Malte Ebert Podcast: A podcast called “Sl pt Trend” was created by Emilie Pil, John O’Power, and Malte Ebert, the musician behind Gulddreng. In the past, many individuals enjoyed playing the telephone fishing game. Catfishing and other similar pranks were eradicated by landlines, but the three hosts of Beat The Thread want to revive them. The show’s hosts, Malte Ebert and John O’Power were ardent phone fishermen as kids and made excellent use of the idea back then.

The show’s host, Emilie Pil, however, is not a fan. She, on the other hand, relishes talking on the phone and spending time with the other two people. By contacting both known and unknown people, the three of them collaborate to bring the game of telephone fishing to reality. A weekly podcast called Turn on the Thread is accessible wherever podcasts are available. In today’s episode, Malte Ebert visits Nicolas. Malte recently released the track “Loyal,” which he discusses, sings in a country-specific special edition, and performs live in the studio. The studio is humming with excitement after trainee Lasse challenged Nicolas to a rap battle.
Insults are being hurled left and right since it’s obvious that they both want to win. Ida-Sophia called Nicolas from Ethiopia this morning, so you may listen to the podcast to learn how she is doing. I wasn’t sure what to do in the immediate aftermath. I tried out other hobbies. I bought a PlayStation among other things, but after just ten minutes, I was thinking, “Ah, it’s terribly dull.” I also made an effort to watch a lot of movies, but my thoughts were constantly elsewhere. It was hard for me to concentrate after being so stressed out for the previous two years. I had to put it all behind me after a long and demanding day. My identity and purpose were in doubt for the first time in a very long time.
Malte, often known as the Golden Boy, is a singer
Malte Ebert is here! Malte, often known as the Golden Boy, is a singer. He plays Malte in a number of disturbing country movies, such as “Model,” “See Me Now,” and numerous others. Today’s conversation isn’t just about his discography; it’s also about how he felt about the process of “becoming someone else.” Can Gulddreng, a character played by Malte, suddenly stand on his own? What does it feel like to have enemies when you’re a “fictional” character? All of these and more may be found in this section!

I found that one of the things that worked for me was fishing. I had been fishing since I was a child, so it wasn’t a new hobby for me, but I had neglected it throughout the Golden Boy years. I just didn’t have the time, to be completely honest. However, my father and I went to the Vejle Fjord one evening. He’d given me a new fishing rod and a new pair of waders, among other things. I stood outside as the sun set and observed the river flow and the fish launching themselves into the water. The repeating motions helped me collect my thoughts as I let go of the thread and slowly pulled it back in. It was a relaxing way to think. I sensed that I was going back to a pivotal time in my own past. I am an outcome of my past.
Some insects cannot survive in streams with poor water quality… For instance, some daytime fly nymphs… They are only found in extremely pure drinking water, and I believe their name is Rhithrogena germanica. If they’re there, that’s a good sign. He resides in a castle and has a beard the length of his arm and a bottle of champagne on his lap. I have to convince him to come up with one last song that will convince the Danes to buy organic food. But he completely misinterprets it. He believes that people should completely stop consuming water. He hasn’t drank any water in a while. He is penning a song titled “Stop Now” in which he bemoans the approaching depletion of freshwater resources.
When I was three years old, we moved to Andkaer, close to Vejle, when he was hired by the Danish Sport Fishermen’s Association. He is a specialist in fish and a scientist all around. I observed him yesterday as he reported from the stream in Ibk in the News. The water level was claimed to have dramatically increased following rainy autumn. Due to a record-breaking hot summer in 2018, the majority of the river had dried up, but the weather was ideal for fishing. That had a positive outcome.

He is responsible for fixing any harm that has been done to streams. He has extensive knowledge in this field. In order to gather water samples and observe what kinds of insects we could find, my father once brought my elementary school class to a stream. Some insects’ capacity to survive is influenced by the stream water quality… For instance, specific diurnal fly nymphs… Rhithrogena germanica, I think that’s what they’re called, are found in extremely pure drinking water. These people’s presence is a reliable sign. I hear what he says on the radio and TV at least once per month.
Poor water quality may come from too close of a distance between fields and streams while spraying. It doesn’t take much for a slurry truck to turn around and pour chemicals into a lake or a river, killing everything in its path. The blue government, which certainly favored agriculture and, among other things, lengthened spraying distances, was a source of contention for my father. His engagement in the environmental policy of the new administration is now well known. As a result, wildlife was protected, waterways were restored, and over the following four years, angling was promoted as a tourist destination.
Realize how much of legend your father is in Danish fishing circles?
the sound engineer for my podcast questioned me during a recent road trip. I had to say, “No, I’m not aware of it.” I am aware of his attempts to enhance the aquatic environment in Denmark, though. My father’s voice was used in a recent advertisement I made for the Organic National Association, and it sounded just like him. The initiative to prevent pesticides in groundwater includes buying organic products. I made the decision to visit Gold Boy during the campaign after a two-year gap.
It has been a lot of fun doing that kind of thing. I’m proud of both the song I wrote and the narrative I wrote. My father was happy as well. The most recent projects I worked on all shared this characteristic. I’ve been messing around with other devices. What I do is “Malte and the Driver’s Lesson” (podcast on Podimo, ed.). With the assistance of Kevin Magnussen, Nikolaj Lie Kaas, and Hella Joof, a music video for my song “Loyal” was created. Being able to accomplish this with such encouraging individuals has been fantastic.
However, I’m now prepared to resume creating music in the style of Malte Ebert on a more professional level. I’ll also need a little more time than I did when I was a Golden Boy to go fishing. My dad and I have been making predictions about our upcoming fishing vacation to Scotland. That would be amazing. It’s a dream that my father has had for a very long time, therefore fulfilling it would mean the world to him.