Max Lugavere Diet: The health of our brains may also be affected by the foods we eat, as evidenced by recent studies. Alzheimer’s disease was one-third less likely to strike participants who ate a Mediterranean-style diet rich in folate, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin E. According to Max Lugavere, a leading authority on Brain health, there are “genius” foods that can improve cognitive function.

Memory and brain function can be improved by consuming chickpeas, carrots, and yogurt. You can take this guide with you wherever you go to find brain-boosting foods.
Keto, Alzheimer’s, and “Genius Foods”: Max Lugavere’s Take
Follow Stella, SwitchGrocery’s Chief Value Officer, for paleo, keto, and positivity inspiration on Instagram. To me, brains have always appealed. Organ of choice. I considered pursuing a neuroscience concentration in graduate school but decided against it. Furthermore, I’ve had personal encounters with the importance and fragility of this delicate organ. When I was 30 years old, I underwent brain surgery for idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Surgery was performed to alleviate the symptoms of a chronic illness for which there is no known treatment. As a result of my personal experience and academic research, I’ve decided to go on a ketogenic diet in order to improve my cognitive function.
Despite the fact that I am only one individual, my findings have led me to believe that fat is a superior source of energy for my brain. Alzheimer’s disease has been likened to “Type 3 Diabetes” as I was researching my own health and cognitive issues. A paradigm shift in thinking about a neurodegenerative condition as linked to insulin resistance and food grabbed my interest and blew my mind. Dementia may be avoided if this is true, or individuals may be able to regulate the severity of symptoms. Mind-blown!
I’ve learned the most from these five Lessons
If you don’t have time to listen to the podcast, here are the five most important takeaways. Listen to the entire episode if you can. Putting complex, dense information into a simple, understandable manner is something Max excels at. In an interview with health and science journalist Max Lugavere, Dr. Jesse Chapman and Marni Wasserman discussed this topic ( Listen to it if you haven’t already. Brain health can be affected by what you eat and do. I can attest to the importance of a healthy brain. Visit his website at to learn more about his book.
- The Current State of Dementia “I was at a loss for words.”
Dementia affects one’s ability to think, remember, and express oneself. Most dementia is caused by Alzheimer’s. His mother was diagnosed with dementia and a neurological illness while Max was growing up. Max was “unsettled” by the medical and diagnostic system. He was disheartened by the current treatment plan, which focused on symptom control with prescription medicines. For the sake of everyday functioning, he avoided focusing on specific diagnostic labels and instead studied the brain as a whole. Long-term studies aren’t available because current research is still in its infancy, but new discoveries and connections are being produced all the time.
Prevention and therapy through food. 2
Alzheimer’s disease and its prevention have only recently been discussed together in the medical community. Cutting-edge strategy: relating food and brain health to complicated diseases like dementia. “Outside the box” approach.” Doctors are woefully undereducated when it comes to nutrition and eating. In recent decades, dietary advice has not been founded on scientific data. The food and lifestyle of Max, a health and fitness fanatic, may have an effect on neurodegeneration. His research into this possible link yielded a wealth of literature and studies on the subject. “Bread Head,” a documentary about brain health, diet, and lifestyle, was inspired by Max’s studies.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s can take decades to appear. If you throw a coin, you have a 50% chance of getting Alzheimer’s disease as your 85-year-old self. Most people with Alzheimer’s disease are female. The pharmaceuticals on the market today are unsuccessful in treating patients. Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative illnesses, as well as improving your overall mental well-being, are all things you CAN do. “Pave your cognitive destiny” by making healthy decisions.
The “Genius Food Plan” was established by Max to improve brain health and intelligence. An alternative for a ketogenic diet is the Genius Food Plan.
What’s the point of going on a low-carb Diet
Your brain consumes the most calories of any part of your body. glucose is converted into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the brain. A lack of ATP synthesis from glucose in Alzheimer’s patients means that their brains have less energy to function properly. It is possible to synthesize ATP from ketone bodies. Ketones, rather than glucose, are the primary fuel source for ATP production and brain energy production on a ketogenic diet.
“How to Live and Eat to Nurture the Brain”
In his book, “Genius Foods: Become Smarter, Happier, and More Productive While Protecting Your Brain for Life,” Max discusses the Genius Food Plan in depth.
There is a tonne of fat here! It’s not all of the timeā¦
You can get the benefits of healthy fats, but you shouldn’t go on a “fat hunt.” For the best results, stick to a diet that is low in carbohydrates and high in healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocados, and nuts. In contrast to “chasing” fats like butter in coffee, the fat in grass-fed steaks is a “whole foods” fat. Except for extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), the Genius Food Plan does not include a heavy “added oil” diet. Except for fish oil, avoid consuming polyunsaturated fats. (
Is it a good idea to stay in ketosis?
Chronic ketosis does not serve any evolutionary purpose. As Max points out, staying in a state of ketosis isn’t absolutely necessary. Especially after a workout, carbohydrates can be beneficial in little amounts. Dark chocolate is a genius food. Contains a lot of magnesium. As a rule of thumb, Max suggests eating one bar each week that is at least 85% cacao but also devoid of dairy, organic, and fair-trade produced. Alkaline or dutch-processed chocolate, which reduces polyphenol concentration, should be avoided.
Cognitive health is influenced by a person’s lifestyle.
Our brains suffer from inactivity. High-intensity and low-intensity workouts are essential. The recovery of insulin sensitivity, the disposal of glucose, and the synthesis of brain mitochondria are all aided by regular physical activity and the growth of muscle. Sleep is an essential part of a healthy existence. Hormones are regulated by sleep. Sleep removes poisons from the brain. Reduced sleep makes it tougher to make dietary changes. According to Max, improving one’s sleep will make it easier to make changes to one’s diet.
Genius Foods is like a user’s guide for the brain, yet it’s fun to read and easy to understand. With Lugavere’s help, we’ve discovered new ways to heal or avert a brain injury. the functional medicine director at the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Mark Hyman Max Lugavere has practically brought the science of the brain to the table. In Genius Foods, we learn about how what we eat influences our mental and physical health. As a result of Lugavere’s recommendations, the reader’s brain health improves.