Teen Mom Dad Arrested: BUTCH GETTING OUT OF HIS MINUTES Tyler Baltierra’s father, Butch, appears scruffy and has bloodshot eyes in a recent photo after getting arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. Butch Baltierra, Tyler Baltierra’s father, was arrested for DUI and seemed disheveled and bloodshot in his mugshot. Butch, 59, moved from Michigan to Texas in order to find therapy for his addiction.

Butch’s real name is Darl, and he was arrested and charged with DUI in Michigan on March 4, 2020. He was also charged with open containers and driving with a suspended license at the time of his arrest. According to a police report acquired exclusively by The Sun, a white Ford van was seen swerving and speeding at 5:30 p.m. When Butch was approached by the police officer, he was “confused” and “unfamiliar” with the site. Butch claimed to be driving a friend’s van that he was using for work instead of his own vehicle. The MTV star explained to the officer that he had only been in Michigan for a few weeks and that he had never resided in the state before.
The police report stated, “As I spoke to him, it appeared that he had watery, bloodshot eyes.” Butch was advised that he would be arrested for driving while his license was suspended and that he had a warrant out for his arrest. He “paused” and “began shifting stuff” when he exited the van, according to the police report. Butch’s breath had a faint “odor of intoxicants” on it since he consented to comply with the officer’s “order,” and he was arrested.
The cop’s story continued: “I peeked into the vehicle and noticed a spilled drink (which later turned out to smell like a mixed alcoholic beverage) and ice cubes scattered beneath the passenger seat. The drink’s spray pattern appeared to be hurled from the driver’s seat, in my opinion. There was an odor of intoxication in the driver’s seat as well.” Butch consented to do sobriety tests despite his refusal to take a breathalyzer test.
A pocket knife was taken from Butch by the Cops
During Butch’s booking, a warrant was obtained for the seizure of his blood. While in custody, he again refused a breathalyzer and a blood test. According to the report, he had 0.041 grams of alcohol per 100 millimeters of blood. Also discovered were THC, amphetamine, and desmethyldiazepam. Butch’s mugshot shows bloodshot and watery eyes, according to The Sun.

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According to court documents obtained by The Sun, Butch paid a $5,000 personal bond. On November 10, 2021, he entered a not-guilty plea. His past home invasion and breaking and entering a building with the intent to conduct stealing convictions resulted in a “noticed to seek sentence augmentation” in court files. If he is found guilty of driving while inebriated, he might face a term of one to five years in prison, one year if his license has been suspended, and up to 90 days if he is found guilty of driving with an open container. Butch had a pre-trial conference planned earlier this month.
This isn’t the first time someone has been detained for a criminal offense. Butch was arrested in Michigan on June 9, 2020, just months after his first arrest, according to Ashley’s Reality Roundup. Butch was detained and charged with impeding justice, to which he admitted. He had to pay a fee after the lawsuit ended in December 2020. Butch’s battle with drug and alcohol addiction has been depicted on the show for many seasons. The father of two has been staying in Austin, Texas, after receiving treatment for substance abuse.
Tyler Lowell, 30, admitted that his father had relapsed on Teen Mom 2 actress Kailyn Lowry’s Coffee Convos podcast. “At the moment, he’s going through a relapse,” he said. That is the situation right now. We’ll go back to square one and go through the relapse process to see what happens. Tyler also talked about his father’s relapse in a Teen Mom OG episode from 2020. Vaeda didn’t show up for his first birthday party, and he even opted not to invite him. Rachel’s father was arrested for possession of heroin, methamphetamine, and marijuana.

Stephanie Beaver, the mother of Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant star Rachel Beaver, has turned her life around after being arrested for meth possession, while her father continues to struggle with drug addiction. Jason Beaver was arrested for heroin possession in September 2019, according to RadarOnline.com for the first time. On September 25, 2019, a traffic stop in Cobb County, Georgia, resulted in the finding of heroin in a vehicle. Jason and another occupant were apprehended. In court documents obtained from Cobb County Superior Court in Georgia, Jason was charged with felony charges of Possession of a Schedule I Controlled Substance and Possession of a Schedule II Controlled Substance. The investigation hasn’t come to a conclusion yet.
Jason has been on probation for violating the terms of his sentence since his arrest for heroin possession on December 11, 2017. He accepted his guilt and received a three-year prison sentence as a result of his guilty plea. After one year of service, the remainder of the sentence would be spent on probation. Jason was arrested on March 18, 2015, for possession of heroin, methamphetamine, and a minor amount of marijuana, all of which were felonies at the time. The state of Georgia’s bond revocation petition has been amended. Jason is said to have rejected “active involvement in and full compliance with” drug and alcohol treatment. He has been in violation of a court-ordered treatment schedule since October 11th of last year.
His court-ordered 10-day bail was Revoked
He pled guilty to counts of having heroin and methamphetamine on April 12, 2017. After admitting guilt, he was sentenced to two years of probation. He was not charged with possessing marijuana. Rachel’s father has yet to appear on Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant. Between 2008 and 2017, the Human Services Department requested child support for Rachel, her older sister Malorie, and their younger brother on four consecutive occasions. Rachel’s father, on the other hand, has been accused of theft and forgery, so the legal problems don’t stop there. On RadarOnline.com, you can see all of his mug shots and learn about his previous offenses.
You’ve been arrested if you’ve been a victim of theft
On September 14, 2012, Jason was arrested for stealing and sentenced to a year in prison. “He did unlawfully take music equipment, the property of James Beaver, with a value of over $1,500,” according to court documents obtained from Cobb County Superior Court. According to court documents, he was given a key to the victim’s storage facility. Jason’s own father is the victim in this case. He broke into his father’s storage unit several times and took $10,000 worth of band equipment without his father’s permission. This item includes a mugshot from Jason’s arrest in 2019.
It’s time for another bust
On February 26th, 2011, he was caught illegally purchasing a forbidden drug by misrepresentation and fraud. “The said accused did perform acts which represented an important prelude to the commission of a said crime,” according to the court documents, by showing up in person at a pharmacy to accept delivery of oxycodone under the false pretense that Chris Stevens, M.D., had authorized the prescription, which was not the case.
There is a heroin epidemic in the world right now
A ticket for heroin possession was given to the father of four in March 2017. That was the start of his drug-related legal issues. According to the citation, a search of his vehicle revealed 14 hypodermic needles, one of which contained heroin. Ryan admitted to authorities that the dark material in the bag he hung from the console’s center was heroin and that he “had a problem.”