Official Gorilla Tag Modding Discord Server: Have you yet to break your virtual reality controllers? Are there any priceless heirlooms in the area that are still in good condition? Then there’s some good news: Gorilla Tag’s new canyon map is now in beta. This first iteration of the map, which replaces the game’s wooded Backdrop with a new rocky landscape, went live over the weekend.

Gorilla Tag’s New Map Has Been Released in Beta
Canyon adds a few unexpected tweaks to the routine. The level’s curving road is difficult to stay on top of, and there are only a few areas below that allow you to simply navigate back up if you fall. It will undoubtedly allow for some new playstyles not available on the game’s initial map. Currently, map developer Lemming states that this version is mostly focused on the map’s feel. There are a few graphics difficulties and other bugs, but they should be resolved soon. To use the map on Steam, simply install the most recent beta branch. If you’re on Quest, go to Gorilla Tag’s Oculus app store page, press ‘Version,’ and you’ll be transported to the notes page, where you may switch between live and beta versions.
Since its release in February, Gorilla Tag has become a virtual reality phenomenon. The game involves players leaping through the landscape, up trees, and over walkways using an arm-swinging locomotion technique. The game is just a twist on VR tag with three players, but with four or more, you may play an infected variant in which infected gorillas pursue down survivors. In other Gorilla Tag news, the game just received a new relaxed mode in which players may relax without having to follow any of the usual restrictions, and parts of the walls at the top of the forest area have been made slick to prevent individuals from exiting the level.
How can you get Gorilla Tag Mods?
Before we begin the process of obtaining game mods, we must first locate a PC or Laptop. This is critical since we need a Windows system to run it. With a USB Type-C connector, you can now connect your Oculus Quest 2 to your PC. Following that, you must carry out these tasks. This was all about getting mods for Oculus Quest 2’s Gorilla Tag. Hopefully, this information has been beneficial to you. You can check out our various guides on the Oculus Quest 2, such as How To Play Custom Songs In Beat Saber.
Developer Mode should be enabled
Oculus Quest 2 developer mode gorilla tag mods: You’ll also need to be in developer mode to get the Gorilla Tag Mods or any Mod for that matter. You’ll need to go to the Oculus website to do so. Once you’ve arrived, sign up for an Oculus Developer account and log in with your existing account. Follow the instructions from there, and it’s a good idea to obtain a Developer account. Simply construct an organization, it can be something you want, and the Developer mode is now enabled.
Download the Quest Patcher
Now, go to your PC and install the Quest Patcher that you downloaded from the link. Select the house windows to file from the Github link and download it. When it’s finished receiving, open it up and arrange it. I recommend running it as an administrator. Now all you have to do is follow the procedures and set up the equipment. Run the Quest Patcher after the arranging is finished. If your Headset is mentioned, go to it and enable data entry. Don’t be a part of it if your Headset shouldn’t be. It should then prompt you to authorize USB Debugging. By clicking OK, you agree to the entry. The Quest Patcher should be ready to go after all permissions have been granted.

Obtaining Modifications
Once the Quest Patcher and the Oculus Quest have been said, the Modding Gorilla Tag should be active. Now select Patch my App from the drop-down menu. You’ll need to obtain Gorilla Tag Mods for Oculus Quest 2 after it’s been fixed. They’re available on the Gorilla Tag Mods Discord. Now choose the Mod you want to use. Make certain you understand the Mod before purchasing it, as there may be additional actions that the Mod requires. Locate a Mod and set up a meeting. After that is completed, drag and drop the Mod file into the Quest Patcher. You will now be able to simply begin your sport.
If you have a Cosmetic Mod installed, travel to the first floor and it will be available for you to equip. If it’s a different type of Mod, make a Private Lobby and make it accessible so you can use your watch to access it. Be wary, as certain Mods that provide an unfair advantage to a player will be banned from public servers. So make sure you try them out in Private Lobbies with your friends. Additionally, only individuals who have the same Mods installed will be able to see your Mods.
As Gorillas, you climb and swing from platform to platform as you play Gorilla Tag with your friends. The game is really enjoyable, and it is recommended that you try it out, especially since it is available on the Oculus Quest 2. You not only get to play as a Gorilla with a Torso and limbs, but you also get the chance to hover around the map. What could possibly make this better? Okay, Mods. Mods are extra data that may be integrated into video games to give them a new look. There are a lot of talked-about Mods for Gorilla Tag that you should take advantage of. I’ll show you how to download Gorilla Tag Mods for the Oculus Quest 2 in this article.
The Modding Gorilla Tag should Appear
When the Quest Patcher and the Oculus Quest are linked, the Modding Gorilla Tag should appear. Now select “Patch my App” from the drop-down menu. After it’s been corrected, you’ll need to get Gorilla Tag Mods for Oculus Quest 2. They’re available on the Gorilla Tag Mods Discord. Now select the Mod that you require. Make certain you understand the Mod before purchasing it, as there may be additional actions that the Mod requires. Locate a Mod and set it up. After that is completed, drag and drop the Mod file into the Quest Patcher. You’ll be able to jump right into your sport now.
If you’ve been assigned a Cosmetic Mod, head to the first ground and equip it. If it’s a different kind of Mod, then make a Private Lobby and use your watch to access it. Be cautious, as mods that provide an unfair advantage to a player will almost certainly be banned from public servers. So make sure you try them out with your friends in Private Lobbies. Additionally, only people who have the same Mods installed will be able to see your Mods.
This was all about getting mods for Oculus Quest 2’s Gorilla Tag. Hopefully, you found this information useful. You can also check out some of our other guides, such as How to Play Custom Songs in Beat Saber on the Oculus Quest 2. Before we begin the method of getting the Mods for the sport, we have to discover a PC or Laptop. This is critical as we’d like a Windows system to make it work.