The Official I Hate Video Games Handbook

The Official I Hate Video Games Handbook: Parenting might feel like a never-ending no. There will be no Kinder Eggs for breakfast. There will be no horse for us. You can’t wear bathing trunks to Auntie Ethel’s funeral, no matter how briefly you knew her. That, however, was my spouse. We can’t spend all day playing Crash Bandicoot in our undies now that my eldest son is six and has discovered video games.

The Official I Hate Video Games Handbook
The Official I Hate Video Games Handbook

Despite the fact that this is how I spent the 1990s and what I would be doing right now if I didn’t have two little children. Thanks to my job, I am able to play some video games. I write about games for a living and serve as a games expert on Dara O Briain’s Go 8 Bit. So now you know when Space Invaders was released and why Mario has a mustache. Despite the fact that I can beat the first level of Sonic the Hedgehog in around 45 seconds, I have yet to get a small child to put his shoes on in less than 25 minutes. Other parents, in any case, routinely inquire about gaming. “Didn’t you know World Book Day is today?” “Is that booze on your slacks?” So, here are my top recommendations.

‘Which games should my child participate in?

All video games, like movies, have age ratings that should be followed. No parent or guardian should allow their child to watch or play an 18-rated film or game. It is a mistake, however, to believe that all games feature shooting. There are 18,000 titles rated 3+ on Amazon. Some are even passable. So, what would I suggest? Look for games that encourage kids to create, such as Minecraft, LittleBigPlanet, Lego Worlds, and Super Mario Maker. They can use their imaginations, and you can feel a little better about not teaching them fractions. Toca Boca creates beautiful, intriguing games for youngsters that won’t bore you to tears if you have a tablet.

When is the best time for my child to play?

My kids would enjoy building rafts out of driftwood and catching trout while enjoying the sun. Regrettably, we live in the real world. Catford in particular. It is despised by them. I make it a point for them to go outside, read books, take music lessons, and construct sophisticated weapons out of old cornflake boxes. I allow my children to play video games because they require downtime. It’s all about balance – I don’t let my kids play video games all day or eat Kinder Eggs for every meal. Unless it’s Easter Sunday. Like fish fingers, for example.

There are no official screen time guidelines in the United Kingdom. Children under the age of 18 months should not be exposed to screens, while children aged 5 and up should spend one hour each day on them, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Children aged six and higher should not be engaged in any activity for more than a few hours each day, with 90 minutes being a reasonable maximum. However, much tough research on this issue is misreported, usually when the tabloid press runs out of Kim Kardashian stories. A number of scientists signed an open letter earlier this year asking for evidence-based screen time recommendations but also stating that gaming is not harmful.

‘How do you get them away from their screens?’

Setting a time limit ahead of time makes it easier to get kids off their consoles. Provide them with a five-minute warning so they can save their work. Allow them one minute more to complete the contest or defeat the boss. A child gets outraged when his mother cuts the power just as they’re ready to defeat the Blargian Snagglebeast. Let’s say they lose five minutes of their next session for every minute they play after the time limit has expired. It’s possible that you’ll need a spreadsheet and a calculator.

The Official I Hate Video Games Handbook
The Official I Hate Video Games Handbook

Does Among Us trick kids into spending Money?

While the game is free to play, your kids may beg you to buy downloadable content (DLC) for the mobile and PC versions. Like in Fortnite, these packs are just decorative and do not affect gameplay or assist your child win. The primary game includes a flamingo floatie, a chef’s toque, a toilet plunger, and an Elvis-style pompadour. With DLC, you may buy skins (clothing), funny hats (such as a flowerpot or a brain slug), and even pets that follow you around the game. These goods range in price from $1 to $4.

Will foreigners be Among Us?

Because each game can have anywhere from four to ten players, your child is likely to be playing with strangers if they play a public online game. That said, unless your child uses an external voice chat service like Zoom or Discord, they won’t be directly chatting with strangers. There is a text chat feature in the game, but it is only available for “emergency meetings” that last roughly 30 seconds. Because the debates are unmoderated, individuals may face bullying or racist, sexist, or homophobic statements.

Is it worthwhile to play Among Us?

Like other popular games, Playing Among Us can help your youngster develop cultural capital among their classmates. Knowledge of game-specific vocabulary like “venting” and “sus,” as well as gaming mechanics and methods, allows kids to join in on conversations and jokes with their peers without feeling left out. Among Us is a cooperative game where you must decide who can be trusted and who cannot. This is beneficial because it helps children develop thinking and social skills at a time when they may be lonely at home and need companionship and engagement.

Should I allow my kid to join Us?

Finally, you’ll have to decide based on your child’s age and emotional development. Common Sense Media says the game is suitable for ages 10 and above. Because the game is simple to learn and enjoyable for adults as well, you may wish to play as a family first before allowing your child to play online with friends. You’ll be there to calm them if the music and sound effects become too intense. You can also talk about why it’s okay to lie during a game but not in other situations. Finally, youngsters in a household can decide how long they want to play together without fear of punishment.

Robbery of a jewelry store and driving over a pimp can be challenging in Rockford Hills. So, without making another parent feel judged. It’s better not to be overly honest. Explain to your child that you’re concerned about his or her maturity, ability to be persuaded, and developmental readiness to see a Nazi zombie beaten to death with a rusted pipe. Above all, keep in mind that video games are excellent for children. They have the ability to teach us how to create, play, and lose. They’re thrilling, motivating, scary, beautiful, and occasionally humorous. It was a lot of fun. And nowadays, both children and adults may utilize it.


It’s a mix of planning ahead of time and winging it when it comes to managing your children’s gaming. Learn about Pegi ratings and how to use parental controls on your console (the Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch all have them, as do tablets and phones, according to the InternetMatters website). Trust your instincts because you know your child better than anyone else.