Streetsmart Languages Review: There’s a reason our company is called StreetSmart. Workers who work ‘On the Street’ confront a variety of problems throughout the course of their day, and our name reflects this. We’ve put our years of experience and knowledge into our solution to help organizations better understand and deal with these difficulties. We’re familiar with the challenges of managing field workers and processes while they’re on the move.

Some of the several benefits of using StreetSmart
With the most up-to-date information and insights available, our breakthrough tools combine street smart experience and common sense to help businesses excel in every job situation and consumer encounter. Service is improved via flexible job dispatch and real-time job status information. It extends to the invoices as well. Employee productivity can be boosted by using timesheets, which can be entered remotely and enforce your company’s policies automatically.
Trips: Streamlining mileage reimbursement ensures accuracy and maximizes efficiency. When the world changes, you may easily modify your objectives and gain visibility into your employees’ whereabouts. By photographing customers’ signatures and other data at the point of service, you may eliminate the need for paper forms and documents.
What’s the greatest way to pick up a new language while walking down the street?
The Street Smart approach to language learning, we feel, is the most successful. To succeed in the real world, you don’t have to be a bookworm! How are you supposed to choose which of the innumerable language-learning tips to pay attention to? The truth is that there is no single “best” way to learn; rather, it all depends on what works best for you. In any event, we’re going to sing – no, shout – our praise for a learning approach that we believe is the greatest. How to study in a real-world setting.
What it implies in practice if you want Street Smart
Book Smart is a myth, in a nutshell! Being Book Smart is wonderful, but being Street Smart when it comes to learning a foreign language takes the cake. You must dive in and give it a chance to be Street Smart, just like you would when learning a new language. Being street smart requires you to learn from the people and places you come into contact with. It entails broadening your horizons by immersing yourself in a world of genuine people, cultures, and experiences.
What qualifies us as experts?
Our three-step technique combines to produce a fool-proof strategy for learning Street Smart. The initial step necessitates the use of our intelligent learning engine. Each student is assigned a learning path based on the scenarios they choose to study. You must immerse yourself in language material that is just a little bit above your present level of ability in order to progress to the next stage (challenging yourself is super Street Smart). Finally, don’t be scared to feign success until you get it. I’m winging it if you want to call it that. To complete the picture, you must be able to explain yourself clearly and be understood by others around you.
PSA: It’s quite normal to feel like you’re fumbling when learning anything new! We’re here to clear up any misunderstandings you might have concerning your language skills. You simply haven’t figured out how to learn most effectively. It is critical to study the words and phrases that are most relevant to your circumstance in order to become fluent in a new language.

Acquire a working knowledge of terms and phrases that are applicable to your situation
Spending all of your school time learning about animals, colors, and family members is not a good idea. That’s wonderful, as long as your new language abilities are up to par and you’re using them to play 20 Questions. None of this, however, will assist you in having a real-life conversation, which is the purpose of this exercise. The point we’re trying to convey is that you don’t have to hoard words to become a linguistic Smaug. If you want to study more about the topics mentioned above, go ahead and do so.
What it takes in the real world to learn a new Language
As you may be aware, learning a language is a very personal process. There are a few tricks up the Street Smart approach to learning’s sleeve. Forewarning: They’re only interested in you. You may put Book Smart on the back burner for the time being. We won’t need it where we’re going! That is why a Learning Challenge could be ideal for you. If you don’t want to make a long-term commitment to learning, join a Learning Challenge. Even if you only have a few minutes a day to spend studying, you can still make progress, stay motivated, and stay on track.
How much time you have to commit to learning is entirely up to you
You yearn to unwind at home after a long day of caring for children, working, or simply living. The Street Smart approach to learning a language is incorporating it into your daily routine. Memrise makes it simple to set daily learning goals and reminders. This ensures that you don’t forget to finish a session and that you may do so whenever is most convenient for you. The goal is to learn little and often. It is not required to embark on a long and exhausting voyage.
“Fake it ’til you make it,” as the adage goes
That worn-out sawdust. Confidence is frequently referred to as the “elixir of life,” but knowing where to start generating that elixir can be challenging. When it comes to mastering Street Smart, being perfect isn’t required. The only way to succeed is to give it you’re all. Making someone laugh while gently correcting your mistakes is a better way to learn than memorizing the subjunctive! Furthermore, if you make a mistake, we will be there to help you. If you make a mistake while learning new terms, it will be marked as “Difficult Terms,” and you will be tested again with a focus on these words. Your brain will use this as a starting point for storing the knowledge.
You’ve also recorded yourself doing text corrections and conversing about other topics. At RhinoSpike, you can get a recording of both from a native speaker. Create an iTunes playlist and listen to your recordings on a regular basis after you’ve finished them. I recommend creating a playlist with all of these recordings and listening to them at random while you’re doing other things. This section will go through everything mentioned above.
What you don’t want to call Street Smart Learning:
Replacing prefabricated comments with robotic responses that seem like you swallowed a phrasebook, or plowing through an old textbook to pass a test. You may forget about being Book Smart and achieve a lot by studying just a little using the Street Smart method of learning! You should now have everything you require to begin working on your SRS project. Go to RhinoSpike and record native speakers’ pronunciations of each of those terms. Those audio recordings can be used in your SRS system. All you have to do now is go over the newly added items in your SRS review.
Every stage of this process is completely within your control. To begin, you can utilize children’s books that come with CDs in all three languages spoken by your children. You might make the material more concise rather than dumbing it down. If you’re only learning a new language and want to read a news piece, for example, you could only read the opening paragraph. It will take some time, but it is not insurmountable.
In a nutshell, here is how it goes:
Learning real-life language from local speakers that you actually need to know, and having the confidence to try it out so you can survive in the real world, is what Street Smart Learning is all about.