Lumie Sunrise Alarm Review

Lumie Sunrise Alarm Review: How does the Lumie Sunrise Alarm function, does it help with SAD, and is it any good? It can be difficult to get up in the winter due to the cold and dark mornings, but the Lumie Sunrise Alarm can make you feel as if you are waking up on a spring day. The alarm clock is much more than that; because of the calming light and Natural sounds, it is also a peaceful way to wake up.

Lumie Sunrise Alarm Review
Lumie Sunrise Alarm Review

What is the function of the Lumie Sunrise Alarm?

The Lumie Sunrise Alarm gently awakens you up with pleasant light, simulating the sunrise that we see in the spring and summer. The sunrise effect begins 30 minutes before your alarm time and gradually brightens your room, softly waking you when the light reaches its brightest point. When the alarm does go off, it does so in a manner that is distinct from that of a regular alarm clock.

It contains five actual natural noises to wake you up blackbird, osprey, goats, tree frog, and purring kitten, in addition to the regular beep. These noises were designed to closely resemble the sounds you might hear when you first wake up in the spring/summer season. However, there is still a snooze button for those times when you need an extra five minutes in bed.

There are five different wake-up sounds to choose from. Blackbirds, ospreys, goats, tree frogs, and a purring kitten are among them. So you may experiment to find which sounds work best for you, or go with the more classic beep sound. However, I find that beeps put me in a poor mood! For me, natural noises are far more effective. If you want to hear the noises for yourself, I believe Lumie will find this to be a very popular product.

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that affects people during the winter months. According to the NHS, SAD is a type of depression that manifests itself in a seasonal pattern and is most prevalent during the winter months. SAD symptoms include a prolonged low mood, a lack of interest in ordinary activities, feeling lethargic during the day, finding it difficult to get out of bed in the morning, and desiring carbs. ( These symptoms can have a substantial influence on some people’s everyday life, and if you believe this is the case for you, you should seek medical help.

Lumie Sunrise Alarm Review
Lumie Sunrise Alarm Review

The exact cause of SAD is unknown, however, it is assumed to be related to the shorter days of autumn and winter, as well as the lack of sunlight during these seasons. Doctors believe that a lack of sunlight may cause the hypothalamus, a region of the brain, to stop functioning properly, affecting the body’s internal clock and the production of specific hormones that control mood, hunger, and sleep. The Lumie Sunrise Alarm was designed to help those with SAD by bringing light into the room when there isn’t any natural light.

Is there a beep of my own?

Additionally, there is a digital clock display indicating the current time and the ability to set an alarm to go off at a pre-determined time. For my own sanity, I prefer an alarm beep that simulates the sunrise, but I’m always wide awake even before the beep because the light is nearly at its brightest setting.

This allows you to wake up more naturally and quietly, which means you’ll be in a better mood and have more energy to go through the day. This is the alarm for you if you want a gentler morning wake-up and don’t enjoy the sound of an abrupt alarm waking you up when it’s still pitch black. Regularly using this alarm can also assist to alleviate your SAD symptoms.

Is the Lumie Sunrise Alarm worth the money?

Yes, to put it succinctly. Lumie has been researching, creating, and developing lights to help combat SAD and the winter blues, as well as improve sleep, for over 30 years, and it shows in their products. This clock cannot guarantee that you will become an early riser or that it will heal all of your SAD symptoms, but it can help you wake up happier and lessen the effects of SAD on your body and mind. This alert, we believe, will make the winter months much more comfortable.

Lumie Sunrise Alarm Review
Lumie Sunrise Alarm Review

Check out our list of the finest sun lights to aid with SAD symptoms

The Lumie Sunrise Alarm may be used for more than just waking up; it also has a dimming sunset that can be used to unwind before bed. This lamp may give controllable bedside lighting in addition to assisting you in waking up or falling asleep. There are also six different color options for mood lighting, as well as a preset that cycles through all of the colors slowly.

Lumie is continually releasing new and fascinating items, and the Sunrise Alarm is the most recent addition to their incredible lineup! The Sunrise Alarm is a great value for money. It has an RRP of £39.99, but you can get it for just £29.99 from the Lumie website right now! It’s not as smart as body clocks, but it’s still loaded with functions for the price! So hurry and get it while it’s on sale. I have a hunch it won’t last long at that low price.

Green, red, blue, pink, orange, and light blue are among the mood color modes available

If you need an alarm clock to get your teenagers up for school or college, you might find them amusing! My eldest is beginning to struggle with the early start times for secondary school. He doesn’t want to leave his bed because it is so warm and inviting. He was in desperate need of the steadily brightening lights and wake-up sounds. The mornings are so gloomy and bleak. The soothing sounds of birdsong can be very relaxing! It has a positive effect on your mood.

Review of the Lumie Sunrise alarm clock: Final Thoughts

The Lumie Sunrise alarm clock, in my opinion, is a lot nicer way to get up in the morning than relying on a normal alarm. Sunrise alarm clocks are one of my favorite types of alarm clocks, and this one is a really reasonable alternative, so it shouldn’t break the bank. I discovered that when I used the Lumie, I awoke feeling more refreshed, energized, and ready to face the day. Furthermore, the sunset and relaxation effects were great for lulling you to sleep.

Lumie Sunrise Alarm Review
Lumie Sunrise Alarm Review

Although the Lumie Sunrise alarm does not rely solely on sound to wake you up, an audio alert is available if you need a little additional help getting out of bed. The good thing about this sunrise alarm is that it gives you a variety of settings for how you want to be awakened. For example, you can choose from the conventional alarm beep or one of the five nature sounds included in the system.

Birdsong, tree frogs, osprey, purring kitten, and more nature sounds are available through Lumie. Furthermore, while the Lumie Sunrise alarm will typically help you feel ready to get up and leave from the minute you wake up, you can utilize the snooze feature if necessary. You’ll receive five minutes of relaxation if you press the snooze button before the sound you choose repeats.