Youtube Thomas Levac Philippe Bond: Thomas Levac, a Comedian, accuses Philippe Bond of rape lives on YouTube. According to a YouTube video, Thomas Levac became upset during a podcast interview at the Emerging Humor Festival in Abitibi-Témiscamingue and repeatedly declared that Philippe Bond was a kidnapper. A loud “Philip Bond!” was shouted. How about taking a ride in my chariot? Han! Han, don’t worry! Philippe Bond is a serial rapist! When he invites women to get out of his automobile, you decline.
For Levac, who is a comedian and also has a podcast, “never forget that,” he adds. To me, it is irrelevant. This man doesn’t really impress me. Philippe Bond screams, “Screw Philippe Bond!” in front of the crowd and other guests before sitting back down. In the YouTube clip, he doesn’t go into further detail about the rape or rapes he believes Bond committed. In any case, it is important to take these allegations seriously and it is still too early to anticipate how the coming days will pan out. However, shortly after the video became public, Philippe Bond reacted to the allegations. Levac’s assertions have been exposed as “false” in a statement shared on Facebook and Instagram.
Sadly, there are many more serious incidents that remain untold, which is unfortunate. Recently, there have been a number of horror stories have been made public. Just now, a comedian spread a false rumor about me. In the first lines of his brand-new book, a comedian declares: “Today I get up and scream my innocence loud and clear. I will not allow myself to be accused without defending myself, he says in all capital letters, as if to emphasize that he has never been an attacker and never will be. In May of last year, Philippe Bond admitted to driving while intoxicated. The comedian had acknowledged getting behind the wheel while above the legal limit of intoxication in March in Rivière-du-Loup.
Philippe Bond declares that abuse is not his fault:
At the Emerging Humor Festival in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, comedian Thomas Levac repeatedly referred to Philippe Bond as a “rapist” on stage while doing a live podcast recording. The live broadcast that was intended for ticket holders instead wound up on QC Scoop’s YouTube channel, leading the main interested party to publicly deny any wrongdoing. In a video that has gone viral, comedian Thomas Levac can be heard declaring, “Philippe Bond is a rapist.” He invites women into his chariot but won’t let them get out. It’s crucial to keep that in mind! He never seeks men; just women.
The artist continues, accusing the other podcast listeners of being “cowards who know about this rape story.” And in front of the audience, he remarks, “That man doesn’t impress me,” which causes awkward laughter. Bond, you scoundrel, go away! Media frequently features the comic that everyone is talking about but who hasn’t yet made an appearance. From Philippe Bond, greetings. On his professional Facebook page, Philippe Bond reacted angrily, stating that he has never been aggressive and that he “has no choice but to initiate legal proceedings” against this comic for spreading what he believes to be untrue about him.

He writes, “Today, I stand up and declare my innocence loud and clear. I have only ever engaged in consensual relationships, and I will never accept being accused of being an aggressor without being given the opportunity to respond. He asserts to be aware of the numerous reports describing terrible situations that have been going around for years. He had 5200 likes and 682 generally positive comments as of the time of this writing on his Facebook page. No victim should have had to go through what they have, and tragically, there are many other awful tragedies that go unreported, the author argues.
A Comedian Has Accused Philippe Bond Of Rape:
Another comedian accused Philippe Bond of rape while they were in the middle of taping a podcast. In a video that has gone viral, Thomas Levac can be heard shouting, “Philippe Bond is rapist,” at the Festival d’humour nascent in Abitibi-Témiscamingue. As a result, the live feed which had been only available to those who had bought tickets was posted to QC’s YouTube channel. He won’t let the girls out of his car when he picks them up. It’s crucial to keep this in mind! He only targets women, Thomas Levac adds.
As a result, he received a criminal record, a $1,000 fine, and a one-year driving ban. The management of the Festival humor emergent en Abitibi-Témiscamingue distanced themselves from Thomas Levac’s opinions after being contacted by The Journal via email. The Emerging Comedy Festival, in a statement from its president Camille Dallaire, “dissociates itself from all allegations made by comedians regarding anyone while the event is taking place. We put our faith in our artists and their management teams and don’t exercise any kind of control over what they say while they perform. At this time, Philippe Bond will not be giving any interviews about this subject. Thomas Levac, for his part, did not respond to Journal’s demands for interviews or make a statement in the media.
He states that it makes no difference because “this dude doesn’t impress me.” Felipe Bond, perpetually! Which comic is the talk of the town but hasn’t yet put out a first CD or DVD? “It’s Philippe Bond!” yelled a different voice. Philippe Bond responded angrily on his own Facebook page, claiming that he was forced to sue the comedian for allegedly disseminating false information about his problem. “Today I stand out and boldly assert my innocence. I am innocent,” Bond stated. I have never been or will ever be an aggressor, and I will never, ever tolerate being accused of this without defending myself. All of my relationships have been mutually beneficial.
Philippe filed a lawsuit against comedian Thomas Levac as a rapist
Thomas Levac, a comedian, accused Philippe Bond of being a rapist, but Philippe Bond refuted his accusation. He added that he plans to file a lawsuit. Thomas Levac was making a podcast at the Festival d’humour émergent en Abitibi-Témiscamingue. He said Philippe Bond committed several acts of rape. The audience screamed, “Philip Bond!” Only inquiring minds, thank you.

Han, that’s accurate! That’s wonderful to hear, Han! Philippe Bond has a history of sexual offenses. You won’t allow the women to go outdoors when he invites them to ride in his car. ( It’s crucial to keep in mind who “started the comic.” “I could care less. This guy doesn’t really impress me. Without going into further detail about his critiques of Philippe Bond, he exclaimed, “Fuck Philip Bond!” The YouTube video of the extract was published by Quebec Scoop. On Wednesday, Philippe Bond fiercely condemned Thomas Levac’s remarks on social media and declared that he would sue.
There are several negative stories that have surfaced in recent years. Unfortunately, there are still a lot more horrifying tales undiscovered, and no one deserves what they have gone through. Recently, a comedian spread a false rumor about me. The utmost confidence in my innocence is why I am standing here right now. I’ve always preferred to be in mutually agreeable relationships; I’ve never been an aggressor and never will be.
You will see that I have no choice but to start legal proceedings as a result, he stated on Facebook