Durham Investigation Dnc Hack: A court document has been misrepresented by right-wing media outlets. The most recent apocalyptic accusations about Trump snooping appeared to be false, but the reason is Convoluted, underlining the difficulty media have in deciding what to disclose. In 2019, John H. Durham was tasked with uncovering misbehavior among those investigating Russia’s 2016 election meddling.

When special counsel John H. Durham filed a pretrial petition on Friday night, he slipped in a few extra lines about spying on former President Donald J. Trump. The entire narrative appears to be false or outdated, highlighting the difficulty with Trump’s and his allies’ conspiracy theories. These stories frequently contain inaccuracies or misinformation. Dissecting them necessitates a significant amount of mental effort and time, raising the question of whether such assertions should be reported by news organizations. If they don’t, Trump’s supporters accuse the media of covering up the truth.
The most recent instance began with a motion filed by Mr. Durham against a Democratic Party-affiliated cybersecurity attorney. Sussmann is accused of lying to an FBI officer about Trump’s possible ties to Russia during a meeting in September 2016. The complaint was about potential conflicts of interest. It also detailed a meeting in which Sussmann informed authorities of more suspicions. Mr. Sussmann informed the C.I.A. in February 2017 that someone using a Russian-made smartphone may have accessed Trump Tower and White House networks.
A technology executive. Mr. Joffe’s firm, Neustar, was in charge of the White House’s internet-related servers, and he and his associates “abused” the agreement to collect damaging material about Mr. Trump. Mr. Durham asserted inaccurately on Fox News that Hillary Clinton’s camp paid a company to “infiltrate” a White House server. According to the Washington Examiner, this indicates that Trump’s office was spied on. When the mainstream media objected, Trump and his supporters humiliated them.
Mr. Sussmann received information from Rodney
Trump claimed on Monday that the press will not talk about the crime. “It’s a scandal that LameStream ignores a topic that is so big, so important, and so vital to our country’s future.” A slew of issues arose. According to the New York Times, Mr. Sussmann notified the C.I.A. in October that Russian-made YotaPhones had connected to networks at Trump Tower and the White House. The filing was skewed by conservative media. The word “infiltrate” was not used in Mr. Durham’s filing. It was never stated that Mr. Joffe’s firm was rewarded by Clinton.

The document never said that the White House data was from the Trump era, despite allegations to the contrary. The data came during Barack Obama’s presidency, according to lawyers for David Dagon, a Georgia Institute of Technology data scientist who helped build the Yota analysis. Mr. Dagon’s lawyers claim that Trump and several news outlets are incorrect. “The cybersecurity professionals weren’t eavesdropping on the Trump campaign; they were looking into White House malware. The data they looked at was all public DNS data from before Trump took office.”
Mr. Joffe’s counsel stated that “contrary to the accusations in this latest filing,” he was apolitical, did not work for any political party, and had legitimate access under a contract to study DNS data, including data from the White House, in order to look for security breaches or threats. After Russians targeted the White House and Democrats in 2015 and 2016, cybersecurity researchers were “very disturbed” when they discovered proof that Russian-made YotaPhones were near the Trump campaign and the White House, so they “submitted their findings to the C.I.A.”
Mr. Durham was tasked to search for misbehavior in the Russia investigation by William P. Barr in May 2019, as President Trump claimed he was the victim of a “deep state” plot. He hasn’t had any high-level cases in nearly three years. Mr. Durham has filed two lawsuits against people involved in independent investigations into Russia’s election meddling, alleging unfounded, shaky, or disproven allegations of ties to Mr. Trump or his campaign. Both include deceptive statements.
Durham’s spokesman not respond to request for comment
Researchers from Georgia Tech were called by a military organization to look into a 2015 Russian malware assault on the White House network. They started hunting for other Russian election-related hacking using Neustar data after Russia hacked Democrats. Strange data from Mr. Sussmann’s contact with the FBI was discovered, which experts said could prove ties between the Trump Organization and a Kremlin-linked bank. A secret communications line was ruled out by the FBI. In Mr. Sussmann’s indictment, Mr. Durham claimed that the researchers did not believe them.

Mr. Durham accuses Mr. Sussmann of lying to an FBI official about Trump’s alleged ties to Russia in September 2016. Durham claims Sussmann said he had no clients while in fact, he was working for the Clinton campaign and Joffe. Sussman denies making such a claim, claiming that he was only there to support Joffe and not the campaign. Mr. Sussmann’s meetings with the FBI in September 2016 and the Central Intelligence Agency in February 2017 both focused on cybersecurity researchers’ concerns.
The White House, Trump Tower, Mr. Trump’s Central Park West apartment building, and Spectrum Health, a Michigan hospital firm involved in the Alfa Bank affair, all had anomalous data showing contacts with Yota servers in Russia. The researchers collaborated on this topic, according to Ms. Westby and Mr. Rasch, and Mr. Dagon wrote a “white paper” summarising the findings that Mr. Sussmann presented to the C.I.A.
Mr. Durham’s filing shattered the researchers’ claim that connections between US devices and Yota servers were inherently suspicious, claiming that there were more than 3 million such DNS logs from 2014 to 2017 — and that White House data went back at least that far. YotaPhones are uncommon in the United States, according to Ms. Westby and Mr. Rasch, and three million DNS logs over three years are “paltry” compared to iPhones’ billions of logs.
Sussman’s lies harmed FBI investigation, According to indictment
Sussman said the indictment “fails to show the exact false statement that Mr. Sussmann apparently made” and doesn’t completely disclose how the FBI was hampered on Wednesday night. Sussman’s lawyers remarked, “While the indictment is 27 pages long, the majority of the claims are unrelated to the offense accused.” “On this matter, a single alleged false statement, the indictment lacks the specificity and clarity required by law for Mr. Sussmann to establish his defense.” When Russia hacked the DNC’s servers in 2016, Sussman, a 12-year Justice Department veteran, defended the DNC.
Sussman allegedly met with FBI general counsel Jim Baker in September 2016 while the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, and handed him three “white papers” and data files indicating proof of a clandestine communications route between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank. Sussmann lied to the FBI about not working for anyone, which led Baker to believe he was an ordinary guy rather than a paid political operator.
According to the indictment, Sussman billed Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign for the discussions. “Mr. Sussmann’s counsel requested details from the Special Counsel, but he declined,” the lawyers stated. “This decision is unconstitutional. Mr. Sussmann has the right to understand the charges leveled against him, prepare his defense, and avoid being caught off guard at trial.”