Naidoc Week Background: We commemorate our unique cultural history throughout National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Day (NAIDOC) Week! Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities hold a week-long Celebration in July to honor their heritage, culture, and accomplishments. The nation is encouraged to embrace this knowledge and understanding by NAIDOC Week because Australia’s First Nations peoples are an integral component of the country’s cultural history.
This year’s NAIDOC theme, “Heal Country!,” calls for the recognition, preservation, and protection of all facets of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. Australia Awards and Scope Global are collaborating with scholars, alumni, and staff to honor NAIDOC Week and promote awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. At Australia Awards in South Asia, students, graduates, and staff are taking part in a number of activities to recognize NAIDOC Week.
In recognition of the indigenous peoples of the Torres Strait Islands:
The Australia Awards offer opportunities for scholars to learn about and connect with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures as a means of encouraging change, dedication to Reconciliation, and personal growth. For South Asian Australia Awards recipients living in Adelaide in 2020, Haydyn Bromley of Bookable Australia offered cultural sensitivity training. The success of the course has led to a request that all South Asian specialists virtually attend the same session in August of this year.
Scholars can also apply for professional development funding while they are studying in Australia. A Pakistani scholar named Israr, who is shown in the top shot, received funds in order to gain experience working on Aboriginal community economic development efforts in Australia. As part of the funding, Saira will perform internship duties for Curijo, an Aboriginal-owned business in Canberra that provides a variety of top-notch services to the corporate community as well as adult education and cultural and community programs.
Saira’s internship will teach a variety of Topics
Including project management, writing and research in relevant fields, observation of consultations, and encouraging clients to get involved in the community. As previously agreed, Saira plans to start her internship in August 2021. Australia Awards recipients and graduates from all over South Asia will be welcomed to a short film festival to honor NAIDOC Week. Online streaming will be made available for the documentary Bran Nue Dae, which is based on a musical of the same name.
The history and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will be the main topics. The festival’s objectives include increasing understanding of Aboriginal culture and giving graduates from South Asian nations a chance to consider how they may promote indigenous cultures in their own nations. As part of the Australia Awards program, students can take part in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural events. Only the first week of NAIDOC Week marks the start of a year-long commitment to volunteer work.
Employees from several divisions at Scope Global came together to form an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander inclusion working group, which will aid the company in better understanding and involving its diverse workforce. In August 2021, the Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan for Australia Awards will be introduced, and scholars are welcome to attend. They’ll get to network with new individuals and learn more about Australia’s reconciliation initiatives.
National NAIDOC Week usually takes place in July, but this year it will be held from November 8–15 due to COVID-19. All Australians, not just those from Indigenous communities, take part in NAIDOC, which honors the history, culture, and accomplishments of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. A great way to spend the week is to get involved in a range of activities and support your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. You may participate in NAIDOC Week celebrations wherever you are since they are happening all around the world.
Cultural Education Program:
Contact your regional office to learn more about NAIDOC Week events in your area. All Australians must have appropriate, safe, efficient, and timely access to health and community care services. To guarantee equal care, service delivery, and/or assistance, cultural respect must be incorporated into the design, delivery, and assessment of services. To assist your organization in offering this level of service, the AGPAL and QIP Education and Training Team has created the Cultural Learning e-Learning program.
Introduction to Cultural Competence: Module 1
The focus of this discussion is on cultural competency, including what it looks like in practice and practical methods for enhancing it. Educating and empowering our customers to engage with health and community organizations more effectively is a key component of our mission. This lesson’s emphasis is on cultural competency, including what it looks like in practice and methods for enhancing it. AGPAL and QIP clients can access this module by entering into their QIP accreditation portal and choosing “EDUCATION & RESOURCES” from the top navigation bar.
Promoting harmony amongst Indigenous, Aboriginal, and Torres Strait Islander Australians and the rest of Australia is one of the basic values of the AGPAL Group of Companies. We appreciate and honor the fact that the land’s traditional owners are the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. As a community, we wish to express our gratitude to all past, present, and future Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders and recognize the essential part they continue to play in ours.
The beautiful and colorful piece of art “Care for Country” addresses how First Nations people have been cared for and healed by their country on a spiritual, physical, emotional, social, and cultural level. The 2021 NAIDOC Week theme, Heal Country, served as inspiration. The paintings show towns, people, animals, and traditional cures from all around the nation in a range of landscapes, including red earth, green grass, the wilderness, and coastal areas.
You may find the 2022 National NAIDOC Poster here
The National NAIDOC Poster 2021 can be used to mark NAIDOC Week. The 2021 National NAIDOC Poster will go on sale in print on June 29, 2021, through the regional network of the National Indigenous Australians Agency and Woolworths stores. These copies are yours gratis while supplies last.
Credit for the image on the National NAIDOC Poster for 2021 is required:
The 2021 NAIDOC Poster is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License unless otherwise noted (CC BY-NC-N4 4.0). Please use the entire Poster in the format supplied for the greatest results. Making a separate version of the work that combines the graphic and text components is prohibited. It is necessary to give credit to “The 2021 National NAIDOC Poster” which also features the Aboriginal Flag (licensed by WAM Clothing Pty Ltd) and the Torres Strait Islander Flag (licensed by the Torres Strait Island Council).
On this day, which falls during NAIDOC Week, we remember the contributions made by our First Peoples and recognize them as the land’s original inhabitants. Joining Indigenous Australians in commemorating NAIDOC are Australians from all walks of life. NAIDOC 2021, which takes place from Sunday, July 4 through Sunday, July 11, will focus on Heal Country. The NAIDOC Week Committee reports:
At all costs, “Heal Country” demands the preservation of our sacred places, our lands, our waterways, and our cultural heritage. We all need to take some time to think about our shared past and future in order to help our nation heal. Therefore, the subject calls for more efforts to guarantee that all aspects of our legacy are recognized, safeguarded, and conserved.