Accidentally Paid 300 Times His Salary: A Worker Who Then Disappears Accidentally Paid Me £150,000 for a Month’s Work! A worker vanished after unintentionally receiving more than three times his Salary ($150,000) for a month’s worth of work. An unnamed Consorcio Industrial de Alimentos worker was due £450 in overtime wages as of May. Instead, a fortunate Chilean worker makes a mistake that results in a windfall of 300 times his yearly salary. Instead of paying back the company, he took the money and fled; he hasn’t been seen since.

The worker reportedly did contact his manager, who then informed HR about the salary gap, according to the local news outlet Diario Financiero. To the amazement of his boss, the man vowed to pay back the money and stated that he would visit the bank the following day. He went to the bank, but after taking the money, he left. Consorcio made every effort over the following three days, but they were only successful in obtaining a resignation letter from his attorneys.
The employee of the electric power industry:
The business was unable to accept or reject his resignation because he hasn’t replied to any messages. They accused him of robbing the organization of funds and filed a criminal complaint against him. So yes, there have been no arrests. Around £750 is the average monthly pay in Chile. According to a story, a worker who was inadvertently given 330 times his income resigned and disappeared without a trace:
Unintentionally, a worker received 165 million pesos (£150,000), which is 330 times his monthly salary. An employee left the workplace before submitting his resignation. The frozen food manufacturer Cial has brought a lawsuit against the affluent. The HR staffer was owed his regular monthly salary of £450. He became a millionaire when his company mistakenly paid him 330 times his salary. He agreed to give the money back but then disappeared.
An ex-employee is currently being sued for Money
On May 30, an unnamed employee of Cial HR received 165 million pesos (£150,000) in the mail. For this position, he had set aside a monthly income of 500,000 pesos (about £450). Cial’s attorneys claim that after telling his line manager about the occurrence, he was advised to go to the bank the following morning to make a direct return of the money. However, the business claims that he never arrived. The HR worker apologized for being late for the errand when he texted his manager at 11 a.m. and said he had overslept.
Contrarily, Cial has not spoken with the worker since he formally submitted his resignation through an attorney on June 2. Cialis is quoted as saying in an article in the Chilean newspaper DF Mas: “He was informed and clarified that this money did not correspond to the payment of any service.” The business asserts that the former employee’s absence amounts to theft. La Preferida, San Jorge, and Winter are still well-known brands today thanks to Cial, which was established more than 50 years ago! It asserts to be a leader in cold cuts in the wholesale market.
A boss who increased salaries for all employees to $70,000:
In 2015, the CEO of a Seattle-based card payments company set a minimum wage of $70,000 for all 120 of his employees, reducing his own income by $1 million. After five years, he’s still working for minimum wage and says the gamble has paid off. While hiking with Valerie in the Cascade mountains, which majestically soar over Seattle, Dan Price had a disturbing realization. She informed him of her struggles to pay her bills and her landlord’s $200 rent increase as they were walking.

This infuriated Price. After working 50 hours a week at two jobs, Valerie, a former flame who had served in the military for 11 years, including two tours in Iraq, was having financial trouble. ( The narrator continues, “She is a person whose character is fashioned by her dedication to devotion, honor, and hard labor.” She made approximately $40,000 a year, but she couldn’t afford a nice house in Seattle with that kind of money. He claimed he was furious that the world had become such a disparate place. He suddenly realized that he was contributing to the problem.
For presentation, use the grey Line:
Dan Price, who was raised by a deeply religious family in a rural area of Idaho, has dedicated his life to promoting equality in the country. People are starving, getting fired, or being taken advantage of in order for someone to have a penthouse in New York City with gold chairs. Our society and culture regularly laud greed, according to the author. According to Forbes, Bill Gates has surpassed Jeff Bezos as the richest person. Who gives a fig?
He notes that prior to 1995, “the poorest half” of Americans earned more in terms of national wealth than the top 1%. The roles were flipped that year, with the richest 1% earning more than the bottom 50% of the population. Widening inequality is only making matters worse. CEOs in the US earned 300 times more in 2015 than they did in 1965, or 20 times more than the average worker (in the UK, the bosses of FTSE 100 companies now earn 117 times the salary of their average worker). While walking with Valerie in the fresh mountain air, Price had an idea. Nobel Prize-winning economists Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton conducted research on how much money an American needs to be content.
He promised Valerie straight away that he would significantly increase Gravity’s minimum salary. He studied the data and came up with a figure of $70,000. He realized that he would have to lower not only his salary but also the value of his two residences, sell off his investments, and withdraw money from his savings. He swiftly broke the news to every member of his staff. Price claims that despite his hopes for wild cheering, the announcement initially came as a bit of a letdown. It took him several times to express the enormity of what was happening.
Five years later, Dan still laughs at how he missed a crucial point in the Princeton professors’ research. They found that the average person needs $75,000 to be happy. At age 31, Price achieved millionaire status. He started Gravity Payments when he was just a teenager, and it was worth millions of dollars and had about 2,000 clients. The change he required was triggered by Valerie’s reminder to him that many of his staff were having difficulties.
A man went missing after receiving an error payment of 300 Times
A Chilean employee was unintentionally given 330 times his regular wage due to a payroll error, which led him to quit and leave. Since then, no one has been able to locate him. The employee received a salary of 165,398,851 Chilean pesos ($180,418) for the month of May. dispatch assistant at the producer of cold meat, Consorcio Industrial de Alimentos. Nothing more than $545 was intended to be given to him (or 500,000 Chilean pesos).
According to Diario Financiero, the employee first informed the management of the business about the significant overcharge. The employee was given the go to go to his bank and settle the overdraft after management reported the issue to human services. Even though he had promised to do so, his employer’s contacts were not heard for several days after he stated he’d return to the bank the next day. The man’s attorney subsequently forwarded a formal resignation letter to the business. The employee hasn’t been seen or heard from since, according to Diario Financiero.