Blessinova Eyelid Tape Reviews: When I tried these German skin-care stickers on my hooded lids, it was the best decision I’ve ever made. Eyelid Lifting Strips from the company offers a more awake appearance. See if their assertions are true. “Eyelid tape” is a cosmetic hack that uses eyelid tapes, fibers, or adhesive to raise the area around the eye. There aren’t many places where you can find them, but a new brand is bringing them into the mainstream.

These silicone eyelid lifting strips, which are curved, operate as a quick eyelid lift by lifting excess skin for a firmer, wider-awake appearance. Also, there’s me, who was giddy with anticipation the moment I laid eyes on these goods. Previously only available in Europe, Barneys in New York City is now carrying them.) To clarify, I have hooded lids—think Gisele Bündchen, Jennifer Lawrence, and Blake Lively which means a small fold of skin sometimes covers the crease of my eyes (three women I look nothing like except for this eyelid thing) (three women I look nothing like except for this eyelid thing). Having hooded lids, in my opinion, can take the fun out of applying eye makeup. Every year since I was 13 years old, I’ve noticed that my liquid liner has gotten smaller and smaller.
To compensate for the fact that small liquid liner flicks can appear uneven or protrude from above a wrinkle, my wings have become larger and more forceful. I find these eyelids to be really annoying. Stickers may be an alternative to surgery, but they’re less expensive. The adhesive is just on one side of these stickers, unlike many other eyelid tapes I’ve come across. As a novice, this made applying them a breeze because my fingertips didn’t get stuck to the adhesive. Gently pull the sticker away from its backing on one side. If you’re all thumbs, use tweezers, but don’t mash them with your fingers.
Beauty in its prime – Youthful and Radiant
But my spouse had no idea what I was getting at when I hovered uncomfortably close and asked him if anything seemed different when I tried the small-and-medium-sized stickers. I was disappointed that the application process didn’t pay off with more than a sliver of a lift. As soon as they were on, I yelled, “Look! I have eyelids!” and ran back to the washroom. To be honest, it took me a few tries to find the appropriate area for my first few pairs, and as a result, I ended up losing them.
Following the curvature of the eye socket, place them just above the crease. You’ll probably have to stick and restick them a few times to get the lift you’re looking for. So I was able to play about with the 32 tiny, medium, and large strips included in the trial pack, which is supposed to help you choose which sticker size best fits your eye shape.
Using Magicstripes Eyelid Lifting Strips, you’ll notice an immediate lift in your eyelids
When I emailed Joshua Zeichner, director of aesthetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, before-and-and-after photographs, he exclaimed, “Holy sh*t!” because of the noticeable change. There’s also enough room to bring back eye shadow. Using shadow over the stickers makes it simpler to hide them, as the stickers are makeup-friendly. Use powder shadow instead of creams for best results. Dab instead of blending! As a result, they’re not completely invisible, even if they’re transparent. Seeing them when you flutter your eyelids isn’t a deal-breaker, either. I had to point them out to my spouse or mother before they spotted them.

Because they’re so thin and comfortable, I had no idea I was wearing them until it came time to take them off at night. Attending the 57th Annual ICG Publicists Awards on February 7th, 2020 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, California, will be Jennifer Aniston. With tweezers or your hands, gently pull the sticker away from your skin. It’s that simple. Your eyelid skin will flex a bit as you remove the adhesive like it does when you remove fake lashes. As a result, if you’re already concerned about sagging skin, this can be a bit of an alarm bell.
Would I repurchase them?
Definitely! It’s especially useful if I want to play up my eyes for an event or to look more awake in photos. Wearing them every day, yes. Nah. My heavy eyelids aren’t bothering me enough to add an extra step to my lazy beauty routine. Using that time to cover my dark circles is a better use of my time. If you’ve never heard of eyelid tape before, you’re not alone. It’s been around for quite some time, but its popularity rose just in the last two or three decades.
What are eyelid tapes used for, even?
It’s unlikely that using them will make lids even droopier, but the typical guidelines of dealing with the delicate skin around the eyes still apply, so I consulted Zeichner. To remove eye makeup, remove false eyelashes, or even these strips, he explains, “you should avoid doing anything that causes considerable persistent tugging on the skin because it can contribute to skin inflammation and premature aging”. Do not be harsh. They are these small, clear strips with adhesive. They’re used to create a crease on your upper lid. The eyelid tape is used when the upper lid doesn’t naturally have a fold. These eyelids are called monoliths or double eyelids.
In some Asian countries, like Korea, having that fold on your upper lid is considered desirable. That’s why the eyelid tape is a booming industry in Korea – but it’s got quite some fame in the US, too. Of course, they can be used to make your eyes seem more open and wider. So, it can be implemented in virtually any beauty routine. That got you interested, so you decided to try to use some to make your eyes pop. But, there is the problem – with so many products on the market, how are you supposed to choose?
Who Is Eyelid Tape Meant For?
For example, people with a small crease can certainly benefit from using eyelid tape. It can create a larger crease, which will visibly make the eye seem larger and brighter. And those that already have a crease, can make their eye shape a little different from the eyelid tape. It may seem like it’s rather hard, but we assure you it’s not. Sure, it takes some trial and error, but it’s not rocket science, either. Those dealing with droopy eyelids can happen for several reasons. Some are genetics, and some are due to aging.
However, it can affect your confidence if your eyelids start sagging at some point. Also, makeup is not as easy to apply when your eyelids are droopy, but some tape can help you create a better look. And one more case: did you know your whole face is uneven? Your lips or your eyes, and can even be visibly noticeable to you, and others as well. One lid can have a good, large crease, and the other can have a tiny, almost nonexistent crease.
Color Of The Tape
There are two colors available: nude-colored tape and transparent one. If you ask for our honest and unbiased opinion, always go for the transparent one. Transparent tape is less likely to be noticeable by others, as it will fit in with your skin tone, whatever it is. On the other hand, the nude tape is usually nude-toned for someone who has fair skin. If your skin tone is not fair, it will be very noticeable and you will create a bad look for yourself.
Best Eyelid Tape Conclusion
To conclude, we did it we found the best eyelid tapes ever! It was super hard for us – there are so, so many great options for eyelid tapes on the market. We hope our ‘what to keep in mind when you’re buying eyelid tape’ section helped you figure out what your needs are. But don’t beat yourself up trying to figure it out – just pick one of our top five eyelid tapes and you will not make a mistake believe us!