Back 9 Dips Net Worth: In 2012, a husband and wife duo from Tampa, Florida, David and Nique Mealey, introduced a barbecue chicken wing dip on Shark Tank. The pitch had an emotional impact on the audience. Nique was pregnant at the time, and David was unemployed. Lori Greiner and Robert Herjavec decided to buy a 25% stake in the charming duo in exchange for $150,000.

Here’s an explanation for those of you who don’t know what Back 9 Dips are:
Back 9 Dips integrate chicken wings into the dip. I’m already smitten by it. Daymond John inquires, “Is this just a chicken Slurpee?” Back nine peaks and valleys David and Nique Mealy created the Buffalo Chicken Dip. In Season 4, Episode 404, they make a pitch to the Shark Tank investors. David and Nique are willing to give up 15% of their company in exchange for $150,000. A dip made completely of protein is now available.
When did Back 9 Dips begin, and who are the people behind it?
David and Nique Mealy developed Back 9 Chicken Dips. When David’s job as a golf equipment salesman was eliminated, he and his wife began cooking Back 9 Chicken Dips. Back 9 Catering’s customers raved about their Chicken Dips, so they decided to sell them.
When the Back 9 enters the Shark Tank,
Bubba The Love Sponge, the famed “Shock Jock,” joined the duo for Bubba’s Back 9. The product is described as “chicken wings on a chip” by the company. It’s a combination of chicken breasts and dipping sauces. After collaborating with a food packaging company, their Back 9 Chicken Dips were distributed at Publix supermarkets around the Tampa area.
Back Nine of Shark Tank preparation
They are “Nique” and “Dave,” a married couple from Tampa, Florida. They are expecting a baby girl in addition to their 3-year-old son. David lost his job as a Callaway sales representative and PGA teaching pro at a local golf club when Nique became pregnant with his first child. David started a BBQ catering service in order to make money. He pondered on becoming a chef before starting his job because he enjoyed cooking so much.
Following the success of his business, David requested that Bubba the Love Sponge bring him some BBQ. Bubba jumped at the chance to promote David’s firm wherever he could, and David and Bubba struck up a connection immediately away. Regardless of the company’s overall success, a popular meal remained consistent across all of its products. David and Nique had great hopes for its public release and eventual sale. The Shark Tank was their first stop in their effort to bring their products to market.
Back 9 Dips would be like pitching a shark in a Shark Tank
In exchange for a 15% ownership in their company, David and Nique demanded $150,000 from the tank’s investors as an admission fee. The sharks were given plates of food as a method of getting a taste of what they had to offer. According to Nique, chicken wings were the most popular culinary item at the Super Bowl, with 1.25 billion consumed. Back 9 Buffalo Chicken Dips are a novel product created by combining chicken breasts with various sauces. Like a dipping sauce for chicken wings. Kevin compared it to “Bassomatic” on Saturday Night Live, except with chicken instead of fish in the blender.

It was dubbed a Chicken Slurpee by Daymond
Kevin continued to mock the unfortunate birds who had died as a result of the dip while he laughed. David compared it to slicing chicken and chopping it into small bits, similar to making chicken salad. “I married him for this dip!” exclaimed Nique. After the sharks had recovered their senses and stopped laughing, they took a more serious approach. Lori declared it to be delicious. Robert was curious about a life incident that convinced them that they needed to discover a way to create money.
When asked about her pregnancy the last time, she stated that David had been laid off from his job. It all worked out in the end, even though they had to downsize their home, sell one of their cars, and give away a lot of personal belongings. When I approached Kevin, he was eager to discuss numbers. He was fascinated by the topic of sales. David informed him that they had made $400,000 in less than two years and had close to 400 customers. A Florida supermarket chain decided to put them to the test in 60 locations with a weekly sales target. They were, in fact, consistently meeting the weekly goal.
David then informed the sharks that the dip retailed at $7.49-$8.99 per pound but could be purchased wholesale for about $5.25. A batch of dips costs roughly $2.50 to make. They had already invested almost $150,000 in the business. Robert wanted to determine if the drop always elicited a good response. Nique reported that everyone enjoyed it and that she had no reservations about eating mixed chicken after trying it. Lori described them as “awe-inspiring,” and she couldn’t get enough of them. She made it plain that she didn’t believe she could distribute the dip to supermarkets all throughout the country. She was nowhere to be found.
Back 9 dives in the Shark Tank
LL Cool J was the one who introduced him to FUBU. His fortune had risen to over a million by the time his second child was born. Despite his grasp of the significance of providing opportunities to everyone, he continued to doubt his own talents. Lori shocked him into stillness. She considered returning to David and Nique even if Daymond offered her $150,000 for a quarter of the company’s shares. On the other side, Daymond felt obligated to share his story. He described a moment when he was broke, had a baby, and was married to a pregnant woman.

Back 9 Drops After Shark Tank
Despite his status as a minority shareholder, Bubba The Love Sponge was never addressed on the show. Lori and Robert, according to David, had no objections to this. BUBBA’s Chicken Dip was renamed and sold as such. Following the exhibition, Nique was in charge of marketing and community events, and David claimed that he was working to enhance manufacturing. Mealey’s reported a rise in sales and proceeded to expand distribution after the show aired. It was also not difficult for them to reach a deal with Costco.
They didn’t have much time before they hit a stumbling block. The USDA ordered BUBBA’s Buffalo Blue Cheese Chicken Dip to be recalled because the company failed to disclose that the dip included anchovies, a food allergen. It had been selling for a while in Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, and Ohio, both online and in grocery stores. The firm was unable to recover from the recall and has already closed its doors.
Nat Sherman, a handcrafted cigar and “luxury cigarette” company, employs David Mealey as a Regional Sales Manager. Nique works as a Field Marketing Manager for an Orlando restaurant. While Mark was optimistic about the company’s prospects, he lacked the necessary skills and experience to manage this type of food distribution. He withdrew since he didn’t think it was a good match for him.