Accident Velo Cynthia Marcotte: Nutritionist Cynthia Marcotte was killed while cycling. Cynthia Marcotte and her husband William are standing in front of a bubbling brook, both of them proudly donning helmets for their bicycles. Cynthia Marcotte and her husband William were cycling together before the incident. On Saturday night in Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Quebec, a car struck Cynthia Marcotte and her partner while they were riding their bicycles.

A collision happened on Route 265 close to the Pennsylvania border at about 8:30 in the evening. The riders were traveling north when they were struck by a car going the other way. The man was critically hurt but is no longer seen to be in danger of dying by officials, while the 29-year-old woman died from her injuries immediately after being taken to the hospital. On the scene was a reconstitution sent by the Sûreté du Québec. The investigation has not yet come to a conclusion. There is no information on what caused the crash as of yet. When authorities questioned the car’s 45-year-old driver, an investigation was started.
An outpouring of love was shown on social media:
Social media users were outraged by the murder of a prominent dietician and online personality from Quebec. Cynthia Marcotte’s husband, William Marcotte, published the news on her Facebook page. Nutritionist Bernard Lavallée sent his condolences to the family. There are simply not enough words to appropriately convey how sorry I am. Cynthia was a bridge-builder for a living. She was always ready to offer advice and support to others. Without a doubt, Quebec’s dietitians have been significantly impacted by the news. Isabelle Huot, a nutritionist, also had something to say about it. a terrible blow.
Cynthia was a fantastic consummate professional
and she was a much-loved member of our team. After the book was published, she wished the author well in her difficult endeavor. The supermarket team made the decision to publish a note on its own page in response to the blogger’s passing. I had already collaborated on the show a few times with Cynthia Marcotte. The unfortunate passing of dietician Cynthia Marcotte, “whose passion was for the physical and mental well-being of young people,” made me sad to read on Facebook.
The publisher of Cynthia Marcotte’s book Hunger, Éditions La Presse, also paid tribute to her in 2019. “Her book is still one of our best-selling products,” He hasn’t finished his job yet, and he’s right at the edge of the road. It continues to have an impact on those who had a legitimate interest in following it. Never enough, Cynthia Marcotte. Everyone affected by her passing at such a young age is obviously saddened by it. Director General of the Publishing Industry Jean-François Bouchard said, “It is also a social deprivation.”
This can serve as an example for others:
After years of arduous work, Cynthia Marcotte had established a good reputation as a nutritionist. This citizen of Notre Dame-de-Lourdes enjoyed good esteem among her peers, whether it be on Facebook, where she had 29,000 fans, or on her personal blog. “She was a pioneer and among the first dietitians in Quebec to upload videos to YouTube. It has reportedly always served as an inspiration for friends and coworkers, like Vanessa Daigle, throughout their professional lives. She made a lot of calls and left a lot of voicemails, trying to get to know everyone.”
William Tremblay continues, “she was actually acting more than she should have been,” moved by the outpouring of support on social media. It was fascinating to see how she dissected ideas like bigorexia, which forces a person to gain muscle mass without accumulating fat.
The Art of Control” author Additionally, looked at the phenomena of binge eating, which is characterized as eating a large amount of food quickly while not feeling hungry. The effectiveness of this face-rejuvenation technique was questioned by the nutritionist. Her life was driven by a need to assist people. Vanessa Daigle claims that she considered it her personal responsibility to protect the public from nutrition-related false information that might be available online.

Cynthia Marcotte’s campaigns to increase public awareness in other instances went beyond food. In April, she was involved in a bicycle accident caused by a pothole, and she advised her fans to be ready. She told me she was scared to ride her bike, says Valérie Gosselin, who refers to her childhood pal as “the sister [qu’elle] never had.” In her words, “there is still a long way to go” in balancing the requirements of cars and bikers. William Tremblay admonishes drivers to reduce their speed and give more space while overtaking.
Her husband William Tremblay, who doesn’t hesitate to call her a trailblazer in her field, claims that she was one of the first dietitians in Quebec to have such a significant social media presence. Its website states that considering, planning, testing, and tasting meals that meet the nutritional needs of particular demographics has become “my everyday life.” The work of Cynthia Marcotte was widely covered in the media. She appeared on the L’épices show on Radio-Canada and recorded films for Noovo around once a month. The book Hunger: How to Tame It by Ms. Marcotte was released in 2019 by Éditions La Presse.
In her movies, Cynthia Marcotte has made it abundantly obvious that occasionally eating fast food is not a cause for shame. In her movies, Cynthia Marcotte has made it abundantly obvious that occasionally eating fast food is not a cause for shame. Cynthia Marcotte has been perfecting her method to promote a healthy diet online for years. The young woman started her blog in 2016 under the moniker “Cusine & dopamine” before changing it to “Cynthia Marcotte.” She has a master’s degree in nutrition from the University of Montreal and is a member of the Professional Order of Dietitians of Quebec.

It goes to great length on everything from our DNA to our surroundings to our upbringing
Several content producers, like Camille Ingels-Fortier, better known by her stage name Cam Grande Brune, have voiced their shock and regret at Cynthia Marcotte’s decision to resign. I had the pleasure of working with Cynthia when we recorded YouTube collaborations. Cynthia struck me as a friendly, energetic person. “I also really liked following her on the other networks, she posted information in a very ethical and honest way,” she writes on Facebook and Instagram.
On July 18, Cynthia Marcotte, a 29-year-old dietitian from Quebec, passed away at the hands of her husband, William, who shared her death announcement on Facebook the same day. My name is William, and Cynthia and I have been married for more than ten years. It’s now my responsibility to break the heartbreaking news of his passing. We were hit head-on by a car on Saturday night after returning from a bike ride. Cynthia passed away from her injuries while traveling to the hospital.
All of you who have helped Cynthia over the years is appreciated. She couldn’t have accomplished all that she has if it weren’t for you. There, we may read, “I hope you will understand the shortness and directness of my letter; it is the best that I had the strength to produce under the conditions.” The few sentences outlining the details of his passing were well-received by his readers and a few of his companions, who expressed their condolences to William and Cynthia’s family.