Ibobber Fish Finder Reviews: In other words, you, the reader, are the ones that keep fishfinderguy online. Our site may receive a tiny commission if you buy something after clicking on one of our links, but this does not affect your purchase price. When it comes to fish finders, the iBobber is hard to beat given the price and portability it offers. This Gadget may be used with both Apple and Android devices, and Android compatibility is being worked on as well.

This iBobber review will show you how easy it is to use with your smartphone or tablet. The iBobber is an affordable fish finder that is significantly less expensive than the majority of other options on the market today. What’s more, you can use your mobile device to control it, which is something that nearly everyone owns today.
You won’t have to worry about the iBobber costing you an arm and a leg because it uses your cell phone as a controller and the screen as its own display. Manufacturers do not have to include a high-tech controlling gadget for the fish finder, which means you will save money. If you’re on a tight budget and already bring your smartphone along on fishing trips, this is an excellent method to save money.
A number of Bluetooth or wireless-enabled gadgets tend to drain your phone’s battery quickly, as you may have seen. Because of this, you may be hesitant to buy the iBobber. The iBobber doesn’t require as strong of a Bluetooth connection, thus it consumes less power. For the course of your vacation, you won’t have to worry about recharging your battery because it will last longer.
How bobber connects to the internet
For those of you who already own an iOS device, the iBobber is a perfect fit. With a low-energy Bluetooth connection, it’s simple to pair with your phone or tablet. Android compatibility is also being considered so that you are not limited to using an iBobber with an Android handset.

For convenient portability, the iBobber is small enough to fit in your pocket, backpack, or knapsack. The iBobber unit itself is all that is required. It’s only 2.3 inches across and 1.7 ounces thick, so it’s quite portable. With no difficulty, you can hold it in your hands. This device resembles a freshwater bobber, as its name implies.
capabilities of the ibobber sonar
This iBobber’s transducer module uses a 118kHz transducer. At 135 feet, this transducer can connect with your mobile device even if it is more than 100 yards away. This is a terrific way to make sure you obtain the most accurate data possible and the greatest possible outcomes. This is particularly impressive in light of the device’s little size.
The iBobber may mark fish based on their size when it detects them. There are two sizes of fish: little and large. (https://www.solidstonefabrics.com/) In terms of length, there are two categories: those under 15 inches and those beyond 15. As many mobile devices as you want can use the free app that comes with the iBobber to control all of its features. It’s an excellent option for some of the more costly fish finders because of its lower price tag without sacrificing any functionality.
Review of ibobber ADDED FEATURES
The lunar calendar is one of the fantastic features you’ll get with the iBobber. Using this calendar, you’ll be able to keep track of the temperature, wind speed, rain risk, and air pressure. When fishing, knowing these facts can help you choose the optimal times to cast your line and when to call it a day.

With the iBobber, you can watch sonar displays on enormous screens, which is a terrific feature. A typical fish finder’s display is smaller than the screen of a smartphone. The iBobber comes with a free app that allows you to view the entire picture on your iPad. Even with the most costly fish finders, you won’t be able to reach this level of clarity. Since smartphones’ displays are getting larger, you won’t have any trouble viewing your sonar image even if you pair this fish finder with your phone.
- It’s incredibly compact and lightweight.
- It’s simple to put up and takedown.
- Works up to a distance of 100 feet from your smartphone or tablet.
- Bluetooth low power is used to connect to the device.
- It’s less than $100 in total.
- Is capable of scanning to a depth of 135 meters
If you plan to use this fish finder with a mobile device, you need to take measures because your phone will be damaged if it gets wet. Using a waterproof case is the most effective method. Even though it lacks the precision of boat transom-mounted fish finders, which can be purchased for several hundred dollars more, this fish detector is still a bargain and can help anglers discover many fish they might otherwise overlook.
Android and Apple devices are Supported
IOS (Apple) 10.0 and later operating systems and Android 4.3 or later are supported by the iBobber transducer through Bluetooth Smart 4.0. It is possible to run the app on your phone if your phone has these features. iWatch and Google Watch are also supported.
What’s the Procedure?
With the iBobber transducer, you are able to cast up to a hundred feet from your smartphone. The best way to map the floor and see what’s going on below the water’s surface is to slowly reel in your transducer while keeping an eye on your monitor. Among the information, you’ll be able to gather from this device is information about the depth, temperature, weeds and other sorts of cover, and, of course, fish.
My favorite feature of this program is that it not only displays fish on your screen, but it also labels each one with the depth at which it is hanging, allowing you to pinpoint exactly where you should cast your line and how best to catch them. This fish finder isn’t perfect, but for the price, it’s a terrific bargain and does an excellent job of discovering and saving time on the hunt for suitable fishing spots.
Is it Worth It to Use the iBobber?
Using the iBobber, you can rapidly find the best fishing spots on the water. In the absence of electronic aids, fishing from a boat or the bank leaves you largely unaware of what’s going on below the surface. In addition to the bank’s steepness, you can only guess at the dropoff’s depth and steepness. If your hook doesn’t catch on any weeds, you’re basically just guessing as to what kinds of fish-attracting flora are lurking beneath the water’s surface. With the iBobber castable fish finder, you don’t have to worry about what style of fishing you enjoy or what type of water you’re in.
To sum it up, the iBobber is an excellent fish detector since it provides a high level of quality and functionality at a low cost. It’s easy to set up this fish finder if you have a mobile phone or tablet to use. With the low power connection, you won’t have to worry about draining your phone’s battery too rapidly while using this iBobber review demonstrates how beneficial Bluetooth technology is in this case.