Who Is James Topp Canada: James Topp is the author of this idea. James shared his Military discharge experience in public while wearing a uniform from the Canadian Armed Forces. The uniform used to spread awareness is a significant change. James had intended to walk from Vancouver to Ottawa in early February 2022 in protest of what was going on in the nation and to speak with federal government employees.

James and the Canada Marches team have embarked on a cross-country quest to open a dialogue with truckers that had previously gone unheard, feeling reenergized by the Freedom/Trucker convoy. The natural tendency of a good soldier in these circumstances is to act swiftly and inventively. James wants to concentrate on what he can do to improve things rather than how we got here. Even though there is currently a lot of hostility among Canadians, the nation’s true spirit still exists, and it will offer an invitation to supper to everybody it encounters.
We hold a special place in our hearts for Canada, largely because of the people who live there. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Ottawa and the Terry Fox Memorial in Vancouver, British Columbia, both serve as memorials to those who have passed away before us. This massive undertaking and the momentum that has occurred are giving Canadians all throughout the nation new optimism.
Topp stated, “I don’t have the words to describe gratitude. Even in this remote area of Ontario, where communities are few and far between, people have occasionally pulled over for you when you’re having a difficult time on the road and the weather is not favorable. “Someone usually approaches and expresses gratitude for what you’re doing. Simply, it’s difficult to express. It’s overwhelming because I’ve never experienced something like this.
James has complaints about federal government mandates, including the requirement for a vaccine, testing, quarantine, and/or isolation as a condition of employment or continued employment. James and others who have been impacted by medical treatment have lost employment chances, had financial difficulties, and experienced strained interpersonal connections;

James has also taken the initiative to speak out on behalf of those who have been coerced into undergoing medical procedures that they otherwise would not accept as a result of the introduction of false constructions regarding options and outcomes;
James Topp’s march was the subject of a “total corporate media blackout”:
According to James Topp, a former member of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), the federal government and the traditional media have had a significant impact on the political divisions in the nation. The speaker asserted that “our nation is currently facing a significant challenge as a result of the rift that has been created over the past two years.” “We want to bring together a number of organizations and engage with Members of Parliament to attempt to fix it,” the speaker said in reference to the problem.
The 28-year veteran of the Canadian armed services said in a speech this week from Marathon, Ontario, on day 100 of his protest march, “My talks with citizens along the road have proven that the country is being run in an unjust manner.” I now have a fresh understanding of the Canadian spirit thanks to this journey “says he. Despite this, there is considerable dissatisfaction with the current government. “We came to the conclusion that this has been going on in this country for a long time and that there is too much power concentrated in too few hands when I speak with other people.
The fact that Thousands of Canadians have Congregated
Topp asserted that despite the fact that thousands of Canadians have congregated to support his 4293-kilometer march, the traditional media has largely ignored it. What we’re discovering, he continued, “is a very complete corporate media blackout on this endeavor.” “To that end, I would say, you know, folks who want to go out there and start banging the drum and humiliate the CBC or CTV, because this is a beautiful narrative of – 100 days in – a bunch of people who had never met before February 20,” the author said.

The Trudeau administration ceased its onslaught on Freedom Convoy protesters in Ottawa on February 20. A week earlier, Topp had started his march opposing government vaccine mandates in Vancouver. Topp himself lost two jobs as a result of the federal vaccine mandate because he worked as a civilian for the RCMP and had switched from the regular troops to the reserves. Speaking to True North prior to his march, he gave workers who resisted the regulations, including truckers, credit for helping him rediscover his sense of purpose.
Since the start of his march, Topp has urged his followers to write to their representatives and ask them to meet with him when he arrives in Ottawa on June 22. Multiple thousand letters have already been mailed, according to social media posts. True North was given confirmation from Topp that he had already spoken with 10 MPs, not all of them are Conservative. He claimed to be close to finding a place for their talks, but he wanted to keep the specifics secret because of the way protests like his have been covered by the traditional media.
What Topp referred to as the “3+1 R’s” are among the things on the agenda for the meeting. 1. Remove 2. Re-establishment 3. Repair and restitution. While Topp deemed his march a success in terms of increasing awareness and attracting lawmakers’ attention, he stated that the results of his negotiations will determine the mission’s future. In the interim, he expressed his gratitude to everyone who had helped him thus far, particularly the group behind Canadamarches.ca and everyone who had offered him support along the journey.
On “March to Freedom:” controversial soldier passes through Sault
James Topp, a vocal opponent of the mandate who is marching to Ottawa with the goal of meeting federal lawmakers, was welcomed by well over 100 locals on Monday at the Constellation Place Activity Center. Prior to making global headlines in February when he spoke out against the government rules for federal employees to be immunized, Topp spent 25 years as a warrant officer in the Canadian Armed Forces. In two different recordings that circulated on social media, Topp made those remarks while dressed in his uniform.
He is now charged with two counts of conduct that are detrimental to good order and discipline. Despite these accusations, Topp is still committed to going to Ottawa before the end of the month in order to meet with elected officials there and have a substantive discussion on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. He declares, “I’m done. I’ve spent the last two years doing nothing except sitting back.” “We must take action to support Canadians,” He started his trek at the Terry Fox memorial in Vancouver on February 20 and has been making his way to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier ever since, covering up to 50 kilometers virtually every day.
Topp believed it was vital to speak out against the mandates and march across the country to help revive the discourse after January’s three-week-long freedom convoy in Ottawa failed to inspire any government action. We need to get back in touch with our lawmakers and have real conversations with them, he argues. “The truckers tried to do it, and they were ignored and humiliated, and those two factors combined drove me to participate in this march,” the participant said.