What Cat Walks On Two Legs Joke: These are some of the most amusing cat memes ever created. Before most people had access to dial-up, photographs of cats have been a staple of the internet, where they’ve been posted on Usenet since the dawn of time. However, just over a decade ago, due to YouTube and I Can Haz Cheezburger, cats went from being a thing to being a thing online.

Because of the ubiquity of these hilariously absurd cat memes, we’ve all grown to love them, and they’ve become a constant source of amusement. We’ve compiled a list of the funniest, weirdest, and most viral cat memes for your perusal and enjoyment.
Anywhere There May Be Bookshelves: If you ever find yourself in a Facebook debate with a flat-earther, bring up this issue. Cats do this for a reason, and it’s clear why. If your cat keeps destroying your possessions, you may want to invest in some new toys for your feline companion.
I’m a Fan of Snack: For cats, an old grocery bag is a tasty treat because they enjoy the smell and sound it makes when it moves around the house after it has been used to store food.
3Assaulting Arms at Random Since the dawn of time: As early as 12,000 years ago, people began domesticating and cohabiting with cats, therefore this cat meme could be genuine.
4Just a Bit of Catnap Time! This image is both humorous and factual because cats sleep an average of 15 hours a day to keep up with their carnivorous nature.
Bees, please! Cats purr by vibrating the muscles in their vocal cords, contrary to popular belief. Because these muscles vibrate during both inhalation and exhalation, the sound of a cat purring appears to be continuous.
6A Tiny Bit of Insurance Theft: This cat would have a tough time earning that sweet, sweet payment in Russia, where over a million people own dash cams. The phrase “About Half Cat” refers to a manipulated photograph of a cat wandering down a street on two legs. Image macros, spoof posters, and bizarre memes have been created using the cat since its first appearance in February 2010.
According to the site eBooks Online[1], a white cat with two legs appeared in a post headlined “Top 10 Photos of the Week,” with the remark “The longer you gaze, the stranger it gets”.
Spread: In a subject titled “Secretly took few pictures at CTY Aquarium,” forum users rejoice in Lowyat. net submitted the picture on February 21st, 2010. Reddit and Imgur users found the original photo of the cat strolling down a street in Ottawa, Canada, according to a report published on May 8th, 2013 by the British news site The Independent.
Sink a Peso: Surreal and satirical memes using the cat began appearing in 2018 as a critique of modern memes. Meme creator mob burns compared an image of a Half Cat with the phrase “When you walking” in his Memes Then, Memes Now image macro on Reddit on March 22nd, 2018. (shown below). /r/memes gave it over 1,300 points (96 percent upvotes) in a month, making it the most popular post there ever.
In less than two weeks, a Facebook page devoted to “Sinko Peso” amassed almost 4,500 likes. Portuguese-speaking users shared meme variations on other social media platforms as well (examples shown below).
Rooftop Cat in the Sun: However, the sunroof may be a little too hot. Cats are extremely sensitive to temperature because they use their paws to detect texture and pressure while hunting.
12 There are too many sweets in this world: A cat’s weight gain at grandma’s house would take much longer than a few days. In 1986, an Australian cat named Himmy weighed 46.8 pounds, making him the biggest domestic cat ever recorded.

A Wary Eye on the Watch Cat: Binky, a cat in Indianapolis, was able to scare away a would-be burglar, so it’s not impossible to have a cat as a home security guard.
14Frightened Cat: Cats are known for their jitteriness. Cucumbers, balloons, and even their own reflections seem to frighten them for no apparent reason.
Take a Look at Me, Mitts!
Cats aren’t just terrific at stopping a fight; they’re also good at socializing. A study published in Anthrozoƶs revealed that 76% of their female subjects used whether or not their date’s pet loved them as a factor in their appraisal of them.
Conspiracies abound in 16: Although this kitten is making fun of aliens, there is a widespread belief that cats are in fact invading civilization.
The Most Fascinating Cat in the World: You might think your cat is playing with you when it starts biting you, but it could also be trying to tell you that it’s too exciting to be around you. A jerk could also be the culprit.
Caught Red-Handed: These packing pellets may be compostable. The maize starch in some polystyrene dissolves in water. This is on a cat, so getting them wet is probably not a good idea to see what they look like. Laughter and joking are said to be the finest way to start the day, according to some. Are you on the lookout for the ideal leg joke to tell your friends as you take your morning walk? Do you fear that the ones you now possess will fail?
You needn’t worry about it. For your enjoyment, we’ve gathered a selection of the funniest jokes about legs. When it comes to human anatomy jokes, the humerus is the word of choice. Spend some time laughing out loud the next time you go on a walk in the early morning. Here are some of the funniest jokes about legs, knees, ankles, and heels for you to use in the future. At your first race, you knelt to make a good impression. You can now pick and choose which of your favorites you want to show out. Puns about lettuce and maize are also available on Kidadl if you enjoy what you’ve read so far.
Puns on the Legs that are Hilarious
There is no better way to start your day than with a few one-liners and puns. There are, however, some that are difficult to come by, which is why we’ve compiled a list of some amusing leg sayings and one-liners we think you’ll enjoy. A decent Instagram caption would also include these words.
You get jet lag if you fly on a cramped plane. Leg puns irritate certain individuals, and for them, the joke is over. My legs are my favorite part of my body because they always defend me. Archaeologists met to search for an ancient man’s leg bone. A fantastic bash was had by all. One of my friends recently reported hearing a cracking sound in his ankle. To ease his grief, I told him that he shouldn’t be too overcome with emotion.
For this reason, Usain Bolt is an exceptional athlete. Because my fridge isn’t running, I suspect it has a broken leg. At this point, the rear of your leg is considered an aircraft fracture. In addition, both my son and I have knee issues. This is a problem that affects both the government and the general public. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I recently sprained my ankle and it’s healing nicely. Amnesia is the medical term for the forgetfulness of one’s knees.