Strawberry Moon Tonight: The photographer who recreated this 1918 image of an arctic glacier asserts that “Climate Change is Real.” A photographer recently shared an intriguing image to call attention to the glaciers’ rapid melting due to global warming. Photographer Neil Drake recreated a shot of the polar region’s glaciers to show how much the glacier has melted since 1918. Drake submitted two pictures of the same glacier taken 104 years apart on Reddit with the caption, “Two views of the same glacier taken 104 years apart.”

These images depict the Blomstrandbreen Glacier, which is located in a bay close to an island in Norway’s far north. According to a report in Newsweek, Drake highlighted the glacier’s quick retreat by comparing two photos of it taken within the last century. The original image was taken in 1918 by members of the Norwegian Polar Institute. In an effort to replicate the original photograph, Drake took a picture of the glacier at the same time of year and in similar lighting circumstances. Because of the daylight, Drake told Newsweek, “you can tell it’s summer in the first picture.” “The Arctic is absolutely dark in the winter.” He said that the region’s fjords are mostly frozen throughout the year and are only accessible in the summer when ice sheets melt and the water becomes navigable.
Mountain summits are currently covered with snow, indicating that this picture was taken during the hottest part of July. In order to capture the glacier precisely the same way as the original shot, Drake and his team also used comparison images. On top of the photographs taken on-site from various perspectives and distances, Photoshop was used to create low-opacity overlays. According to Drake, the snow mound on the right mountain top in the pictures is fashioned like a wishbone. ( He was able to determine the precise area from which the vintage photo was taken thanks to a cue from Drake.
Who knows when Strawberry Moon will appear?
Drake highlighted the image’s relevance by stating that it was meant to start conversations on how people are affecting the climate. He claimed that the Reddit comments demonstrated that it had succeeded in its goal. That is precisely the point I was attempting to make. I posted it for that purpose. Drake said the goal is to get people to think about the potential that man-made climate change is real. Drake claimed that when the expedition commander asked if he could take the photo, he was “trembling.” It’s crucial to understand that he didn’t just take a photo of the boats because he thought they were striking.

It appears that the 1918 photograph has already been recreated. This glacier photograph was taken in 2008 by photographer Christian Slund and was widely shared online. The summer solstice, which is the year’s longest day, falls on the same day as the Strawberry Moon every June. This year’s full moon will peak on Tuesday, June 14 at 12:51 p.m., according to Wales Online.
The supermoon’s apogee
The rule that there is only one full moon per month is broken by the full moon in June. Skywatchers have already experienced a good portion of it, even though it hasn’t yet reached its peak. The “Strawberry Moon,” this month’s full moon, is a “supermoon,” meaning it is bigger and brighter than usual. Several seasoned photographers have already captured it on camera. It surprised observers last night, and it will surprise them again this evening and tomorrow night when the skies are expected to be clear.
Is a full moon always present on a full moon?
Every 29.5 days, Earth and the sun line up exactly, creating full moons, which are completely illuminated by the sun’s rays. So that the 12 months would add up to a full 365-day solar year, we were given extra days in a few of our months. There are 13 full moons per cycle, which means that some months will have two full moons, the second of which is referred to as the Blue Moon.
Strawberry Moon is name given to the full moon in June
Early Native Americans gave each full moon a name so they could keep track of the months and seasons. The Strawberry Moon is called in honor of the start of the strawberry picking season. The Rose Moon and Hot Moon are so named because of their crimson hues and their association with the start of summer’s warm weather.

The June full moon is also called by a number of Native American tribes “strawberry,” including:
Spring is approaching, as indicated by the flowering moon. Young crops require attention, as suggested by the Green Corn and Hoer Moons. An abundance of animals gives birth to their offspring at this time of year. Honey was at its prime during this time of year. It’s probable that this name is where the word “Honeymoon” originated. Here is a brief explanation of what a supermoon is in case you have never heard of one. A supermoon is a full moon that is at its brightest when it is at its closest to the Earth. The planet’s asymmetric elliptical shape, which prevents it from being exactly round, is the cause of this phenomenon. The moon is 14 percent bigger and up to 30 percent brighter than usual.
How many supermoons are predicted to be sighted in 2022?
This year’s supermoons occur on the astrological calendar on both June 14 and July 13.
What causes it to appear orange or red?
As moonlight travels through the denser portion of the atmosphere, light particles at the red end of the spectrum are less likely to disperse. As the moon rises in the sky, its brilliant color returns.
How can I develop my photographic abilities? is the query
If you utilize a night photography app rather than your default camera app, you’ll have more control over the camera’s settings. Tonight in the United Arab Emirates, the “Strawberry Moon” will be visible in the sky. Here are some tips to help you use your smartphone camera to take the finest possible pictures:
- Before going outside, give your eyes 20 minutes to adjust to the darkness.
- Your camera’s flash should be turned off.
- Reduce your ISO’s sensitivity.
- It will be advantageous to set your goals on 100.
The “Strawberry Moon” will shine brightly over Dubai on June 14
It is a “Super Moon,” which is a full moon or new moon that seems larger than usual since it is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit. One of these is a Strawberry Moon. NASA, the space agency, claims that in spite of this, “it does display in reddish color while rising or setting” (North American Space Agency). NASA adds that the name “Strawberry Moon” comes from the fact that berries are ripening at this time of year, in case you’ve ever wondered why.
During this time, the Moon will be closest to Earth in its elliptical orbit, allowing astronomers to see a larger-than-usual lunar disc (about 360,000 kilometers). There are only four supermoons in a year, and the one seen tonight is the fourth and last one. A full moon is especially brilliant. The sky this evening was magnificent. This full moon is sometimes referred to as the “Strawberry Moon.”
At that time, it will be 3,63,000 kilometers from Earth. When the moon is near the Earth, it seems bigger and brighter. Today’s full moon is much larger in shape than previous full moon days. Additionally, it seems to be 10% brighter. When the moon is 4,05,000 kilometers away from the Earth, distance can be measured.