Pip Payments: Payouts are typically made every four weeks for Personal Independence Payments (PIP). It’s tax-free and available to everybody, regardless of employment status. It consists of two parts (parts). You may get one or both of these depending on the severity of your disease. The level of assistance you’ll receive will be determined through an Evaluation. In order to make sure you’re getting the correct help, your rate will be reviewed on a regular basis.

DLA and PIP can serve as a conduit to other forms of financial support. Benefits such as DLA and PIP are calculated using disability premiums, so if you receive income assistance or housing benefit and successfully claim DLA or PIP, you should qualify (e.g. disability premium, disabled child premium). This is expected to result in a rise in compensation.
People with Disabilities Insurance (PIP):
This information is designed specifically to help beneficiaries of the Trust with their PIP applications. In order to be successful in your PIP application, you must ensure that your application form has accurate information regarding your medical condition, as well as that information is confirmed during the assessment. The Disability Rights Guide to claiming PIP is a great resource for learning more about PIP in general. For those impacted by thalidomide and their families, this PIP Pack contains information tailored to their specific needs.
What is the PIP:
In the place of Disability Living Allowance, a new benefit called Personal Independence Payment (PIP) has been implemented (DLA). The Center for Health and Development (CHAD) provided funding for this study in 2017. To help colleagues at Staffordshire University carry out small-scale health inequalities-related research initiatives with the potential for local effect, CHAD awarded funding to them. In the wake of this study, Richard Machin has taken up a position as a Senior Lecturer in Social Work and Health at Nottingham Trent University. Richard’s continued involvement with CHAD as an Honorary Associate is greatly appreciated.
Personal Independence Payment: Study of Effects
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and its impact on claimants with mental health issues will be examined in this study. Fiona McCormack, Chris Gidlow, and Richard Machin. Staffordshire University and Disability Solutions West Midlands conducted a study, the results of which are summarised in this document. Researchers studied the effects on people in their working years who have mental health issues of the switch from Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to Personal Independence Payment (PIP). Thirteen clients of Disability Solutions were interviewed in-depth using a qualitative approach.

Three major themes emerged from the study of the interview transcripts:
- Anxiety and uncertainty rose throughout the course of the project as a whole.
- The PIP claims process is plagued with issues.
- Experiences or elements that are positive.
The paper offers recommendations on both a local and national level. At the local level, agencies should work together to support PIP claimants with mental health issues and report on the effects of benefit reform on this population. The national suggestions include a larger-scale examination of the impact of PIP on claimants with mental health issues and a wide variety of changes to the communication between the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and claimants.
Until summer of 2018, the DWP will decide on PIP claims based on illegitimate and discriminatory criteria:
Changes to PIP mobility component regulations, which impacted those with psychological distress, were ruled illegal by the UK’s High Court in December 2017. An estimated 164,000 people with mental health issues will be helped by the government’s about-face, according to Disability Rights UK, which backed this lawsuit. Both backdated payments and payments to new claimants based on this decision cannot be issued until the new PIP Assessment Guidance has been released.
An inquiry about Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
In order to move from the old Disability Living Allowance (DLA) system, benefit claimants should call the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) office on their telephone contact number 0345 850 3322. As a result, you should notify the PIP inquiries team as soon as possible if your circumstances change, such as if you are hospitalized or your medical condition worsens. Early Summer 2018 is likely to see the release of this Guidance, and the first payments based on it are planned to begin in Summer 2018.

Disabled People’s Rights Commentary Ken Butler, the UK’s welfare rights advisor, said:
Disability benefits claims are being unlawfully denied by the Secretary of State, and this is appalling. Because of their “blatant discrimination” against people with mental health disabilities, the High Court found the PIP legislation unconstitutional in December of last year. Passing this legislation, cannot be based on the government’s desire to save roughly £1 billion annually at the expense of those with mental health disabilities. Government delays implementation of the judgment so that it can better craft restricted instructions to mitigate the impact of the ruling is difficult to argue against.” For those disabled persons who have received unlawful rulings, it is doubtful they will be informed when their PIP claim is being reviewed, let alone given the opportunity to fight any unfavorable review result.
Self-Sufficiency Allowance (SFA): 0800 121 4433
For more information on Personal Independence Payments (PIPs), or to report a change in circumstances or file an appeal against a decision that may have decreased your weekly payment, call this UK contact number – freephone 0800 121 4433. As long as you have inclusive minutes available on your telephone contact, you can call the Department for Work & Pensions’ Personal Independence Payment office to discuss your PIP stipend at standard UK rates. When using a landline, you’ll be charged per minute, but you’ll also be required to pay an access price to your provider. If you use a mobile phone, that access charge will likely be much greater.
The following is what Ms. Mallon had to say: “Parents have told us that their son has been asked if he may use a microwave oven. “He said yes because he can turn it on, but they inferred from that that he can cook for himself and be self-sufficient, which is completely false. We have seen a lot of situations like that, where the questions are not being correctly translated and are being unfairly judged. Department of Communities spokeswoman said Monday’s meeting “was a useful opportunity to hear from speakers concerning Autism and the PIP assessment process, which we will consider on the points given.”
Stats released by the Department in September reveal that 56% of evaluated claims with learning impairments had their award enhanced, according to the supplement. According to those figures, 5,960 DLA claims were reassessed between June 2016 and May 2018 in which the principal debilitating condition was recorded as a learning disability. One-fourth (24%) of the benefit claims were rejected or withdrawn. Reassessment resulted in no change in income for 835 claimants (14 percent), while a further 6 percent saw their payments reduced.
Complaints and appeals should be directed to 0345 850 3322
Your appointed social worker’s bad customer service can be reported at 0345 850 3322, the helpline you can use to challenge the decision to cut your PIP stipend. This number can also be used to request a reconsideration of a denial of Personal Independence Payments or to learn whether you qualify for any other benefits.