Odysee.Com Review: Odysee, YouTube’s non-censored sibling, works in a similar manner. You can publish your videos to the Odysee platform and perform the same things you would on YouTube to get views. You’ll be paid per view once you reach a certain amount of verified Viewership. The rates you’re paid per view are determined by a number of factors, including how long people watch the video and how engaged they are as a result of that time spent watching.

You can also obtain suggestions from individuals who enjoy your work. Both of these balances will be paid with LBRY credits. Unlike on YouTube, where producers are completely reliant on ad revenue, they are not on Vimeo. Furthermore, the Odysee founders are not well compensated. Rather, authors are compensated based on the number of views their content receives! Odysee takes a little percentage of money to keep the service running, but it’s nothing compared to the 50 percent YouTube may collect from content providers.
Is Odysee Actually Censorship-Free?
Odysee’s posting criteria appear to be rather different from those of YouTube at first glance. Both YouTube and Odysee allow you to watch videos without interruptions, but Odysee allows producers to keep a larger portion of the revenue. This is an important distinction to make. As a result, YouTube will adjust your search results to hide or push films that they don’t like down the page. They’ll also prioritize government and news websites in your search results.
How to Make the Most of Odysseus
Installing the Odysee add-on for Firefox makes it easier to use Odysee on a computer, as it instantly redirects any YouTube videos you want to watch to Odysee. As a result, rather than relying on YouTube adverts, you will pay the person you want to support directly. If you’re a YouTube creator, the Odysee platform is a good place to host your videos. Your videos will remain on YouTube, where your admirers can find them, but you can also utilize Odysee to build a following and earn money in new ways with your content.

How many of your viewers want to watch you regardless of the platform you’re using to deliver content?
Overall, Odysee is an enhancement to the LBRY platform that viewers and producers alike demand in order to make it more accessible and user-friendly. This site has a high possibility of taking off and becoming the next go-to resource for media content around the world, thanks to the ability to import videos directly from YouTube. Even if you’re not a fan of Odysee, you should give it a try!
Upload whatever you want, and it stays online. But you can never eliminate it. If you wish to upload any video clip online and keep it there permanently, the Odysee platform will do it for you. Odysee, a video platform created in July 2020, has gained users since December 2020. The LBRY network’s YouTube-like platform. Unlike YouTube, there are no administrators or age restrictions, and the content is forever stored on the blockchain. Remember that once data is added to the blockchain it cannot be modified or withdrawn.
Odysee uses blockchain technology to prevent the deletion of creators’ channels. A channel is established and stored on a blockchain distributed ledger. While this may seem like a terrific concept, it may have long-term ramifications for some content providers, especially when opinions evolve. Content creators may be burdened with stupid content they later regret. By putting video material on the blockchain, no one entity can control or edit it, making deplatforming impossible.
Odyssee claims to have around 300,000 content Creators
Upload videos on topics ranging from informative to bizarre. On YouTube, users can watch any video for free, unlike on Streamanity, where the content provider determines the fee. According to a December press release, the platform has 8,7 million monthly active users, while Sitechecker estimates that Odysee.com has less than 10,000 unique visits each month. Odysee uses the LBRY protocol, which allows developers to build apps that interact with LBRY material. Odysee replaces LBRY.TV, which was discontinued.

Uploading a video requires a minimum of 0.01 LBC (LBRY Credits), which is less than a cent. If they like, content creators can charge LBC to watch videos. Like the video? Fans can tip the content creator. Each video reflects the creator’s credit earned. That way, it will be visible to other users and will be registered on the LBRY blockchain. Upon logging in, users can see their Odysee wallet. A third-party cryptocurrency wallet can also hold their funds. Influencers’ earnings differ. Odysee claims that regular influencers make between $100 and $5,000 each month for their uploads. Not linked to Bitcoin (BTC), LBRY Credits can be bought via the app. You can also swap LBC for cash.
In an era when international concern about social media regulation is developing, users can submit any video they choose. Extremist content may find a permanent home on sites like Odysee, with little filtering or removal. However, the statement “We don’t care what you post for the most part” may encourage users to cross the line. Rule 4 says “This is the internet, so be nice to other users. You can also threaten or intimidate someone in videos by persistently bothering them.”
Do users have the right to harass other users? The rules seem to encourage Overstepping
Blockchain gives producers and users more control over their material. Like in a bar, users must not incite violence. They can otherwise publish and interact as they would in public. With delisting, a user’s channel and content remain but are not discoverable via search, browsing channels, or other techniques. This enables for unlimited content sharing. Users can delist their own material. Odysee reserves the right to remove extremists or troublemakers. But the content is only removed from Odysee, not from the LBRY network.
Using the LBRY Decentralized Odysee Video Platform
Thank you for viewing my Odysee video platform introduction. Odysee is LBRY’s latest content sharing platform. Very similar, but with many new features. My first impression of the Odysee platform was excellent. I observe many technical improvements over the LBRY version! The design is vibrant and the films load quickly. The Odysee platform also provides categories and other user-friendly features, such as the “Fire” button. As a result, I expect increased community engagement. Exciting.

Also, this is my first video upload directly into the Odysee platform, and I am happy (same process as LBRY). I’m very pleased that all my lbry stuff is currently available on Odysee without my involvement. A big positive. Please use my referral link to sign up for this exciting experience. LBRY will reward us both with a Lbry credit (LBC) that you wouldn’t get if you didn’t use a referral. Worth the try and the fun! Also, follow @Mammycrypto for Lbry and Odysee tutorials.
I occasionally discuss my crypto adventure, opinions on current crypto news, and personal interests. Catch up! Of course, there are the typical conspiracy theories and parody accounts. Other, less interesting, and outright idiotic videos have received nothing. Will it become a haven for extremists? We’ll see. Odysee may be the platform for content creators who want to earn LBC right now and convert it to cash later without a third company controlling how much they may earn.