Bluespark Tuning Box Review: The Bluespark Pro Diesel tuning box is our premium rail-only product, connecting to the sensor on the common rail for maximum Performance and economic advantages. Our tuning modules are designed to give you more usable power and torque. As a result, turbo lag is decreased, making the automobile more enjoyable to drive.

It also allows you to drive in higher gears for longer, decreasing fuel consumption by up to 15%. The extra torque will help if you tow a trailer or caravan. High-speed digital microprocessors and dynamic engine mapping provide this Diesel chip with exceptional performance while retaining durability. With 5 configurable maps, the Pro Diesel chip increases power, torque, and fuel economy. Our boxes have proprietary software like Rev Sense, which maximizes performance while retaining smoothness and drivability. The Pro unit can be reprogrammed for future automobiles.
Will the automobile smoke more?
The increase in car power does not affect the change in particle emissions. An easy and inexpensive car improvement is to replace the air filters. A blocked air filter restricts the engine’s air intake, lowering power. When you change cars you do not need to purchase additional remaps or tuning modules, maintain your Bluespark Pro, and send it in for reprogramming should you convert your vehicle to another diesel.
Corrosion-resistant For optimum performance advantages, visit our Amazon store and check out our Bluespark Pro+Boost unit which connects to your boost sensor as we all the rail sensor and delivers ultimate performance gains. Engine tuning is one of the most popular automotive upgrades. Changing the ECU signal to inject more fuel into the cylinders is popular since it increases torque and power.
Do it Safely?
This is a crucial issue to which all automobile performance shops should be able to respond. Yes, in short. Installing a car tuning box will not influence the vehicle or the driver’s safety. Our tuning boxes for petrol and diesel are rigorously tested on our rolling road. It’s also worth noting that auto tuner parts are legal and you won’t get ticketed for installing one.
The manufacturers should install boxes
Manufacturers must sell vehicles that cover a wide range of markets. For example, a manufacturer must consider many elements such as taxation, climate, fuel quantity, and operational altitude. For a newer, sportier model, the manufacturer may typically tune the engine to slightly below its full potential. ( Talk to your local car performance shops about your vehicle’s potential. Top petrol and diesel tuning boxes can unlock power comparable to the following generation up.
What about my warranty?
Fuel and diesel tuner chips may not void your warranty if you don’t tell the dealer. These aftermarket modifications are beautiful because they are untraceable. If you remove the diesel tuning boxes, for example, the car returns to normal. The box has vanished. However, car remapping is a permanent change that may violate the warranty. Remapping your automobile may also diminish its value if you decide to sell it later. Consider the price difference between a complete car remapping and a DIY tuning box.

Do you keep a log of my car?
Our automobile modification company has a rolling road that measures your car’s torque and rotational speed. So we can tune your car and boost its performance with one of our boxes. The results are recorded for comparison, but you should expect up to 40% more power and 35% more torque. It’s up to you whether to inform your insurer, but we recommend it. Again, we recommend researching your car insurance and any aftermarket changes that may void the contract.
It’s a Good Idea
The tuning box improves power, torque, and fuel economy. So, the box essentially ‘tricks’ the ECU into pumping more fuel, increasing automobile performance. Because it is less expensive than a remap and you can install the car tuner parts yourself, it is becoming more popular. We do advise checking out the car performance stores, but erring on the side of caution with sites without testimonials and reviews. A faulty car tuning box can possibly damage your vehicle.
As some of you may know, I debated between a full remap and losing my warranty, or a tuning box that I could remove and hope BMW wouldn’t notice. Deliberating with fellow members, looking at the rolling road results, and on the 1st SRR day, I chose to try Bluespark. I got a Pro box (the next box up from the CRTECH), installed it, and drove it. Here is my initial assessment of the Pro Box
I don’t drive fast or hard. I’ve had the car since September and drive it 90% in Eco mode in the city. I do 4 to 5k a year, often in the city. So I installed the box in no time. The longest part is waiting 5 minutes after unlocking and locking the car for it to properly shut down. Installed and positioned below the radiator bottle, mine is set to “C6”. According to Greg at Bluespark, the box can produce 366bhp and 724nm, however, this is on setting “E9,” not “C6,” or the default.
Because the car is so smooth to drive, I didn’t notice the performance boost at first, but I can affirm the car feels fast in all modes. Eco mode is much easier to use now than before when I felt like the car was laboring. In Sport mode, the car shot off from 20 mph so fast it surprised me. I intend to get it on a rolling road to obtain some firm figures and experiment with certain settings. As the SRR day shows, it seems to deliver the most bang for the buck.
I had been asking other members about their experiences with the box and the settings they had used, which led to more queries. Call Edd at Bluespark. (Kev had also been emailing Edd and Kev graciously sent the Map Graphs to me.) After this conversation, I felt even more confident in Bluespark and decided to buy a Pro+ Boost System for my car.
Does it speed up?
The extra power and torque will improve your driving and handling. Also, your vehicle’s top speed will increase, depending on the car’s tolerance. Our excellent petrol and diesel tuning devices can actually cut fuel consumption. Car engine tuning can even improve fuel economy. Essentially, the car tuning boxes improve throttle response, reducing the need to crank the engine. So you use less petrol.

Can I use the tuner on another car?
Car remapping is exclusive to a vehicle and so cannot be relocated, although car engine tuning boxes can. This is not a permanent performance increase and can be reconfigured to fit another model (hence their popularity).
Will it shorten my car’s life?
With car tuning, you literally optimize the engine’s performance. As a result, the engine’s efficiency will improve. Regular oil changes and service are not affected. If you drive your automobile aggressively, you may need to change the oil more frequently.
Is it universal?
This aftermarket automotive modification can be placed on almost any vehicle. Hundreds of automobiles have tuning boxes fitted, and you may choose yours here. If you can’t find your model, please contact us. Finally, our petrol and diesel tuner chips have been rigorously tested to boost your vehicle’s economy.