Raymarine Dragonfly Review: Raymarine’s big boat fish finders and sonar systems have long been regarded for their dependability and reliability. Raymarine’s new freshwater fish finders have established the company as a market leader. The Dragonfly’s high-resolution screens and cutting-edge CHIRP augmented DownVision sonar will appeal to weekend anglers.
Do you think one of these Down Vision fish finders would be a suitable fit for your fishing needs? That question, as well as a primer on how to use the CHIRP, improved DownVision, will be answered in our Raymarine Dragonfly review. A good down imaging or CHRIP fish finder is available in many different models. Garmin, Humminbird, and Lowrance are just a handful of the market’s major participants. Check out our reviews of these companies’ fish finders to see how they compare to one another.
Without a doubt, the Dragonfly’s CHIRP-enhanced DownVision is its most enticing feature. Everywhere you turn, you’ll witness high-definition 3D-like images. You now have powerful technology at an affordable price point with the inclusion of CHIRP. Everyone from casual fishermen to full-time fishing guides will appreciate the high-quality photos and user-friendly layout.
Is it truly that easy to operate? Aside from that, the device has only three buttons (joystick on the 6 and 7 models). If you’re not as “tech aware” as some other anglers, this should set your mind at ease. By twisting the dial, you can see DownVision, CHIRP sonar, GPS mapping, and split-screen combinations. For spotting structure and fish, I use split-screen CHIRP and DownVision.
Dragonfly Series Features and Specifications
Raymarine’s Wi-FISH Dragonfly: Raymarine has added the option to stream live feeds from your fish finder to your smartphone or tablet this year, in addition to the “Pro” variants. You may send sonar data immediately to your smartphone or tablet using the Wi-FISH app, which is available for iOS and Android. By purchasing the Wi-FISH Black Box Sonar, you may use your phone as a fish finder.

The Wi-FISH Black Box, like the Dragonfly, has a “black box” that communicates with the transducer and sends sonar data to the Wi-FISH app. Consider how clever this is once it’s put into action! Because of their integrated displays, Dragonfly fish finders appear to be fantastic. This implies that an optical gel material is sandwiched between the LCD display and the screen glass. This allows all of the brilliance to come through, making it much easier to view from any perspective. Additionally, your fish finder will no longer become fogged.
A microSD card reader is required to purchase Navionics Gold, Navionics Plus, Hotmaps, SonarChart, or C-MAP for your Dragonfly fish detector. The map card can be immediately used after being placed into the MicroSD slot. One of my favorite Dragonfly 4 and 5 mounts is the Ball & Socket Mount. The display may be turned and angled to practically any position as if it were a built-in RAM mount. The unit is spun and angled using friction rather than plastic ratchets, which makes it extremely robust.
This fish finder is shockingly affordable when compared to other high-end fish finders on the market. This fish detector is an excellent value for the money, with CHIRP technology and a high-definition screen included.
Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Dragonfly?
Because of their ease of use, installation, and crisp Down Vision and CHIRP images, the Raymarine Dragonfly fish finders have a devoted following. Any of the Dragonfly variants would be a good choice for a kayak fish finder or a fishing boat console. It’s better to keep it on the console because it looks and works best when you’re not using it. It’s also likely that you’ll attach a Dragonfly to your trolling motor so that you may photograph your boat’s bow while fishing.

Lowrance vs. Raymarine Dragonfly is a popular topic of debate. However, in this case, the former strategy wins out. Despite its flaws, the Lowrance 000-12635-001 Hook-3X Sonar is still an outstanding pick. And I’ll explain why shortly. It also provides a comprehensive set of high-performance software signal processing capabilities. As a result, you will not be subjected to any limitations. The next natural step is to implement a dual-frequency system for deep and shallow water. In all cases, the best fish detector is renowned for its clarity. Fisherman Guy is well-liked by his audience.
This Dragonfly transducer has a lot of design flair. Its streamlined body form, as you might expect, is perfect for reducing water turbulence. A cable exits the backside of the transducer behind the mounting bracket. For me, the fact that there is no wire loop that could get snagged on something in the water or on your trailer is a huge benefit. The mounting bracket appears to be of good construction. A plastic pivot mount screws into your transom, and a second component allows the transducer to ratchet up or down to create the proper angle for the sonar beams to be positioned.
They also sell transducers for trolling motors, which are available on their website. The CPT-DVS transducer includes two sonar elements, according to Raymarine. A narrow 1.4 degree super wide beam is used to create images, while a cone-shaped beam is used to identify objects in CHIRP sonar. The wires on the Dragonfly 4, Dragonfly 5, and Dragonfly 7 are between 4 and 6 meters in length. Aside from what the website says, I can only assume the 7 has a longer cable.
This Raymarine Dragonfly 7 review, which covers a wide range of features, is a great place to start if you’re looking for a reliable fish finder. It can save you time and fuel by remembering where you’ve gone previously, in addition to assisting you in finding fish in a single voyage. The CHIRP sonar scanner, as well as the superb display and other wonderful features, ensure that you always get precise findings.

There has never been a more rapid advancement in fish-finding technology. It’s all thanks to Raymarine’s Dragonfly 7 Pro Fish Finder. The maker has included CHIRP technology in the mix. Signals from sonar will be able to pass across the water. It also interprets those return signals well, which is a nice benefit. Additionally, the image structuring on the display has been upgraded, with more clarity and detail! The contrast and color saturation of the Raymarine display has been increased. A design that can withstand the elements. As a result, it’s suitable for individuals who want to exercise outdoors on chilly, foggy mornings.
This equipment allows you to view what’s beneath 600 feet of water. Both saltwater and freshwater The following item on the list is the bottom tracking component. In shallow water, the high-speed option must be employed to avoid obstacles. Then there are the GPS maps with US Navionics charting that are integrated. Another useful feature is Wi-Fi connectivity, which is already incorporated. Who, after all, wouldn’t desire that?
The Raymarine Dragonfly 7 Pro is a fantastic device that is both light and small. One has a 14-inch body circumference (on the side)! I found it to be basic and uncomplicated when I put it through its paces. Simply turn on the finder and start looking.