Where Did Eleven Go At The End Of Season 1

Where Did Eleven Go At The End Of Season 1: Popsugar’s Entertainment It appears that something unusual is taking place. Stranger Things is a show that is full of suspense. It’s one of the most talked-about issues in the lead-up to and during the second season’s premiere. Eleven’s location is unknown. She vanished totally at the end of season one, as a reminder. What went wrong? Let me give you a quick synopsis of what’s going on.

Where Did Eleven Go At The End Of Season 1
Where Did Eleven Go At The End Of Season 1

What happens to Eleven in Season 1 of Stranger Things?

Eleven’s search for Will and Barb in a sensory deprivation tank leads her to Hawkins Middle School, where she encounters Mike, Lucas, and Dustin. Brenner and his henchmen (referred to by Eleven as “Papa” and “bad men”) arrive in an attempt to retrieve Eleven from Dr. Brenner. She also kills several of them when the Demogorgon appears. Eleven is capable of rescuing the boys from the impending Apocalypse. It uses a lot of her energy in the end, and she simply vanishes. One month after the start of the season, the final episode of season one airs. Eleven is still gone, much to Mike’s dismay. Someone else, on the other hand, seemed to be looking forward to her arrival. Chief Hopper has put Eggos and other food for her in a box in the woods just in case. And thanks to God for his natural senses!

Stranger Things season 2 spoilers can be found below

In the first few episodes of Season 2, she not only takes her favorite Eggos on a regular basis, but she also winds herself in Hopper’s care. She is brought to the Upside Down after slaying the monster, but she manages to elude arrest. She realizes that Hopper is in charge of delivering the food box after hiding in the jungle for a while. His primary worry is her protection, so he keeps her in the woods in a house that is completely cut off from the rest of the world. We don’t know what happens to her in the Upside Down, but the Hopper-Eleven team-up results in an incredibly beautiful father-daughter bond that we didn’t even realize we were looking for.

Hopper realized Eleven was still alive at the end

Hopper and Eleven reconnected in Stranger Things Season 2, but how did he know she was still alive? That is the truth. Stranger Things season 2 revealed that Eleven was still alive and well and living with Hopper, but how did he know? However, due to the more intriguing and engaging events taking place in Hawkins, viewers have disregarded some mysteries that have remained unanswered over the three seasons of Stranger Things. One of the mysteries is Hopper’s awareness of Eleven’s survival following the Demogorgon attack in season one.

At the end of season 1, Eleven and the rest of the group created their own sensory deprivation tank at Hawkins Middle School. The Demogorgon killed the agents, and Brenner was assaulted, although he is said to have survived. Eleven went back to work in the lab. Eleven’s friends Mike (who had previously been killed), Dustin (who had been injured), and Lucas were later targeted by the Demogorgon (who had been kidnapped). In the woods, Hopper put waffles in a box, implying that he either knew or hoped Eleven was still alive. Eleven were also reported missing and assumed deceased.

Where Did Eleven Go At The End Of Season 1
Where Did Eleven Go At The End Of Season 1

Eleven hadn’t died after all but had been taken to the Upside Down, as shown in Season 2. Because the school was besieged by authorities and its kids were being investigated as she departed the other universe, her return to human reality was delayed by a few hours. Eleven spent weeks hiding in the woods because she had nowhere else to go and a horde of agents hunting her down. Despite the fact that Hopper took her in and housed her in his woodland retreat, she never found out how he knew she was still alive until she stumbled upon him and remained with him in his log cabin for a while. One of the flashback scenes may indicate Hopper’s awareness of Eleven’s whereabouts.

Season 2 introduces us to Hopper Eleven for Second Time

Eleven had been alone in the woods for weeks when she was spotted by a hunter who enquired as to why she was there. Eleven attacked him in order to remain warm, stealing his hat and jacket, which she had relied on since the end of season 1. As a result, she deduced that Hopper was the one who kept food in a neighboring box. (oxfordbusinessgroup.com) Hopper’s recollection of the girl in the woods, as well as the hunter’s following confrontation with the cops, is likely to have sparked a recollection of the hunter’s interaction with the cops.

This doesn’t fit into the timeline unless the Stranger Things team didn’t pay attention to these details. Based on the length of Eleven’s hair when she stole the hunter’s jacket, Hopper began hiding food not long after the season 1 finale. As a result, the hunter theory can’t account for everything. It’s conceivable Hopper had no idea Eleven existed and was just hoping she’d find the food one day. Stranger Things creators might have utilized this as a subtle way to show Hopper and Eleven’s deep bond, which would only get deeper as season 2 progressed and later in season 3 when they were already (legally) family members.

It’s hard to imagine Blair genuinely performed in the segments if CGI was used to further approximate Millie Bobby Brown’s look (and is given the role of “Young Eleven” in the credits). My body, I believe, was portrayed by a fantastic actor. Brown and co-star Noah Schnapp spent three days in Los Angeles in a “beautiful contraption called The Egg, The Lola Egg,” where “we basically worked in there for three days and did face expressions,” according to Brown. We filmed every sequence using simply my face, with no movement at all, from beginning to end.

Special effects in Young Eleven

I merely rotated my face, replicated Martie’s reactions, and then they deep faked it onto her small, doll-like body for the entire scenario.” (When approached by Bustle, Netflix declined to comment on the use of special effects in Young Eleven.) Whether Blair used CGI or not, her participation in the Stranger Things franchise has already had a significant impact on her life. She posted a snapshot from her first day of filming, which she tweeted on May 31, with a statement that read, “I can’t truly explain in words the joy I was experiencing at that very time.”

Where Did Eleven Go At The End Of Season 1
Where Did Eleven Go At The End Of Season 1

She had also said a few days prior that the smallest hospital gown costume on set was still too big for her and would need to be altered on set. Furthermore, she had shaved her head. Blair stated on Instagram on May 29 that she was “forever altered.” Blair remarked, “I will never forget how I felt after shaving my hair.”

The opportunity to play Young Eleven had been a “dream come true” for her since she was four years old, she disclosed on May 28th. Blair expressed her gratitude to the Duffer brothers for the opportunity and their “amazing vision,” despite the fact that keeping the news a secret was challenging.