Happy numbers: During the remainder of the 19/20 school year, Happy Numbers provides free trials. It takes just a few clicks to set up the entire class. Happy studies!-Happy studies! Happy Numbers is a customized Online PK-5 math Program that is designed for small group training at home and remote learning in your classroom. HappyNumbers.com allows teachers to distinguish teaching and PK-5th grade

Enhance student comprehension of mathematics conceptually. Pedagogical and technical assistance. It’s not a series of worksheets (not vice versa). It’s not an “all dance, all singing” resource. We teach students to ‘think math,’ instead: students explore the importance of mathematics based on simple Concepts to create and fully understand relationships. Happy Numbers learns about them when students learn about Happy Numbers. It’s gunny Learning and receiving input on the level and success of each student.
Happy Numbers offers students the following:
- The importance of math in all senses
- customized and direct reviews
- carefully planned abilities, concepts, and connexions progression
2,000,000 kids have benefited from Happy Numbers! Here’s what their teachers have to say about it:
Happy Numbers was helpful in instilling confidence in kids when it came to solving math issues. My students are enthusiastic about the ease with which they may work on and complete the numerous classes provided. Happy Numbers are my absolute favorite! When we closed down in March, we used it for free, and it was a simple method to keep my students’ math abilities progressing. I appreciate the information I receive about each student and how they are learning or failing to learn the skills.
Useful App For Kids
My kids enjoy it since they are able to work at their own pace. One of my students worked all summer and earned a third-grade diploma! I’m a kindergarten teacher!! Thank you for providing it free the previous year and making it so reasonable this year!!! My kids adore Happy Numbers; they eagerly anticipate using it and, more significantly, eagerly anticipate sharing their accomplishments with one another.
In elementary schools, college readiness lives or dies. Only 12 percent of high school pupils in the United States are prepared for college math. Those who fall behind their peers by eighth grade have been on a clear path from kindergarten. We must first prepare today’s primary students for high school and college in order to prepare them for future careers. This is why providing high-quality resources and education to students in grades PK–5 is so important.
Quality above quantity, depth over breadth
Resources that are “all-singing, all-dancing” do not lead to profound conceptual comprehension. Time-proven instruction and research are effective. Happy Numbers is based on this goal, which is made possible by cutting-edge technology and refined by our collaboration with real teachers around the country.
Math Story for Grades PK–5
Math, like Happy Numbers, is an interrelated subject that develops on itself by its own nature. It’s not a shopping list of stand-alone rules and practices, but rather a cohesive PK–5 math story. Happy Numbers provides kids with a solid foundation for middle school and beyond, thanks to its carefully crafted progression of skills, concepts, connections, and tools.
Happy Numbers.Com
Every Touch Has a Meaning in Math: It takes more than just obtaining the right answer to master math. Students must comprehend why they are acting in certain ways and be able to adapt to obstacles as they arise. Hands-on modeling with a variety of manipulatives is possible thanks to Happy Numbers technology. Students approach arithmetic from several perspectives and move from concrete to abstract thinking using a variety of representations (number line, hundred chart, base-10 blocks, etc.).
Feedback and Individualized Scaffolding
Happy Numbers creates an individualized math discussion with children and reacts to them in the same way that you would: by breaking down topics step by step, structuring learning, and offering rapid feedback depending on student inputs. Individualized pace means that individuals who show mastery advance more rapidly, while those who require more instruction get it. As a result, kids spend the majority of their time in productive struggle mode (also known as the Zone of Proximal Development), where they learn the most. Targeted feedback helps students remedy any mistake, ensuring that they never get stuck – students see mistakes as opportunities to grow!
Differentiation = Every Student’s Success
The average 1-to-1-instructed student outperforms 98 percent of students in a traditional classroom. The classroom is not differentiated. Individualized instruction has this power: any student can succeed. New concepts are taught in a planned manner, with students gaining new knowledge while reinforcing prior knowledge and building links between the two. Students learn to “think math” and gain procedural fluency with Happy Numbers.
How is it possible for a teacher to be everywhere at the same time?
While we can’t clone instructors, we can use Happy Numbers to ensure that kids receive great education when working alone (allowing teachers to differentiate with small groups): Thanks to built-in Quantile-based assessments, each student starts at the proper place in the curriculum. Students move through our pedagogy-rich math story at their own pace, with quick, personalized feedback and coaching. Happy Numbers provides teachers with concrete information to help them plan their differentiation strategy.
Is It Beneficial to Learning?
The courses in Happy Number are well-designed to help students gain a thorough understanding of each ability. Happy Numbers gives the very little possibility for misunderstandings by expertly tying problems to virtual manipulatives, then adding in the language and method. Teachers can limit their emphasis with a progress report for a single student and view their assignments, or they can use reports to provide usable data by class.
Teachers can use HappyNumbers.com to differentiate instruction and increase students’ conceptual knowledge of math in grades K-5. It’s not a collection of electronic worksheets or another “all dancing, all singing” resource; it’s pedagogy-driven and technology-supported (not vice versa). Instead, we teach children to “think math,” which involves their delving into the meaning of the material and building on simple principles to form deeper connections and knowledge. Happy Numbers is learning about students while they are studying with them. It scaffolds education and provides feedback depending on the level and development of each individual student. it’s like having a teacher assistant for each student in the class!
The curriculum of Happy Number makes it an excellent alternative for on-track study as well as remedial. Students can use Happy Numbers’ virtual manipulatives, charts, and models to improve their conceptual understanding and correct misunderstandings. Individualize education by incorporating or removing individual standards or entire modules, ensuring that students receive assistance with the areas they require. The growth and progress reports can simply be converted into RTI data for students at any level of intervention.
Incentives based on space and dinosaurs will help keep the excitement going. Teachers can hang solar system mobiles for each child and add die-cut planets as skills are acquired; perhaps drawing an image of the dinosaur pals will help children recognize their accomplishments. Teachers can feel confident in allowing students to utilize this tool on their own time. Nonreaders can use a clear voice-over tool that can be translated into both English and Spanish.