Skin And Me Review: Prescription-strength drugs such as Tretinoin, Adipex-P, and Clindamycin are available through the Skin + Me program, which is a personalized dermatology service that you pay a monthly fee. Skin + Me is a cinch to set up and utilize! I was prescribed Tretinoin, Azelaic Acid, and Clindamycin after filling out a questionnaire on their website and sending photos of my face (front, left, and right) to the Dermatologist.

Review of Skin + Me, an Online Dermatology Clinic
The addition of Clindamycin, which I’ve had acne since I was a teenager, is the most significant change in this mix, I believe. Since I started using this, I haven’t had a single breakout. If you sign up for Skin + Me for £19.99 a month, your first month is free and you only have to pay £3.50 for shipping. They may be found on My skin texture has always been a problem for me, having suffered from acne as a teenager. Unfortunately, years of pimples and blackheads have left me with a few minor scars. Beyond anything else, my face is often left dry and washed out from the harsh elements of Scottish weather.
When something new comes along, I’m always happy since, for the most part, it’s the same old same old. Ooh, there’s a brand-new hyaluronic acid? So when I learned that a new dermatology service was being launched, I was ecstatic. Dramatica is the first service of this type, followed by this one It’s great that people in the UK have no choice but to use these services because not everyone can afford to pay for them privately or through the NHS. Since I’m not new to retinoids, I haven’t had any irritation or peeling after using this for at least three weeks.
Prior to utilizing Skin and Me
Having worked with one of the company’s dermatologists, a prescription product was sent to my address. You may tailor your treatment to suit your specific needs, from lowering pore size and blackheads to minimizing fine lines and wrinkles. On April 15, I began taking the daily amount, and since then, my skin has been brighter, tighter, and softer. Without makeup for the first time in a long time, I don’t feel self-conscious. Depending on your desired outcome, the chemicals in your dose may change, however, mine includes tretinoin, niacinamide, and azelaic acid.

The medicine is also packaged in a convenient twisting metal tube that ensures you get the right quantity of dosage each day. You may carry it with you everywhere you go. It’s easy to find a dermatologist using Skin and Me’s the simple but powerful website, which connects you with a professional dermatologist right away. I can’t say enough good things about this firm, and I plan to buy from them in the future. The company has provided a discount coupon to readers of the Glasgow Times. Customers who sign up for a free month of the personalized product will only be charged the pharmacy price of £3.50 for the month. Use the code GT421 at to get a discount on your order. Skin + Me’s packaging is miles ahead of Dermatica’s, so if you had to choose between the two right now, I’d suggest Skin + Me.
I’ve purchased a tester, and it has resulted in something like this: My skin became inflamed after I tried a sample. My acne has cleared up a bit since I started taking it again. My skin got worse as a result of the previous medication. On my face and neck, instead of little spots, I’ve developed huge, painful cystic acne lesions that won’t go away. After completing the review consultation, the dermatologist has been sending me texts informing me that they would be prescribing further components. They have modified my prescription without informing me of the change when I check the ingredients.
Review of Skin + Me, an Online Dermatology Clinic
Skin + Me’s packaging, in my opinion, is superior to Dermatica’s in every way possible. The daily doser from Skin + Me is fantastic. This style of packaging ensures that you don’t overdo or underuse the product; you get just the proper amount of product each and every day. To use the product, simply twist the packaging to release the required amount. When it came to Dramatica, my issue was that it came in a pump, and I had no idea how much to use, which led to frustration on more than one occasion.

Despite my best efforts, I have been unable to locate any contact information for the company – no phone numbers, no email addresses. I had to use social media to spread the word. They provided me with their email address, so I may reach them. In response to an email I sent them, they asked for my DOB and address, which I do not feel comfortable providing my email because it is readily hacked. Why is it so difficult for customers to get in touch with them? Even GPs and private health clinics aren’t asking for this information from the cosmetic industry.
Irritation Recently, I’ve come to realize that I’m using a cream whose ingredients I have no idea about. How can you alter a prescription without informing the patient of any changes to the contents they initially recommended? The fact that “Invited” customers follow up on any bad reviews with glowing testimonials is further caused for alarm. I’ve seen a lot of bad things about Skin and Me creams, and I understand why people don’t like them. They also have awful customer service when they don’t respond at all. According to other customers, they don’t react to emails and it takes them five emails before they finally do.
The benefits of my Skin+Me, place for about a week
The benefits of my Skin+Me regimen have only been in place for about a week, but I’m already delighted with them. For as long as I can remember, I’ve struggled with acne and the scars it leaves behind. With the added stress of noticing early indications of aging, these past few months have been trying for me. There were no new breakouts in the last week, and my skin felt hydrated but not dry. Skin+Me is a new product for me, and I’m eager to see how it performs in the long run.
There is no longer any response from the company’s social media team, even though they appear to be active and their messages are marked as “read.” My acne has never been so deep or inflamed, and I’m devastated. Skin and Me changed the formulation without telling me anything about it, and that’s the only thing that’s changed in my skincare regimen. Comedogenic ingredients, I’m sure they’ve employed, have closed pores and irritated the skin.
My skin appears to be improving even though it’s just been a few weeks. A little dryness on my forehead is a side effect I was warned about when I received my prescription, but it’s not too bad. Everything my skin needs is in one tube of cream, and I appreciate that I only have to use it once a day. Skincare should be done in this manner since it is prescribed by a dermatologist, it is delivered directly to my door, and it is tailored to my personal needs. There is no waste and no guesswork about what to use when to use, or how much to use.