Buzzfeed Crunchy Mom: The Conspiracy Behind “Crunchy Mom” Has Been Expounded. She’s just a sassy mother. “However, the problem with my pragmatism is that I’m also crunch.” This is an excerpt from BuzzFeed News’ newsletter Please Like Me, which discusses how influencers compete for your attention. This week on TikTok, there was a lot of Buzz about a popular account that parodies an over-the-top!

“Crunchy mom,” is the stereotype of a parent who is obsessed with organic, holistic, all-natural everything for their children. The @ReallyVeryCrunchy account began posting video sketches in which she portrays a health-conscious mother who brings bananas to a birthday celebration since her children aren’t allowed to eat cake. In another, she has a “crunch-off” with another crunchy parent, in which they trade passive-aggressive barbs about how the other one drinks store-bought tea or buys milk rather than raising their own cow.
It succeeds because it’s so accurate, much like every successful niche parody. She mentions details that only a crunchy insider would know about, such as manuka honey’s antimicrobial powers, fermented cod liver oil, wool balls as toys, sleeping in a “family bed,” the “1,000 hours outside” promise, and Sakura Bloom-brand baby carriers. It is quite amusing by any empirical standards. The account was only created in January and took off after the video of the birthday party. Because the account doesn’t utilize a genuine name or provide any information about its origin, conspiracy theories arose.
Argument Revolved Around the Fact
The essential question is whether she is “crunchy” or not. How can she know so much about so many subjects and own so much stuff if she isn’t? Another argument revolved around the fact that she mentioned essential oils in several of her videos. What if she’s working undercover for Young Living, a multilevel marketing organization that sells essential oils?
The truth, though, is a little less spectacular. Emily Morrow, a 33-year-old mother of two from Paducah, Kentucky, goes by the handle @ReallyVeryCrunch, and she is truly crunchy. She was just a 6 or 7 on a crunchiness scale of 1–10 (her husband believed she was an 8), but she spoke to me on the phone while barefoot and dressed in a linen dress outside. Morrow created the persona and is the one who writes all of the skits. The videos are shot by her husband, Jason, who works as a marketing director. They met in college and taught English in South Korea for a few years. They created blogs about life in the East Asian country for their friends and family back home on YouTube, which went viral.
Jason told BuzzFeed News, “The character is the world’s idea of a crunchy person.” She’s the villain who tosses her children’s Christmas gifts because they’re made of plastic. It’s hilarious whether you’re a crunchy parent yourself, or even if you merely know someone who is. It’s not the analogies to linen and BPAs that each mother can instantly connect with; it’s the feeling of being scrutinized by another parent. Sometimes your emotions are genuine, sometimes you’re projecting, and sometimes you’re the one passing judgment. This has been compounded by social media, with Instagram feeds overflowing with the most idealized version of parenting.

Motherhood may be isolating
Parents of young children are frequently cut off from their previous social life and identities. Who wouldn’t be afraid of being judged? We were promised a village, but all we received was a Facebook page. Morrow’s films touch on one important aspect of the crunchy parent lifestyle’s snobbery: many of these items are pricey and only available to wealthy families. Wooden toys and beige wool baby clothing are part of an aspirational and pricey aesthetic.
@ReallyVeryCrunchy tries to lower her shopping budget in one video, detailing all the costly organic groceries — manuka honey for $40 (“but it’s $40 for super honey!”), six slices of pasture-raised organic bacon for $15 — but can’t seem to make any cutbacks. “The unfortunate reality is that most of this technology is prohibitively pricey for most people,” Morrow added. The conspiracy theories entertain her, but they also worry her because some TikTok sleuths dug up her and her husband’s names and uncovered their Facebook and LinkedIn sites. She thinks it’s crazy that they’re a front for an MLM. “It’s simply funny that people assume we’re doing this instead of a bored husband and wife doing something ridiculous,” she remarked.
What about the rumors concerning her genuine crunch status?
Morrow told BuzzFeed News, “I’m pretty darn crunchy.” “But the thing about my pragmatism is that it comes with my crunchiness.” At a birthday party, I’m not going to force my child to eat a banana, but I will look for a piece of cookie cake without red frosting.”
QUIZ: How Crunchy Do You Think You Are???
Every Mama has a unique crunch factor. Do you want to know how crunchy you are? Take our quiz and you’ll find out right now! From the complete newbie to the most radical earth mother at the co-op, every mama has a different crunch quotient. The important question is, where on the crunchy spectrum do you fall? Are you a newcomer to natural living? Is she the crunch queen? Take our quiz and you’ll find out right now! Then make sure to tell your friends about your crunchy results.
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