National Television Award last year for Finding Derek, an emotional documentary about her family’s struggle while Derek spent 13 months in a medically induced coma. It also showed Derek’s suicidal thoughts, which he currently struggles with due to his deteriorating condition. Kate responds, ‘I can still see that in him.’ Then again, we don’t know how to help him until we figure it out.’ She has been Derek’s primary caregiver since his release from the hospital last April and says that while her husband is often ‘lost and confused,’ she is encouraged by glimpses of his former self.

The emotional ups and downs are exhausting for her, but she believes they are even more so for him because he has to deal with them every day. “Being in his body must be so much worse than the impact it has on the children and me,” I thought to myself. Derek, 54, gathered the courage to accompany his wife Kate and their children Darcey 15, and Billy 12, to an emotional showing of the play, as reported by The Mail on Sunday in December. New ITV Life Stories host Kate says it was “wonderful” for Derek to be able to sit there and be with his kids.
A few days before, he’d Mutter me, “Is Pantomime day?”
‘So he was definitely aware of it, and he was adamant about completing it. We were fortunate that it wasn’t too long, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t exhausting. There was a good balance between keeping him healthy and providing him with new experiences.’
She is optimistic about the future: Derek is still with the family and they are still trying to figure out how he’s doing and what to do about it and where to go next. ‘Derek is here with us,’ she says. There are days and nights that are extremely difficult, but I have a lot of faith in myself.’
Kate Garraway’s career is soaring as spring arrives. There is something amusing about it, isn’t there?’ Her husband Derek, who was diagnosed with Covid two years ago and still requires 24-hour care, says the Good Morning Britain presenter, has never been more in demand professionally. In spite of this, she continues to find things for which to be thankful. Do you know how many nights in a row I prayed, “Please let him live?” He did live and is now back at home, so anything else is just icing on the cake.”
This morning, 54-year-old Kate came straight from the TV studios where she worked as a breakfast host. With a piercing beauty and an intensity befitting her situation, she weighs every question before responding. During her time away from Derek and their two children, Darcey, 15, and Billy, 12, she hosts Good Morning Britain twice a week as well as a show on Smooth Radio every day. A medical series for the BBC, a replacement for Piers Morgan on Life Stories, and a follow-up documentary on Derek since he returned home are just some of the new shows she’s about to launch.
Contributions to broadcasting and Charitable Causes
Kate was also recognized in the New Year’s list for her contributions to broadcasting and charitable causes.. ‘My feelings toward the MBE are strange and mixed. It’s a treat for me, especially now, when things are so bleak. as well as receiving it together with what you want to be doing.’ After winning a National Television Award last year for her heartfelt documentary Finding Derek, Kate was awarded an MBE for her efforts to raise awareness about mental illness.

Everyone who has been moved by Derek’s tale, the political adviser-turned-psychotherapist-turned-author who contracted Covid early in the pandemic before doctors realized what they were dealing with, will be updated in a forthcoming documentary. He spent months in a coma and is still mostly bedridden, with only a few words spoken in a whisper. It was Kate’s hope that Derek would return home and that they could rediscover their love for one another in the first, profoundly moving film. It hasn’t occurred to me yet. ‘I believe we have arrived.’ It is possible that we have never fallen out of love, but I believe there is a new way to be in love emerging.’
When and where does it appear? His faith in me is immense. “Whatever you think,” he simply responds. That’s wonderful, but I’m prone to shedding a few tears. “God, I hope I’m worthy of that trust,” I think to myself. However, I’m not going to let him down.’ She pauses for a moment to consider her options. ‘Isn’t that already the beginning of a relationship? Couples distrust each other countless times. Having that trust in one another is a good thing to come out of this. My relationship with him is quite close.’