General Hospital Preempted Today: General Hospital’s June 16, 2022 episode was first delayed and then canceled. Attention, “General Hospital” fans. We’re very sure that most of you tuned in to ABC on June 16, 2022, expecting to see the most recent episode of General Hospital, and were shocked to discover that it wasn’t on. It appears that more hearings were held about the incidents that occurred on January 6, 2021, involving former US President Donald Trump.

The claim that Trump had pushed former Vice President Mike Pence to rig the 2020 election was on the agenda for today’s proceedings. At a time when the networks were supposed to be airing their daytime dramas, this week’s congressional hearings were broadcast LIVE on ABC, NBC, and CBS. Therefore, the General Hospital episode scheduled for June 16, 2022, has been postponed or canceled. We checked the General Hospital Twitter account as a result, and it immediately posted a statement about today’s preemption. They’re telling us that on Friday, June 17, 2022, at 1 p.m. Central Standard Time, the program from tomorrow will air.
Due to ongoing breaking news coverage, General Hospital will air tomorrow rather than today, they noted. You could have seen the tweet on General Hospital’s official Twitter account. As it happens every year, nasty comments from irate fans flooded the General Hospital Twitter page. Teresa misspelled her own name. Tweeter @tlb658 stated, “Even though this isn’t breaking news, it belongs on news websites. The fact that @abc doesn’t care about its fans is nothing new.” URL for Twitter This is unacceptable to me, Virginia Williams@Vee1059 wrote. My daily hour of television watching is interrupted by things that belong on the news. I’m not enjoying myself at all.
When did soap operas ever cease to be broadcast?
Why does @ABC presume that we are too illiterate to find a news source? On Twitter, Amanda@KansasPhoto enquired. What do you desire to learn? Please allow me my hour of rest! On Twitter, the hashtag is “#GH.” Preemptions will continue because more hearings are scheduled, according to a prediction made by John Walter Seip@johnwalterseip in an interview. He noted: “The episode from Thursday thus airs on Friday. Many thanks.” On Monday, the Friday program will be replayed. Tuesday at 1 PM EDT, there will be another hearing. The Genie Francis episode, which was supposed to air on Monday, won’t actually air until June 22, 2022, on Wednesday.
If it isn’t preempted once more, ABC has planned today’s postponed show to air at roughly 1 p.m. Central Standard Time on Friday, June 17, 2022. Let’s start this show now. Once this recent article has come to a close, stay tuned for more “General Hospital” TV news. (Tramadol) General Hospital usually airs on ABC from Monday through Friday at 1 p.m. central standard time. Even though many soap opera viewers are accustomed to commercial breaks and preemptions, if you ask them, they still get upset when their favorite show isn’t on. Additionally, the episode of GENERAL HOSPITAL airing on October 6 has been preempted nationwide.
The soap opera announced on its official Twitter account that “today’s scheduled episode of GH will now broadcast tomorrow” due to ongoing breaking news coverage. If there was no news coverage in your area, ABC aired a repeat of a show from November 2020. In order to keep up with all the excitement, soap fans who live in areas where soap is simply preempted may need to find the episode they missed online or on-demand. Due to a national preemption, the episode of General Hospital that was originally scheduled to air on October 6 will now air on Thursday, October 7. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about in terms of the supporters. You won’t know what’s happening until tomorrow!

Don’t miss a single second of the action on GH
As Carly and Jason continue to work through their unresolved feelings, Sonny is attempting to reclaim his life in Port Charles, Anna and Robert are collaborating to find Drew (and now Valentin! ), and Maxie and Brook Lynn are having trouble concealing their baby exchange. In addition, Maxie and Brook Lynn are having trouble keeping their baby exchange a secret. Be sure to tune in and double-check your DVR in case ABC airs a replay and viewers discover that their DVR failed to capture the subsequent episode of GH. The episode of GH that was supposed to air today will run on Thursday, October 7 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.
The lunchtime broadcast schedule has once again been disturbed by hearings examining the attack on the Capitol Building on January 6. A preemptive programming choice will result in the nationwide broadcast of GENERAL HOSPITAL on Thursday, June 16. General Hospital tweeted to its followers that this morning’s episode has been postponed due to “ongoing breaking news coverage.” The good news is that because of the nationwide preemption, no one will see today’s broadcast until the following evening. Therefore, there is no need to look for the show on or Hulu because it won’t be there.
You might watch an encore episode of an old show when GH starts playing in your area if the proceedings are over by then. Nothing seems to be wrong. The show will pick up precisely where it left off on Wednesday on Friday, June 17. Preemptions like this can cause your DVR to skip over the next episode, so even if you record it to watch later, you should absolutely check it for Friday! For any alterations or updates to the schedules of your favorite soap operas, keep an eye on
However, because of the approaching holiday season, “General Hospital” might be canceled. Anyone who watches General Hospital is aware that the program will periodically be interrupted. Sadly, it seems like this week will be one of those times. Christmas is a time for excitement for everyone, even the networks. This week, General Hospital may be one of the episodes that are preempted.
The show will also be canceled on Christmas Eve itself
There won’t be a new episode of General Hospital showing on Christmas Eve, which will disappoint fans of the show. This week, there will only be four days of brand-new episodes. On Christmas Eve, a rerun of the program from February 23, 2021, will air. According to, they were both available to lend support when Anna called Peter and Maxie contacted Nina on the same day.
It will be odd to view certain earlier episodes of the show because the plot has already been set. The perfect opportunity to get some much-needed R&R will be the following week because it will be so high drama in Port Charles.
Is a date determined for the release of new “GH” episodes?
According to Celeb Dirty Laundry, General Hospital will start showing new episodes again on December 27. There will be plenty of drama at that time if you haven’t already caught up. The website claims that Nina’s fraud case would take a “dramatic turn” if Sonny agreed to testify in her favor. The teasers suggest that Sonny’s testimony will result in the case against her being dropped. She still has to deal with Carly’s fury, so the drama is far from done.
Conversely, Curtis Ashford will work with Drew Cain, a strange ally, in an effort to get to the bottom of things. While Leo Falconeri (Easton Rocket Sweda) receives his evaluation results, Liesl will surprise Britt Westbourne (Kelly Thiebaud) with a gift. The next two weeks will be jam-packed with excitement because New Year’s Eve celebrations are also scheduled.
The upcoming weeks at General Hospital seem to be going to be a lot of fun.