Email @.Com Advocate Aurora Health is a non-profit, non-governmental. The company’s current focus is on non-profit/non-governmental organizations. The position of President and CEO is held by Jim Skogsbergh. Its headquarters are in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Advocate Aurora Health has a wide range of annual revenue. The company received a total of $10.2 million in funding. To connect with Advocate Aurora Health personnel, sign up for SignalHire.

The Path to No Harm
Dr. Carrie Nelson, system vice president, and chief medical officer for population health and health outcomes at Advocate Aurora Health, speak with us. Her whole bio can be seen here. She also works as Chief Clinical Officer for Advocate Physician Partners, an Illinois-based clinically integrated network of 5,000 clinicians (CCO). Advocate Aurora undertakes hundreds of clinical trials and research initiatives as a nationally recognized leader in cardiology, neuroscience, oncology, and pediatrics.
Explain why Advocate Aurora Health chose to concentrate on improving diagnostic Quality
Advocate Aurora Health (AAH), one of the nation’s largest not-for-profit health systems with more than 22,000 nurses and the region’s largest employer of employed medical employees and home health agency, employs more than 75,000 people. The system, which is a national leader in clinical innovation, health outcomes, consumer experience, and value-based care, serves about 3 million patients in Illinois and Wisconsin each year.
“At AAH, we are continuously focused on patient safety and our goal towards zero harm,” says Dr. Nelson. It is evident to us that diagnostic quality is a widespread issue, and we will not be able to accomplish zero damage unless we fix it. If you want to foster a culture of diagnostic excellence inside your company or institution, you should know that there are steps you can do right now to improve diagnostic quality.
Necessity of Accurate and Dependable Diagnostics
What measures has Advocate Aurora Health taken to promote awareness about the necessity of accurate and dependable diagnostics? Advocate Aurora built a diagnostic quality think tank before the year 2020. The COVID-19 epidemic has slowed the project’s progress significantly. Keep your eyes peeled for additional details. According to Dr. Nelson, it’s critical to remember that diagnostic quality is still a consideration in how to best involve clinicians in the safety journey.

Advocate Aurora also uses a full multidisciplinary examination of all in-hospital deaths to identify all feasible areas for improvement, including diagnostic opportunities. No one should be harmed as a result of system failures (patients, families, or employees). Dr. Jean Huddleston performs a mortality review as part of her job, as she has previously mentioned at Diagnostic Error in Medicine conferences. In September 2020, Advocate Aurora was one of 17 organizations to receive a DxQI Seed Grant. Each winner received up to $50,000 to test specific treatments in order to improve the quality and accuracy of diagnosis and reduce the harm caused by diagnostic errors.
What challenges did you have to overcome in order to advance in your career? What strategies did you use to address these challenges? ‘How did that happen?’
According to Dr. Nelson, diagnostic quality issues may appear insurmountable due to human cognitive bias. Participating in the testing of practical tools with our safety, risk, and quality teams have sparked a lot of interest. “Testing novel diagnostic approaches can be exhilarating for persons who have personally encountered the consequences of inadequate diagnosis.” Advocate Aurora Health is the eleventh largest not-for-profit integrated health system in the United States. ( Advocate Aurora Health employs over 22,000 nurses and is one of the Midwest’s top employers, with over 70,000 employees.
Advocate Aurora conducts numerous clinical trials and research studies and is widely recognized for its expertise in the departments of cardiology, neurosciences, oncology, and pediatrics. In 2016, the organization donated about $2 billion to the community. For more information, go to
What are the details of your Seed Grant application?
DxQI recently awarded you a seed grant. Advocate Aurora Health received funds from the DxIQ Seed grant to focus on sepsis detection and the reduction of community-acquired sepsis. The award funding will allow Advocate Aurora to move farther upstream in the path of a sepsis diagnosis, maybe preventing hospitalization in the first place, in order to assist them to reach their goal of improving infection diagnosis and reducing sepsis.

According to the project description provided by Advocate Aurora, “Infections can be difficult to detect and prevent from progressing to the point of becoming serious and causing harm. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1.7 million patients in the United States die each year from sepsis, which is the body’s response to a serious infection.” As a result, Advocate Aurora Health is concentrating its efforts on improving infection diagnosis in outpatient clinics.
Advocate Aurora will adopt patient infection screening and assess it to see if it is beneficial in detecting infections and minimizing the risk of sepsis. “We are driven by the’search and rescue’ task that sepsis involves. Despite our achievements thus far, there is still more to be done “Nelson commented. “By extending the insights gained in the inpatient environment to the outpatient situation, this study can be taken to the next level.”
Is Advocate Aurora Health a Coalition member? No, I haven’t utilized it to improve diagnostic accuracy.
Dr. Nelson praised the several “thought-leading organisations” that have tackled this “very difficult” problem. One Coalition member stated, “The Coalition’s network of learning is a game changer in our ability to begin to appreciate and strengthen the diagnostic process in transformative ways.”
Assuring your Safety
Our greatest concern is for your safety and the safety of those who are close to you. The Advocate Aurora Safe Care Promise makes every step of your journey with us easier. Almost any health-related endeavor can be helped with. The LiveWell app and website have given people more control over their health and well-being. This is their lifeline for caring for themselves and loved ones at any hour of the day or night. Everything is always at your fingertips with the LiveWell app.

When attendees arrive at the conference, they will be given a phone number to text to confirm their attendance. You must change your cell phone number on the CME Learning Platform. Click here to learn how to change your mobile phone number. Depending on when you got it, it was presented to you either before or after the event. After you have been marked as attending the conference, you will receive an email from the CME department. The CME Learning Platform will send you an email with details on how to finish the evaluation and get credit.
Advocate Aurora Health’s most recent COVID-19 updates
As Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) continues to spread across the country, keeping our staff and guests safe is a key priority. We are following the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as local and state health organizations, on hand-washing and social distance as two proven public health strategies that can help prevent Ebola transmission. If you think you’ve been exposed to COVID-19 or have a fever and cough, stay at home and call your doctor or our 24-hour hotline at 1-866-443-2584. We will take care of all of your requirements. In the event of an emergency, dial 911 immediately. The parts that follow provide updates on this rapidly evolving circumstance. For the most up-to-date information, go to