Mega Clean Reviews: The Mega Clean is the Ultimate Detox Drink. Mega Clean is the best option for people who need to pass a drug test quickly. People who are subjected to Supervised urine drug testing or who are otherwise unable to use it will benefit from synthetic pee. Mega Clean can help you pass a drug test in a pinch, even if you’ve been a heavy smoker for a long time and don’t have access to a urine test kit.

The Mega Clean Detox Drink does contain 42 grams of sugar per bottle, which could be problematic for anyone who is trying to manage their blood sugar or carbohydrate intake. Because some of the elements in the product’s specific herbal combination may not be healthy for pregnant or nursing women, it is not recommended for them to use it. However, you may need to balance the short-term risks with the long-term consequences of failing a drug test. Trust your instincts since, in the end, only you know what’s best for your body and circumstances. If you have any concerns about a particular substance, talk to your doctor.
The aroma of Mega Clean gives us hope for a pleasant-tasting cleansing beverage: a sweet and fruity finish with just a hint of acidity, with hints of oranges and other citrus fruits mingling with cherry, strawberry, and pineapple. If you’ve ever had a taste of red Hawaiian Punch, you might recognize the aroma of Mega Clean. You’re going to have to pee a lot for the next few hours, but that’s fine! Make as many journeys as you’ll need. If you’re concerned that you won’t have enough pee for the test, you can help extend your clean window by consuming 16 ounces of water every two hours. You may have a sudden and intense urge to defecate in the hours after using Mega Clean.
Mega Clean’s flavor profile is dominated by a tropical punch of powerful citrus, pineapple, and strawberry flavors. The drink has a tartness similar to a Shock Tart, which may deter some users. We figured that because Mega Clean includes a unique herbal blend in addition to electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals, some of those flavors would come through in the aftertaste. It’s not particularly bitter, but it does lend a sour note to the flavors. Mega Clean might not be for you if you don’t enjoy orange candy like Skittles or Starbursts. Citrus pectin is present, which could explain why the flavor is so strong. If you don’t like citrus or tart flavors, you may have to guzzle it to finish it because each bottle has 32 fluid ounces.
Because of its medium-bodied consistency, Mega Clean is easy to drink and doesn’t leave a lingering residue. Because there’s a strong orange-red tint, similar to the label’s assertive use of color, avoid getting it on any white or light-colored clothing or fabric. There was a slight fragrance of something gritty as we got to the bottom of the bottle. Even while we don’t know why this happens, it emphasizes the importance of shaking and drinking the beverage as soon as possible. When the bottle was refilled with water and shaken as directed, any remaining ingredients were easily washed away.
The ramifications (Onset, Duration, Intensity)
TestClear recommends using the Mega Clean Detox Drink three hours before a drug test, though it starts working an hour after consumption and can last up to five hours, giving you enough time to prepare for the test. We drug tested ourselves at the three-hour mark, when Mega Clean is said to be at its most potent, to get the most out of it. After drinking the Mega Clean bottle, wait 15 minutes before refilling it with water and finishing it. If you’re anything like our testing team, you’ll feel the need to urinate within minutes of using the product—which is a good thing!
Following is Mega Clean’s recommended method of use:
Best Used For: Heavy users will need pre-cleanse tablets, which are included in the Mega Clean Detox package. Breaking the tablets in half, but without crushing them, is a safe way to reduce some of the swallowing difficulties. The night before your test, take a tablet every hour for six hours. Each pill should be taken with a 16-ounce drink of water. Use Mega Clean as soon as possible before the drug test, and don’t urinate right thereafter because your urine may become useless. You’ll need to be near a restroom to use the pre-cleanse tablets, but they’re very effective at cleaning your system.
Cost and Alternatives to the Mega Clean Detox Drink
Mega Clean will set you back $69.95 for a bottle. It’s a better option than losing your dream job due to a failed drug test (or even if the test is for judicial grounds) because of its low cost, and bulk savings are available for purchases of three or more bottles if you need to urinate regularly. Keep a few extra bottles on hand in case you need them, and you won’t have to pay extra for expedited shipping on exam day. If you do this, you can get the most out of your pre-cleansing tablets (and we strongly recommend that you do).
TestClear’s Mega-Clean Product Quality
Many cleansing treatments promise to work, but you risk failing if you use one that isn’t based on current drug testing technology. Positive effects can be obtained by using this medicine as directed and refraining from cannabis use (you shouldn’t smoke while detoxing, by the way). Apart from seeing if the Detox Drink might help us pass a drug test, we also wanted to see if it could get us through the three-hour time without any problems. We used the included pre-cleanse tablets as well as a 48-hour cannabis-free period before testing Mega Clean. We wanted to keep things as pure as possible, so we simply drank water before starting the experiment.
What Is the Detoxify Mega Clean Process?
The Detoxify Mega Clean beverage can be enjoyed just like any other beverage. To get started, drink the detox liquid that comes with the kit. You’ll have to wait 15 minutes to see the results after you’ve finished drinking it. After a period of time has passed, give the bottle a good shake and drink again. You’ll need to stay hydrated for the rest of the day by drinking plenty of water. In order for this detoxification to be effective, toxins must be removed from your body through frequent urination (hence why the need to drink plenty of water).

Cleanse Your Body From Toxic Substances
In comparison to other detox options, this one stands out in a variety of ways. This method is said to be used to remove THC (a marijuana derivative) from the body in addition to removing possibly dangerous contaminants. Remember, we oppose the use of any products that are intended to deceive drug tests.
The safety of Detoxify Mega Clean has been questioned
If you’ve never done a detox program before, you should be aware of the negative effects. Detoxify Mega Clean may have the following side effects: hypertension, depression, skin irritation, and a low-grade infection; puffy or baggy eyes; menstrual problems; puffy or saggy tummies; and a range of other symptoms.
Where Can I Buy Detoxify Mega Clean?
Detoxify Mega Clean is available on the internet. On Amazon, a 32-ounce bottle will set you back around $21. Other online retailers may charge a different price.