Putin Thyroid Surgery

Putin Thyroid Surgery: Was Putin unwell? His alleged cancer and other severe diseases have sparked a lot of suspicions. The Kremlin has denied any rumors about Vladimir Putin’s health. It’s no secret that Vladimir Putin isn’t in the best of health at the moment. His lack of humanity has been more akin to that of a tyrannical tyrant than a modern human being from the beginning of this war.

Putin Thyroid Surgery
Putin Thyroid Surgery

Now, in addition to his psychological troubles, which appear to be numerous, there have been rumors about his physical state for weeks, with filthy terms like cancer being used to describe him. Putin was not seen in public throughout the month of September 2021. According to sources, he underwent a complicated thyroid illness operation, which is generally accepted in the medical world. Because his face has become notably obese in recent photographs, rumors have circulated that the Russian president is using steroids, which are often used to treat thyroid cancer. A Kremlin spokeswoman stated that Vladimir Putin’s health was “excellent” when asked about it in 2020.

How much of this is true?

According to a number of prohibited Russian media outlets, including Proekt, the Kremlin leader has been suffering from thyroid cancer and other severe ailments for years. In support of this assertion, the media outlet has supplied multiple documents, including numerous visits by specialized professionals to his residence on the Black Sea.

Who visits Vladimir Putin, his second serious ailment?

According to media accounts, the Russian president has been treated for thyroid cancer and Parkinson’s disease for years. Despite the severity of his decisions, which are outsourced to his core officials and advisors, these two ailments have kept him out of the spotlight in recent months. As a result, Russian specialists, including otolaryngologists and surgeon Yevgeny Selivanov, have seen Putin up to 35 times, according to Proekt.

Putin “confirmed” Thyroid cancer Earlier this Year

Putin was unable to talk for more than a minute during a broadcast meeting two years ago owing to a severe coughing episode. Nobody was surprised when the Russian president openly professed interest in thyroid cancer at the same event. Coincidence? Probably not. According to Valery Solovey, former dean of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations Public Relations Department, Vladimir Putin may have thyroid cancer and Parkinson’s disease.

The Russian government continues to deny any scenario or information that would put Vladimir Putin’s authority in jeopardy. Vladimir Putin’s health is “excellent,” according to Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin’s press secretary, and he denies any claims to the contrary.

What does thyroid carcinoma entail?

Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer: This type of cancer starts in the cells of your thyroid, which are located just under your Adam’s apple. Thyroid hormones control a variety of physiological activities, including heart rate, blood pressure, core body temperature, and weight. You may have thyroid cancer if you have any of these symptoms. As the tumor becomes larger, neck pain and swelling may develop. Thyroid malignancies come in a variety of forms. Some people take a long time to mature, while others develop quickly. Treatment can cure the great majority of thyroid cancer patients. The prevalence of this condition appears to be rising. It’s likely that advances in technology are helping doctors to detect previously undetectable thyroid tumors.

Putin Thyroid Surgery
Putin Thyroid Surgery

Is it possible to get rid of it?

Thyroid cancer can be successfully treated even in its advanced stages. This is because there are fantastic treatments available to assist you in your recovery. (https://horiconhillsgolf.com) When surgery is required, it may be possible to resolve the issue.

Signs and Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer

Early-stage thyroid carcinoma is frequently undiagnosed. The most common indication or symptom of thyroid cancer is neck swelling. You might not notice a lump forming, but your dentist or spouse could. Thyroid nodules that be large enough to cause additional problems, such as:

  • A nodule under the skin of your neck that can be felt
  • Inhaling is difficult.
  • putting one’s ego aside
  • Uncomfortable movement of the head or neck
  • a prolonged sneeze
  • a change in vocal timbre
  • hoarseness
  • With the probable exception of medullary thyroid carcinoma, pain is relatively infrequent in thyroid cancer.


The great majority of thyroid cancers are brought on by unknown factors. There are, however, a few things you may do to increase your chances. inherited genetic diseases Your parents’ DNA can trigger a range of diseases, including cancer. Two out of every ten cases of medullary thyroid cancer are caused by an inherited defective gene. Thyroid cancer, particularly in its more aggressive forms, is associated with insufficient dietary iodine consumption. Because iodine is regularly added to salt and other foods in the United States, this is uncommon. You may be at risk for cancer if you received radiation treatment for your head or neck as a youngster.

Who will be the lucky recipient?

Thyroid cancer is more common in women than in men. Thyroid cancer is more common in women between the ages of 45 and 55, whereas it is more common in men between the ages of 60 and 71. Follicular thyroid carcinoma is more common in whites and women than in males. Anyone, young or old, can develop thyroid cancer. People between the ages of 30 and 50 are the most likely to get papillary thyroid cancer.

Thyroid cancer recurrence is more likely in people who have the following risk factors:

  • Thyroid tissue fragments were surgically removed.
  • The neck is the first area to examine for lymph nodes.
  • The heart, lungs, bones, and other body parts are among the others.

It is possible to treat a recurrence of thyroid cancer. Regular blood tests or thyroid scans may be recommended by your doctor to look for signs of thyroid cancer.


It’s difficult to avoid thyroid cancer, which affects an unknown number of people. If you are aware of your risk for thyroid cancer, you can take the following precautions: Preventative surgery is an option for patients who have a gene mutation that increases their risk of medullary thyroid cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasias. If you have the faulty gene, you can have preventive surgery to remove your thyroid gland before it turns malignant.

Putin Thyroid Surgery

Putin had dozens of visits from a cancer surgeon over the period of four years, according to a Russian investigative news organization, and took revitalizing baths in deer antler blood. Because of growing health concerns, Russian President Vladimir Putin has a team of doctors who visit his residences and accompany him on his travels, according to Proekt, a Russian investigative news organization. According to the report, oncologist Yevgeny Selivanov flew 35 times to see Putin at his Black Sea home and spent 166 days in his company. Igor Isakov and Alexei Shcheglov, both otolaryngologists (ear, nose, and throat experts), paid several visits to the Russian president.

According to the research, Alexei Shcheglov flew 59 times and spent 282 days in Putin’s company between 2016 and 2020. Otolaryngologists, oncologists, and surgeons are frequently engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid issues, including cancer, according to a doctor. The media outlet was able to identify the medics who spent time with Vladimir Putin at his Sochi residence, according to a government procurement website.