Ap Biology Exam Review Quizlet: The AP Biology exam was taken by 260,816 students in 2019, making it one of the most popular exams. Whether you took the course or studied on your own, here are some ideas from CollegeVine’s experts on how to prepare for the Advanced Placement Biology exam. Over the course of an eight-unit course, these skills will be developed. Continue reading for a unit-by-unit description of a typical AP Biology course, as well as information on the test type.

When and how often does the AP Biology Exam take place?
The AP Exams for 2020 will be fully online due to the potential of coronavirus. More information on how the Coronavirus is influencing AP examinations can be found on this page. Are you thinking about taking the AP® Biology exam? This AP® Biology review can help you understand more about the exam and how to study for it so that you can feel confident and get the best possible score and possibly college credit. This post will provide an overview of the AP® Biology exam and how to prepare for it. This post will include cover AP® Biology practice tests and other exam preparation tools.
What Are the Topics on the AP Biology Exam?
Taking the AP course will give you a leg up on the competition in four crucial areas of scientific inquiry:
- Experiments to test a hypothesis or forecast should be planned and carried out.
- Gather and assess information.
- Analyze data and make decisions…..
- Make a scientific claim and back it up with proof.
You may be qualified for college credit at many institutions if you obtain a score of 3, which is generally equivalent to a C, C+, or B- in an introductory college biology course. Make careful to double-check with the individual universities you’re interested in to see which test scores they accept, as there is a lot of variation in what test scores colleges will award credit for if any at all.
In 2022, how will AP® Biology Exam be Structured?
The AP® Biology test has two parts: a multiple-choice section and a free-response section. This exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions and six free-response questions (2 long-answer questions and 4 short-answer questions). For the 2022 exam season, the AP® Biology exam will only be accessible in paper and pencil format (in previous years, the exam was offered digitally as a result of COVID-19).
How Long Is the AP Biology Exam?
The AP® Biology exam takes three hours to complete. In a 90-minute period, students will be given 60 multiple-choice questions and 6 free-response questions.
Are you aware of the number of questions on the AP® Biology exam?
On the AP® Biology exam, there are 60 multiple-choice questions and 6 free-response questions. The six free-response questions consist of one long answer and two short answers.
Section I (Multi-Choice): The AP® Biology exam’s multiple-choice section is designed to assess both content knowledge and scientific methodology. Depending on your inclination, these multiple-choice questions can be utilized individually or in groups of four to five. Each of the eight-course portions is broken down into four major concepts, each with its own set of learning goals.

The process by which creatures change is known as evolution (EVO)
- Inefficiency (ENE)
- data storage and transmission (IST)
- System-to-System Interactions (SYI)
What does the AP® Biology curriculum Entail?
There are two types of questions on the AP® Biology exam: multiple-choice and open-ended. Each content area’s questions are weighted according to the relevant learning objectives covered, and resources are supplied for each phase of the multiple-choice test. Because prokaryotic and eukaryotic mechanisms are frequently compared, a basic understanding of the bacterial and viral structure, as well as evolution and ecology, will be useful in various parts. (ctlsites.uga.edu) This information is also worth considering.
Unstructured Discussion (Section 2)
To assess both content understanding and scientific skills, the AP® Biology free answer questions are organized around the science practices and the four primary topics of the course. An AP® Biology Equations and Formulas sheet will be provided for both sections of the exam. During the examination, you are also permitted to use a four-function, scientific, or graphing calculator.
Where can I see questions from previous AP® Biology exams?
If you wish to prevent being shocked by any subject or question style on the AP® Biology exam, complete AP® Biology sample questions and then carefully evaluate the answers. Examine the AP® Biology Course and Exam Description (CED) for AP Biology, which includes 15 multiple choices practice questions with correct answers for each of the eight units, as well as six science practices.
The CED for AP® Biology test also includes two practice free-response questions (one long answer and one short answer) with grading rubrics. Free-response questions from the last 20 years of College Board exams, as well as scoring rules, have been revealed. As a result, the College Board has made an exam from the previous year’s test online, complete with answers. Albert offers multiple-choice and free-response questions, as well as unit assessments and entire AP Biology, practice tests.
Is the Advanced Placement Biology exam three hours long?
Here are some examples of the different types of multiple-choice questions you might see, as well as the correct answer, unit, and science practice that each question (or set of questions) evaluates. The AP Biology exam in 2020 will have a new format. Each of the two 90-minute periods accounts for half of your total raw score. The following is an accurate and up-to-date summary of the test format. For those of you acquainted with the previous AP Biology test layout, all grid-in questions on the Multiple Choice Section have been removed. Two of the short-answer questions in the Free-Response Section have also been removed.
Each large response should take approximately 20-25 minutes to review, while each short response should take approximately 8-10 minutes. Allow 5 to 10 minutes towards the end to evaluate the Free-Response Section thoroughly. If the exam proctor informs you that there is still time available, you will not be forced to go on to the next question. That is why practicing tempo is so crucial. Make sure you stay on track and answer all of the questions in the correct order. When the timer runs out, answers that are left blank do not count toward scoring.
In our perspective, that’s all there is to know about studying for the AP Biology Exam. Read your textbook attentively, take practice exams to get a sense of the structure, go over your vocabulary frequently to stay on top of subjects, and pay attention to your pacing while answering open-ended questions if you want to brush up on what you’ve learned.
AP® Biology Practice Materials from the College Board:
For students studying for the Advanced Placement® Biology exam, the College Board has a wealth of resources. This article has mentioned the AP® Biology Course and Exam Description (CED) several times. Take your time and read over the entire document. There are 15 practice questions with correct answers for each of the eight modules, as well as the six different science practices. Two practice free-response questions come with detailed grading rubrics (one long answer and one short answer).