Yearly Archives: 2023

3056 posts

Sally Kellerman Dead

Sally Kellerman Dead: Kellerman’s Sally Died: “MASH” Actress “Hot Lips” who was nominated for an Oscar for her role in Houlihan Died at the Age of 84! Today, Sally Kellerman, the actress most remembered for her role as Margaret “Hot Lips” Houlihan in Robert Altman’s MASH, died at an Assisted-living […]

Get Fussy Deodorant Review

Get Fussy Deodorant Review: Compostable refills for a refillable deodorant were requested by Fussy in February 2020, and Blond was happy to oblige. The refills have to fit through UK letterboxes in order to support their subscription program. Since the beginning, we’ve worked within the Constraints of the product and […]