One Funny Lisa Marie Husband Cancer: Laughter is the greatest medicine for a Staten Islander who has found social media success with a vengeance. Lisa Marie Riley has tens of thousands of social media followers because of her amusing and anecdotal films. Riley, Lisa Marie (Courtesy of her). New York’s Staten Island – A former court stenographer from Staten Island, New York, has racked up hundreds of thousands of Followers on social media and millions of likes for her comedic and anecdotal videos.

The punchline:
Despite her viral renown for her funny videos, she doesn’t consider herself a comic. Lisa Marie Riley never anticipated or hoped for the cult following she has amassed on social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Riley, a Brooklyn native, saw an increase in followers after a few months; she soon had a regular stream of support on Instagram and began utilizing TikTok at the suggestion of a fan.
When Riley heard three years ago that her husband, David, had an aggressive form of cancer, she had no idea what to do. The Huguenot mother of three resigned from her job to care for her husband’s health. Riley began creating and sharing amusing movies on Instagram to help both of them cope with the stress of the situation. ‘I had no idea what to do when David was first sick,’ I admitted. Furthermore, his cancer appeared to be very aggressive. “It was all just dreadful news, bad news, poor news, bad news,” the 39-year-old told Advance/ I made the [Instagram page] only to have something to laugh at for 15 to 30 seconds. “We’d be able to forget about reality for a little while,” he adds as a result.
It was a wise decision on the player’s Behalf
Riley’s social media fame has grown when a TikTok she shared in March 2020 about her husband’s desire for her to patch his damaged jeans went viral. She’s gained a sizable following on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook since then, and has even dabbled in stand-up comedy, appearing all over the East Coast, including this Saturday at the St. George Theatre.
When it comes to her celebrity, she seems unfazed by it
Riley is unclear what to make of the attention she’s received, which she finds both surprising and flattering. The fact that people like me makes me feel as if I’m in a strange nation. Despite my lack of celebrity, is unusual. But, you know, I’ve never seen it happen to somebody like me before. It’s an incredible feeling.”And I don’t think I’ll ever be a stand-up comedian…”
Do you get what I’m saying?
It takes years and years of practice to master that skill. That is their responsibility. That is what they excel at. They gave it everything they had. I don’t consider myself a comic since I have no idea what I’m doing. I don’t get a single word of it. I’m at a loss for words.” Riley’s humorous aptitude is undeniable, as she claims. However, as previously said, the goal was to go unnoticed at all times.

Riley cited her husband’s cancer treatment at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center as an example of how “doing [the live shows] saved my life.” ‘And it was the most important thing,’ he continued. I was on the verge of passing out. It’s crucial to take a break and focus on something else when you’re receiving all of this bad news.
It was a pleasant diversion for me, It gave me a mental lift
I answered, “It saved my life.” “I’ve had the pleasure of working with some of the funniest wives and mothers I’ve ever met.” Staten Island-based, Brooklyn-raised Lisa Marie is one of the funniest women I know. And she has plenty of material to giggle about thanks to her family. Despite David’s cancer diagnosis, which sparked an unexpected comedy career as a result of his social media following and served as an outlet for his mental health difficulties, he continues to thrive.
Lisa Marie and I talked before her concert on April 2nd at the URSB Carteret Performing Arts & Events Center. Here is where you may purchase your ticket. On March 4 and 23, she will be at the Hyatt Regency in Princeton and the Palladium-Times Square in New York City. For additional information, follow Lisa Marie on Instagram. (
How and why have your marriage, children, and family shaped your sense of humor?
My closest friends and relatives are a never-ending source of comedy material for me. If they weren’t there, what would I make fun of? As a fan of family and home life, I strive to present it in a lighthearted manner so that others can understand.
How has he reacted to your comic career now that he’s been diagnosed with cancer for a year?
As a non-comedian, I discovered that social media gave me the ideal outlet for venting my grievances. We had just enough time to laugh and take our minds off our dreadful reality for 60 seconds. My husband can’t believe how far I’ve come by posting these videos on YouTube. He’s impressed by the number of friends I’ve made on social media and the number of people who can relate to me, and he’s proud of me.
What is the name of your husband’s cancer-fighting dog?
My husband’s name is David, and he fights this battle every day. All we can do is hope for the best and take each day as it comes.
Is the St. George Theater completely sold out?
I had the opportunity to perform at St. George Theater on February 5, and the audience was fantastic. I had a great time performing in my hometown and seeing so many of my online friends in person. The importance of family meals served at home was a big element of my upbringing and culture. People can relate to and laugh with me because of my Italian-American upbringing, which has influenced my sense of humor.

Do you ever get mistaken for Lisa Marie Presley, and if so, do you have any amusing stories to share about it?
I’ve never been mistaken for her. If they did, I’d be overjoyed. I’m thrilled to be performing at the Carteret Performing Arts & Center for the first time in my life and to meet so many lovely people. You’ve got a lot of planned shows and a growing fan base on social media.
Which type of show would you rather do, a cooking show or a comedy show?
If at all possible, please allow me to do both. As a result, I am continually grateful for the possibilities that come my way. It would mean a lot to me to be able to cook with my mother once more. I want to have my own radio show and podcast in the future.
What else do you intend to achieve in addition to your husband’s recovery?
My life goal is for my family and me to be well and happy, and for us to raise three great children together.’
Is there anything else you’d like to say that my questions didn’t cover?
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I am grateful to you. It means a great deal to me. I’ve met so many lovely people who I now consider friends as a result of my attempts to make my spouse laugh.