Roswell Preschool Teachers Arrested: Parents who believe their child was mistreated by a preschool instructor at Parker-Chase are being urged to come forward by Roswell police. The Roswell Police Department has issued an all-call for help following the arrest of two preschool teachers. What we know about the incident is as follows. Is it true that it was a long time ago? Despite the fact that the RPD issued an all-call on Wednesday, the incident occurred on June 2, according to arrest Warrants.

So, what precisely happened?
Inside the classroom, surveillance video shows students gathered in a circle around a teacher called Soriana Briceno, who was identified in the warrants as the teacher. The teacher, who is 19, is accused of approaching a 2-year-old pupil at eye level, according to RPD warrants. Briceno’s index finger presses the child’s forehead, causing the child’s head to wobble. In the warrant photo, Zeina Alostwani, a 40-year-old instructor, can be seen standing behind the pupils. In the video, Alostwani can be seen approaching the student kneeling in front of Briceno. Briceno’s classmate Alostwani steps on his hand by accident. A 3-year-old girl is attempting to move her hand, according to police paperwork. Alostwani brings the two closer to Briceno after kneeing the second child in the back.
The individual or people that brought this to our attention. Gloria Barghi’s son was discovered after she watched the live feed from the classroom. “I picked it up right as the main teacher was assaulting the first victim,” Barghi told Jon Shirek of 11Alive. Barghi’s son was not involved in the incident. Their research led them to the school, where they expressed their concerns to the authorities there. Their teachers had inappropriately disciplined their children, which was reported to their parents and the police. The Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning is also investigating “allegations of inappropriate discipline,” according to reports. Endeavor Schools, which owns the Parker-Chase campus, as well as the Children’s Protective Services, have been notified.
Who are the Participants?
Alostwani and Briceno have both been charged with first-degree cruelty to youngsters. A third instructor is thought to have witnessed the alleged attack, although he or she is not being prosecuted at this time. The fourth instructor also provided the administration and the police with a handwritten statement. According to the warrant quoting the statement, this type of behavior isn’t uncommon in the classroom.

“Zeina would get in their faces and shout, grab and pull on their cheeks and arms, lift them up and slam them down hard on the carpet every time a child didn’t listen or follow directions. Soriana would perform some of Zeina’s deeds, but they would take place at a different time “According to the warrant, which paraphrases a portion of the letter.
Administrators at the school released a statement expressing their displeasure “I’m disappointed and outraged” that the educators “used inappropriate disciplinary measures to children.” The enraged teachers were thrown out of the classroom and later fired.” Alostwani and Briceno were arrested and taken to the Fulton County Jail. After videotapes of their activities surfaced, two Georgia preschool teachers were arrested on suspicion of child abuse. Officials in metro Atlanta have filed child cruelty charges against two preschool teachers after they were captured on camera allegedly abusing children. The Roswell Police Department arrested Zeina Alostwani, 40, and Sorianna Briceno, 19, on Monday after receiving a call from a concerned parent at Parker-Chase Preschool last week.
According to authorities, the investigation is still ongoing. A parent logged into the school’s CCTV system and saw Alostwani and Briceno physically interacting with many pupils in the classroom, according to reports. A group of students seated on the floor of an elementary school classroom is shown in an 80-second video clip given by the police department. A mother uses her knee to accidentally bump another child in the back 16 seconds into the video. The other instructor appears to be pushing the youngster’s head backward with her finger in front of him.
When and where did it Happen?
Parker-Chase Preschool of East Roswell, located on Holcomb Bridge Road near Alpharetta, hosted the event. The pupils were in Pre-Primary B, a classroom for children aged 2 to 3, according to school officials. ( Gloria Barghi, whose 3-year-old son was seated next to one of the victims, told CNN that she rushed to the school as soon as she saw the incident on the Livestream and begged that the teachers be removed from the classroom.

According to Barghi’s statement, when she arrived at the school, she informed the front staff about the incident and refused to leave until the teachers were removed. There is a recording on which Barghi claims she was the first to inform the mother of one of the victims, and she and the mother both requested to examine it. One of the victims’ fathers called authorities the next day, according to Barghi, after a school staffer confirmed what she had seen and allowed her and one of the victims’ parents to examine the film. According to Barghi, each classroom has two live streams that parents can access and watch at any moment during the school day.
“I will never put my trust in their organization again. It should, in my opinion, be turned off “The remark was made by Barghi. “These are the types of folks I’d feel safe entrusting my children to. It smacked me in the stomach. This left me in a state of shock and outrage.” The school said in an email to parents obtained by CNN that they reported the incident to their licensing agency and the Children’s Protective Services and that they plan to fully cooperate with investigations. “We found out yesterday afternoon that teachers in the Pre-Primary B classroom had used inappropriate disciplinary measures with pupils. Our inquiry is underway since we take this issue extremely seriously.” The school, according to the email,
The preschool has been the subject of an exhaustive investigation
When CNN called, a woman from Parker-Chase Preschool said there was no statement to make at this time.
In addition, CNN attempted to contact one of the victims’ family attorneys but did not receive a response.
According to court documents, Alostwani was required to post a $75,000 bond. When CNN called her lawyer, Manal Chehimi, she declined to comment. Briceno was denied bond and is currently being held in the Fulton County jail, according to court filings. CNN attempted to reach her lawyer but received no answer.
“It was only a matter of seconds,” she said, “and we knew what we’d seen was intentional.” A number of other victims have come forward at the school after the arrests. When Alostwani and Briceno appeared in court on Tuesday, prosecutors recommended that they not be released on bail. Alostwani was given $75,000 bail because of her refugee and immigration status, whereas Briceno was not. Roswell police will examine a few weeks’ worths of surveillance material to guarantee that similar instances do not occur again.
So, what’s next?
Police are currently reviewing hours of classroom videotape to see whether any additional children were molested by these or other teachers. Alive investigated whether the preschool has a history of state violations. The facilities and people appear to be matching expectations, according to the current assessment. Further victims are being sought by police in Roswell, New Mexico. Call the Roswell Police Department at 770-640-4100 for further information. Crime Stoppers Atlanta accepts anonymous tips via phone at 404-577-TIPS(8477) or online at