Alex Roldan Daughter

Alex Roldan Daughter: For the past two weeks, the search for Khloe Kardashian’s biological father has dominated the media. According to rumors, Robert Kardashian revealed to his ex-wives that Khloe wasn’t his real daughter. Kris Jenner admitted in her recently released book that she had an affair with an unknown man throughout their marriage, which she dubbed “Ryan.” According to the most recent rumors, Kris Jenner’s Hairstylist Alex Roldan is Khloe Kardashian’s real father.

Alex Roldan Daughter
Alex Roldan Daughter

This is what the media is saying:

Alex Roldan, Kris Jenner’s hairstylist, has been introduced to you. This is the same man who gave Khloe Kardashian’s life. For Kris Kardashian’s 30th birthday, he collaborated on the music video “I Love My Friends.” Alex is a hairstylist in West Hollywood. Alex is a much bigger man than Robert Kardashian, towering at six feet tall. Khloe’s middle name is Alexandra, by the way. According to speculations, Khloe’s real father may be revealed in a future episode of “Keeping Up With The Kardashians.” Kris is going above and beyond with this. She hopes to reveal Khloe’s true biological father as a plot hook in a “very special episode” of one of the Kardashian series.

We’re going to shatter her surprise right immediately by disclosing his name. (Kris has already told Khloe who the man is, so no one in their family is surprised.) Despite Kris’ best efforts to keep it a secret until showtime in order to increase viewing, it’s all coming out this week.) HOWEVER. When particular pieces of information are combined, a person’s belief that Alex is her biological father grows to 99 percent.

Because of the Following Factors:

Khloe received a DNA test from Kris to confirm that she is the mother for the first time in the show’s history. Kris is not the mother, there is no doubt about that. Because Khloe and her siblings share the same mother, there will be some similarities between them. Strangely enough, she was anxious to have her mother’s DNA checked but refused to have her father’s. In one of the episodes, a DNA test was requested, but Kris refused, saying, “I know he’s my father, I don’t need to do anything to verify that he is, I’m not taking it.” Although she was absolutely willing to consent to her father’s DNA test for Kris, it was an issue for her. There’s no reason why this rule should only apply to one parent rather than both. On the surface, it appears nonsensical.

There’s no denying that recessive genes have a part in this. Despite this, I believe Khloe’s feature of being far taller than her younger sisters is an extremely rare gene to get, especially in its most generous form. How many times have you encountered a circumstance in which one of your sisters stands 9 inches higher than her siblings? It’s just so odd to see something like this. Regardless of the RECESSIVE GENES debate, I believe we can all agree on one thing: it plays out differently than almost any other case. How many of the siblings we’ve met who stand out from the rest of their family actually look EXACTLY like another member of their family?

The fact that you look like your mother’s friend is a striking feature of this argument that sets it apart from the rest. Although Khloe bears no resemblance to any of her family members, Alex Roldan resembles her in every aspect. It’s hard to imagine Alex Roldan and Khloe Kardashian share the same facial traits. I’ve never seen somebody with Alex’s nose structure before, and none of his family members have it. Alex and Khloe, on the other hand, have very different nose structures that are IDENTICAL. It’s one thing to stand out from your siblings, but it’s quite another to look exactly like someone else and share their distinctive nose.

Alex, on the other hand, is approximately 6 Feet Tall

Alternatively, this could explain why Khloe is taller than her siblings. This is the fifth time Khloe and Alex had a similar appearance. ( When I first saw Alex in photos, I was taken aback by his youthful appearance. They appear to be one and the same, even without the apparent similarities in their noses and height. From the chin to the brows, everything about the face is important. Alex Roldan bears an eerie likeness to a young Roldan.

Alex Roldan Daughter
Alex Roldan Daughter

Lmao, Kris Jenner has a history of deception. 6.) Kris Jenner returned to her fiancé’s house while he was out of town after they got engaged, and she was discovered sleeping with him. She ended up breaking up with Robert and his family as a result of her affair with a 23-year-old lad while married to Robert. Kris Jenner is a serial cheater, which is shocking. It’s almost as if she can’t help herself from doing what she wants. Caitlyn stood at her ex-side husband’s at the Oj Simpson trial, the man she had cheated on during their first engagement and then cheated on again years later. This woman is completely unconcerned about other people’s feelings.

Alex is the one who does her hair. It’s natural that a woman who has a history of cheating on her husband would have an affair with him, become pregnant, and then refuse to have the child terminated. Kris Jenner has demonstrated throughout her career that she is more than capable of indulging in such behavior. Seventh charges that Robert misled about his paternity to his ex-wives. I feel that when someone tells a lie, it is usually about something reasonable. It’s more difficult to tell lies about something so obviously ludicrous. He informed them Khloe isn’t his child and that he wasn’t sexually active at the time. Why would they lie about this when they could lie about so many other things?

Who Is Khloe Kardashian’s Father?

Based on the evidence, we’re 99 percent certain that Alex Roldan is Khloe Kardashian’s father. Only a DNA test can overturn this verdict. Although the entire Kardashian family is aware of this, Kris Jenner intends to keep it a secret until she passes away. Robert’s ex-wives have claimed that he allegedly claimed Khloe wasn’t his biological child. Alex Roldan, the hairdresser who Kris referred to as “my hairstylist for 30 years,” has been linked to Khloe’s biological father. The data and findings for this final opinion series are as follows.

Khloe would not get a DNA test for her father despite getting one for her mother. Recessive DNA can make some siblings appear significantly different, but when all the pieces are put together, another person in the immediate circle looks exactly like the child who was suspected of not being the biological child. When the person they look most like has a nose shape that is strikingly similar to Khloe’s. It’s understandable when you consider Kris Jenner’s history of adultery. When you put it all together, it’s almost as if no one is aware that Alex Roldan is her father.

Khloe Kardashian is one of the stars of EKeepingUp !’s With The Kardashians. Despite the fact that Khloe Kardashian grew up in Robert Kardashian’s home, the family has maintained in public pronouncements for more than a decade that she is not biologically a Kardashian. Kris Jenner, her mother, admits to having an affair with her late ex-husband Robert.