G.o.a.t. Pet Speaker Net Worth 2020: In exchange for 9% of the capital, she went to the tank to seek an investment of $499,000. She signed a deal with Robert Herjavec animal lover – $499,000 for 33 percent. According to a portion of the program, the business was valued at $5 Million, implying that she had previously sold a significant number of items before appearing on Shark Tank.

Michelle Winowich created G.O.A.T. Pet Products, which is based in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. She worked in the pet business for many years as a branch and sales manager before starting the company in 2016, gaining significant expertise along the way. In 2017, GOAT Pet Speakers was founded by Winowich. GOAT Pet Speakers manufactures speakers which attach themselves to pet collars. You can use soothing music to listen to the animal while it moves around the house or courtyard. These speakers also listen to fun, enjoyable stuff while owners walk their animals.
Michelle hopes with the speaker to improve the lives and relationships of animals with their owners. The speaker for the GOAT pet is like an animal. It comes in various styles, such as dogs, cats, and birds. These forms lay on a pet’s neck and go about the animal around the day. The company behind the G.O.A.T. Bluetooth Speaker is G.O.A.T. Pet Products. A speaker clips your dog’s collar, cat, or bird’s neck. By typing or recording what your pet wants to say in a Siri-like voice, the pet owner can just play music while on walks using the G.O.A.T Pet Speaker app.
Business at Shark Tank in January 2018
Pet owner is able to give their pet a voice “Princess” Michelle Winowich is the contractor behind G.O.A.T. Pet Products. When she pitched her business on Shark Tank in January 2018, she was wearing a princess suit. I Liked This Product But You Have To Pay $1.99 After 6 Messages Or So And I Didn’t Know That When I Bought This This Is Worth The Money It is My New Favorite I Definitely Recommend it But I Want To Let You All Know You Have To Pay $1.99 To Get Unlimited Messages At The Moment Have To Pay Additional Money.
We purchased this as an add-on speaker for our Kindle Fire, which is currently supporting my first-schooling graders while we are in quarantine. My son’s instructor posts short lessons on a school forum, which we then listen to on this speaker. It was very simple to set up, and the sound quality is excellent for such a tiny device. It’s about the size of a golf ball. It’s also really adorable! My first-grader wrote an evaluation of this speaker as part of a class project:

Are you a cat person? Do you like listening to the same music across your home? If you do, give the GOAT cat speaker a try. Hold the button on the bottom of the cat speaker for two seconds to turn it on. Then, on the device, you’d want to connect it to, press the Bluetooth button. The speaker will then announce, “GOAT speaker connected.” After that, go through a practice round. Make a racket! Put some music on! Check to see whether it comes from the speaker. If that’s the case, you’re good to go! I used to carry it around the house with me and it worked everywhere! It’s fantastic, and it’s very useful.
G.o.a.t. Pet Speaker Net Worth 2020
It gets 5 stars from me!! When I was dubious about the quality when I first saw it while searching for a portable Bluetooth speaker, the reviews persuaded me, plus it was cheap. I’m counter-conditioning a reactive dog who’s going through a behavior modification training program to not respond to certain noises. As we desensitize him to trigger sounds, I wanted a tiny, portable speaker that I could put on my porch, hang on the outside of my door, and place in different locations around my home.
This came fast and was very simple to set up. I downloaded the app, but I’ve never used it since I don’t need to shoot selfies with a speaker; all I need is the speaker. This tiny cat head speaker is adorable! The quality is excellent! I was searching for something to use about the home while moving around and listening to music through Bluetooth or going on bike trips. For such a tiny speaker, the sound quality is excellent!
GOAT Pet Speaker’s Shark Tank appearance Recap
Michelle and her Snow White-clad dog make their way into the Tank. She’s asking for $499,900 in exchange for a 9% stake. She sings and plays music from a speaker attached to her dog’s neck as she delivers her pitch. In the final step, she distributes freebies to everyone. In the last six months, she’s sold more than 2 million units. People from Petsmart noticed her because she was at a pet expo. In order to sell all those units, they approached her and asked for exclusivity for six months.
An update on the GOAT Pet Speaker on Shark Tank
Including packaging, their production costs are $5, and they retail for $24,99 each. The lack of sales data and repeat purchases are causing the Sharks some anxiety. Mark is the first Shark to leave the show because he says he’s fed up with the pet market. Kevin catches up soon. This is too risky for Lori, so she’s out. Daymond believes an aggressive offer is required for things to work; he’s out. It appears Robert is interested in the speakers, and he intends to make an aggressive offer: $499,000 for 33.3 percent. Robert refuses to bend even after she offers a counteroffer of 20%. She finally agrees after some consideration.
Updates and follow-ups regarding Shark Tank alums can be found often at TheSharkTankBlog.com. Robert’s deal never came to fruition. Amazon continues to sell the items. She added a few more products to her collection. She now sells shampoo and conditioner for dogs that are made from organic ingredients. To give back to the community, she sells GOAT Milk Dog Treats, which aid individuals with impairments. The company began selling PPE and sanitizing wipes wholesale during the 2020 Covid-19 epidemic. The business is still going strong in December 2021, with annual revenue of roughly $1 million.
Family choice award and the 2018 PET vanguard award go to…Shark Tank. Get the GOAT pet speaker app and connect your pet via Bluetooth. It’s waterproof, has an LED light, and a selfie remote control for streaming music. Make sure you select gOAT in the Bluetooth settings and while in selfie mode, return to the app and select gOAT Selfie. You can customize your pet’s profile by adding a picture, as well as adjusting the language and accent. Attaches to any collar, leash, birdcage, or pet parent using the included clip. Fast 1-Hour Full Charge: The charge lasts 4-8 hours. A universal USB charging cable is included in the box.