Jake Paul Vlog Camera: Jake Paul, a former YouTuber turned professional boxer, claimed in 2019 that he had a camera permanently implanted in his left arm. He broadcasted the whole Procedure on his YouTube account, and at the conclusion of the video, he waved farewell to his supporters using the same camera that he used to broadcast it. That, on the other hand, has subsequently been revealed to be a hoax.

The rapper Jake Paul saw on Instagram with an Autotune implant in his arm, according to Jake Paul’s March 15, 2019 video, was the inspiration for his statement. He was moved by the experience and chose to get a camera inserted in his arm as well as a microphone. Nessly is the rapper in question, and he was also on hand to support Jake Paul throughout his surgical procedure as well. Other clear red flags include bad video effects, much worse sound effects, handy camera positions, and the evident reality that such surgery (either on Jake Paul’s video camera or Nessly’s autotune surgery) is just not conceivable in this day and age, among other things. If you listen closely, you can hear that Neßly has used cheap voice effects to enhance his “auto-tuned” voice after it has already been recorded.
Jake Paul, a former YouTuber turned professional boxer, claimed a camera was inserted in his left arm a year ago. He lives streamed the entire process on his YouTube page, and at the end, he waved goodbye to his fans via the camera. However, it was later shown to be a fraud. Jake Paul said in a March 15, 2019 video that a rapper he spotted on Instagram has an Autotune implant in his arm. This inspired him to have a camera put on his arm as well. The rapper in question is Nessly, who was also present to encourage Jake Paul following his operation. The two went to a Los Angeles doctor who Jake Paul claims is the “best in Los Angeles” to get the procedure done.
YouTuber calls Jake out for having a phony implant
Many of Jake Paul’s fans began to complain that the YouTuber was deceiving them with false information in his videos. Jake Paul’s argument was attacked by CallMeMing, a fellow YouTuber, who pointed out all the errors in his video on his channel.
Nessly appeared to be missing the Autotune implant on his palm at first, but then he appeared to have it. According to Jake Paul, his remark about the “greatest doctor in Los Angeles” generated a discussion. Furthermore, a dentist’s usage of the robotic prosthesis is perplexing. When Jake Paul was having surgery, CallMeMing noticed that Nessly was keeping his arm out of the way of the camera. Jake Paul was surprised by the new addition to his arm following surgery. After surgery, there was no trace of blood, but as CallMeMing pointed out, there was none on his arm at all.
Jake Paul says goodbye to his fans at the end of the video and claims to be recording himself with the new camera implant. Jake Paul’s spectacles reflected the phone he was recording with, but it was evident that he was recording with it. As if the situation wasn’t awful enough, the video quality was poor and unworthy of the $300,000 investment. Take a look at Jake Paul’s terrible visual effects, Nessly’s auto-tuned voice, or any of the other obvious evidence that something like this isn’t genuinely possible. It’s clear that Nessly had low-quality vocal effects applied after the fact when it comes to “auto-tuned voice.”
Paul’s identification of the claimed surgery’s doctor as Dr. Gabe Rosenthal Ph.D. is another warning flag that he’s deceiving his audience. Doctors who do medical surgery should not have a Ph.D. on their resumes. A simple Google search indicates that Dr. Gabe Rosenthal is a cosmetic dentist, which explains why Paul’s “surgery” was performed in the dental chair rather than the operating room. To that end, I’m going to show you some of Jake’s favorite camera tricks. It should, hopefully, assist you in becoming a better YouTuber.
Jake Paul’s images are sourced from a variety of sources
Jake Paul’s main cameras are both double-lens setups. Sony Alpha a7S II with Canon XA30 Both cameras are professional models of the highest caliber, but only the Sony Alpha a7S II is well-suited to live to broadcast. (Valium) For vlogging films, he utilizes a Sony GoPro and a Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II. Except for the GoPro, Jake Paul’s cameras all use two distinct Sony camera lenses.
One of Jake Paul’s cameras will set you back around $4100. Check out Unbox Therapy’s YouTube Setup. I know, it’s a lot of money. They have three Canon c500 cameras at their disposal, each costing $16,000. Their equipment is the most expensive of the recording studio hardware I’ve reviewed. We can analyze Jake’s cameras in further detail now that we know he has them by doing a few reviews. Jake will be joined by other YouTubers who use the same cameras as him.
The fact that Paul refers to the doctor who is said to have conducted the purported operation as Dr. Gabe Rosenthal Ph.D. is another apparent indication that this is just a hoax on his followers that he is perpetrating. It’s clear that having a Ph.D. is not the type of doctorate you want someone to have when performing medical surgery, and doing a quick Google search reveals that Dr. Gabe Rosenthal is actually a cosmetic dentist, which naturally helps to explain why Paul was sitting in what appears to be a dentist’s chair instead of a surgical theatre when having “surgery.”
What action camera does Jake Paul use the most?
As you undoubtedly already know, action cameras are ideal for vlogging because they are tiny, durable, and waterproof. Because of reason, they’re perfect for travel and sports vlogs. Jake Paul’s GoPro HERO7 can be used to live stream videos to YouTube, Facebook, and other sites using RTMP. It costs around $280 on Amazon. A GoPro accessory kit, such as this one from Amazon, is also highly recommended.

Many Jake Paul followers began to protest that the YouTuber was deceiving them with misleading information in his videos, which the YouTuber denied. To put the issue to rest, another YouTuber, CallMeMing, posted a video on his channel calling Jake Paul’s claim “false” and pointing out all of the flaws in his video. He began by demonstrating how Nessly seemed to be missing the Autotune implant on his palm, and then how, in the next minute, he did indeed have it. The authenticity of the assertion that the doctor who operated on Jake Paul was “the finest in Los Angeles” was also called into doubt by him. The reason why a dentist was doing surgery using a robotic prosthesis is also up for debate.
Nessly was holding his arm away from the camera in a very handy manner when Jake Paul lay down for the procedure, and CallMeMing pointed this out to Jake Paul. Jake Paul was perplexed by the additional addition to his arm after the procedure was completed. CallMeMing reported that there was no blood on his arm – not even blood flowing out – which is unusual after a surgery of this scale, as CallMeMing pointed out.
Finally, towards the conclusion of the video, Jake Paul bids farewell to his followers while pretending to be filming himself with the new implanted camera. While wearing his spectacles, the device he was using to shoot the video could be plainly seen in the reflection of his lenses, and it was apparent that Jake Paul was capturing the video with his phone. Furthermore, the video’s overall quality was quite low, making it unworthy of a $300,000 implant.