Michael Stone Documentary: Killer Commander An appeal has been filed against the conviction of Michael Stone in the Chillenden murders, raising the possibility that he was wrongfully convicted. It’s possible that if Levi Bellfield had confessed to the hammer Murders of Lin and Megan Russell, Michael Stone would have been exonerated of all charges.

A jury found Stone guilty of the murders of Lin, 45, and her six-year-old daughter Megan in 1996 and sentenced him to life in prison. Although Bellfield is currently serving a life sentence for the murder of Millie Dowler, The Sun reported how he admitted to the heinous crimes. According to the document, Stone, who has always maintained his innocence, may have been the victim of a prosecutorial error. Bellfield’s lawyer Paul Bacon was given a 14-paragraph statement by the convicted murderer himself. Stone, 61, has filed an appeal with the Criminal Cases Review Commission, which has the authority to request a retrial. “I can say I have received a four-page statement from Bellfield, which is a genuine confession, it’s an absolutely astounding breakthrough,” Mr. Bacon declared.
“Now that this incredible change has occurred, I will meet with colleagues to discuss how we can finally get Michael Stone the freedom he deserves after so many years. “This is the proof that he is innocent,” he says. Michael Stone’s innocence will finally be proven once and for all if the authorities interrogate Bellfield under caution,” he said. For the Met’s investigation, I want to deliver the (Bellfield) statement to the CCRC and Cressida Dick. In 1998, Stone was convicted of murdering Russell, but these convictions were eventually overturned. After a retrial in 2001, he was found guilty once again. My four-page Bellfield statement, which is an honest confession, has arrived, which is an amazing development.
Theodore Bacon
Last May, we reported on the Criminal Cases Review Commission’s investigation into Bellfield, who claims he has never met Stone. Forensic tests were performed on a bootlace that was located at the site and lost by police last year. When asked by friends if he was concerned about his DNA being found on a piece of clothing, Bellfield said, “Yes.”
Confessions that are chilling in their honesty: Bellfield detailed the murderous attack in a four-page statement lodged with a solicitor that he made last month. He confesses to killing the family dog after it bit him and taking a hair scrunchie home as a memento. My right hand held a hammer, and I was wearing bright yellow marigold washing-up gloves.” There was a screwdriver, lock knife, hammer, marigold gloves, and an extremely long black bootlace in my car. I was prepared for everything.” Due to the shouts and the fact that Lin was accompanied by youngsters, I rapidly altered my mind about attacking Lin.”
- As I got closer, I squeezed Lin’s right arm.
- “She pleaded that I do not harm her children. She maintained her composure.
- When she yelled, I would have attacked her and gone without harming the children.
- Everything spiraled out of control and her compliance just bolstered my confidence.
- Three of them were taken off the track by me.” To my surprise, Lin didn’t resist.”

A life sentence was handed down to Bellfield for the 2008 murders of Amelie Delagrange and Marsha McDonnell, as well as the attempted murder of Kate Sheedy in South West London, where all three women were killed by the same hammer blow. Milly Dowler was murdered in 2002, and he was found guilty three years later. He was sentenced to life in prison.
The statement goes on to tell how he killed Lin and Megan and left Josie for dead with horrible injuries. “I grabbed the dog by the collar and it bit my wrist. I murdered the dog,” he says. I murdered the dog by slamming it to the ground. “My legs, arms, and shorts were covered in blood.” When Lin and her daughter Megan were murdered, he claimed to be in Chillenden, Kent at the time.
However, his new testimony provides additional information and reveals how he washed off the blood from his hands at a service station on the M25 in Surrey before heading to work as a nightclub bouncer after the murders. This has never happened to me in the sense that I’ve committed a crime and another person has been arrested for it,” Bellfield concludes his comments. Stone and the Russell family have my sincere apologies for what I have done. As a result of Bellfield’s admission, he is now one of Britain’s most notorious serial killers, having confessed to at least six killings.
In March, a BBC documentary will premiere on the IRA’s role in the killings of mourners.
Documentary to honor 30th anniversary of crimes to include unheard evidence from victims’ relatives about the attack on an IRA burial and subsequent revenge killing of two British corporals by loyalist paramilitary member Michael Stone. For the first time, family members of the three men killed by Stone at the first funeral have spoken out about the day their relatives were murdered, according to the BBC. The Funeral Murders feature their stories. Vanessa Engle, the award-winning filmmaker of Inside Harley Street, is behind the new feature, which is based on her acclaimed television documentary.
In addition to the funeral director who conducted both funerals in March 1988, Engle also interviewed ex-members of the British Army and the Royal Ulster Constabulary, none of whom had previously spoken about the incidents. The Milltown cemetery deaths, which occurred at the funeral of three IRA members killed by the SAS in Gibraltar, startled viewers throughout the world.
Brady’s funeral in West Belfast
After failing to murder his intended targets, Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness, Stone opened fire on mourners and threw grenades, killing three people and injuring 60 others, including the elderly and children, in a graveyard in Belfast. In retaliation for the IRA’s bombing of the Enniskillen Remembrance Day memorial service the year before, he concocted this scheme.

From Adams to the security personnel and relatives of those killed, Engle’s hour-long film contains a wide range of viewpoints. Formerly unable or unable to relive the agony, individuals who are now willing to speak their stories in the media have done so out of respect for those who have died. Re-examining the notorious episode in contemporary Irish history is particularly important as the problem of the Irish border comes back into focus during the Brexit negotiations. Besides its value as a historical record, “the film also has contemporary resonance, thirty years after the funerals, in revealing how enduring conflict emerges when groups of people have politically polarised viewpoints.”
In the days following Brady’s funeral in West Belfast, two British army corporals, Derek Wood and David Howes were mistaken for loyalist paramilitaries planning another attack or SAS members as they drove down West Belfast towards the funeral cortege. A few members of the mob assaulted and then kidnapped them before the IRA shot them to death.
BBC2 will broadcast the movie in March” On March 7, 2018, we made some edits to this article. In the original, it was reported falsely that members of the crowd at Kevin Brady’s burial beat to death Derek Wood and David Howes. Despite the fact that they were beaten to death by members of the crowd, the IRA was ultimately responsible for their demise. This has now been fixed.