Serebii .Net: The second collection of mainline Serebii games is Pokémon sword & shield on the Nintendo Switch and Pokémon’s first of its 8th generation.During the Nintendo Spotlight @ E3 2017. Tsunekazu Ishihara, CEO of Pokémon Corporation, announced that the first title of Pokémon for Nintendo Switch was being created by Game Freak. There are no multiplayer options other than trade in the current version of the game.

Details on the game were provided other than Pokémon RPG and information about the game coming in more than one year During a media event held in Japan on 30 May 2018. The eighth generation of Pokémon was reaffirmed to be on the Nintendo Switch in 2019, while the games were released in their entirety during a Pokémon Direct on 27 February 2019. Developed by Game Freak, Pokémon Legends: Arceus will be released on the Nintendo Switch in 2022. An earlier version of Sinnoh with an open world and other features serves as the basis for this series’ first entry.
Human Form Pokémon, as well as a slew of new New Pokémon, make their debut in this game. Changes in gameplay have been made to accommodate open-world gameplay and seamless combat. Pokémon can now take numerous rounds in a row using a new system that includes speed into the Battle System and allows them to switch between Strong and Agile Styles depending on the situation. To learn about the various Pokémon, you’ll join the Galaxy Team, an international team assembled in Hisui. Commander Kamado leads the team, which also includes Professor Laventon’s research team and Cyllene’s Survey Corp.
The Battle Changes
How many actions and what order your Pokémon take are determined by their respective stats in the Arceus game. Pokémon can now attack numerous times in succession, giving you the opportunity to change your strategy, heal yourself in the middle, and so on. When you toss your Pokémon’s PokéBall in front of your opponent, the battle will start automatically. The Poké Ball can shock the Pokémon and give you an extra turn if you catch them off guard.
Strong and agile styles: This time around, Pokémon are able to memorize four different moves at once. There are two methods to launch moves, though. Styles that are both flexible and robust. Pokémon’s speed is increased, allowing it to travel more quickly but at the expense of its strength. Although your action speed is slowed by Strong Style, the added power and effects it has on your HP recovery and the likelihood of secondary effects are amplified. Our Attackdex has information about the effects.
Strategies and Tactics
Similar to previous main-series games, Pokémon Legends Arceus has numerous Pokémon battles, however, the mechanics of these bouts have changed. The new battle mechanisms are detailed on this page.
Combat Methods
Stats: Effort Levels were used to completely alter the stat system and recalculate it in a new method. As a result, lower-leveled Pokémon can nevertheless inflict severe damage to higher-leveled counterparts. Battle stats have altered as well. Rather than just changing one stat, both the offensive and defensive stats have been tweaked to some degree. As a result, using Baby-Doll Eyes reduces the target’s Attack as well as the Special Attack. Additionally, these stat changes only last a few rounds, but a move that significantly enhances them makes them last longer. The duration of the moves can also be altered by using the Agile or Strong variations of the moves.
Serebii .Net
Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Brilliant and Brilliant
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl are the Nintendo Switch remakes of Generation 8’s Diamond & Pearl. They’ll be available in 2021. High-quality visuals are used to recount the story of the originals. The story and features of these games are expected to be loyal to the original Pokémon Diamond and Pearl games while incorporating the most recent advancements in the Pokémon series’ gameplay. The Grand Underground, an improved version of the Sinnoh Underground that also lets you encounter numerous Pokémon, and the return of Super Contests are some of the new twists in these games.

Sword and Shield in Pokémon: Pokémon Sword & Shield is the first game of Generation 8 and the second mainline series of Pokémon games on the Nintendo Switch. Ishihara announced during the Nintendo Spotlight at E3 2017 that Game Freak had started work on the first Pokémon game for the Nintendo Switch. Other than the fact that it’s a classic Pokémon RPG and that additional information would be released in the next year or so, no other information has been released about the game. On May 30th, 2018, at a press event in Japan, it was stated that the eighth generation of Pokémon would be released on the Nintendo Switch in 2019, and the games were completely unveiled on February 27th, 2019.
The Galar Region is the setting for this game, which includes a wide range of New Pokémon. With hundreds of Pokémon in the Galar Pokédex available. Regional Forms – including Galarian Forms – were also incorporated in this update. Some of these forms now evolve in a different method than before. With Dynamax, Pokémon can grow larger than normal and have their abilities improved. It is possible for some Pokémon to have special Gigantamax Forms that are only available when they are Gigantamax. The story of the game revolves around the Gym Challenge and defeating Leon, the game’s invincible Champion.
People and Pokémon are forming a new kind of bond
The Forest of Okoya is a forbidden Pokémon haven hidden deep in the bush, far from any human habitation. Koko, a human boy who has been reared as a Pokémon by Zarude, lives in the jungles of this area. Koko has never doubted that he is a Pokémon since he was a baby. Koko’s first human buddy was Ash and Pikachu, who he met by happenstance one day. So, what exactly is this guy? Is he a robot, or is he human?
In addition to Raid Battles, the game features Max Raid Battles, a mode in which you battle huge Dynamaxed Pokémon either alone or with others both locally and online. Pokémon Bank, Pokémon Let’s Go, and Pokémon GO Pokémon can all be transferred to Pokémon Sword & Shield via Pokémon HOME. However, this feature is only available if the Pokémon in question can be located in those games. To learn everything there is on know about Pokémon Sword & Shield, take a look at the links to the right. Celebi’s romanized Japanese name, Serebi, inspired the domain name While Pokémon is also a mascot for the site,
One of the earliest Pokémon fan sites,, or SPP (Serebii’s Pokemon Page), was founded by Serebii in the fall of 1999. Articuno Island’s website first became popular on GeoCities, where it was also part of the Articuno Island network. Pokémon Official Magazine in the United Kingdom also has a tight relationship with the site. As an authoritative source on all things anime and video games, it’s no surprise that many people know about it. Almost every day, new content is added to the website. There is a lot of interest in the site’s “Pokéarth,” a comprehensive record of all in-game Trainers as well as catchable Pokémon.