Clobaderm Ointment

Clobaderm Ointment: A very potent topical corticosteroid, Clobetasol, is only recommended for short-term use in adults, the elderly, and children over one-year-old for the Treatment of more resistant inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of steroid-responsive dermatoses that are not responsive to less potent corticosteroids.

Clobaderm Ointment
Clobaderm Ointment

The most important information

Clobetasol is a topical corticosteroid medication (steroid). Anabolic steroids and corticosteroids are two distinct classes of drugs. Clobetasol should only be applied to the face with a prescription from your physician. Some facial skin conditions may worsen as a result. Including scalp treatment and shampoo, clobetasol is an extremely potent steroid. This medication can also be used in combination with an antibiotic (neomycin) and an antifungal (clobetasol hydrochloride) (nystatin). This can only be purchased with a doctor’s order. Dermovate, ClobaDerm, and Etrivex are all brand names for Clobetasol.

Clobetasol uses and contraindications

Clobetasol can be used by adults and children over the age of one year. Clobetasol should not be administered to infants younger than one-year-old. It’s possible that Clobetasol isn’t right for everyone. If you have any of the following conditions:

  • been allergic to clobetasol, cetostearyl alcohol or chlorocresol before? (ingredients in clobetasol cream)
  • any other medications to which you’ve been allergic in the past
  • have an infection, broken skin, wounds, or itchy skin that is not inflamed or red. Skin infections can get worse or spread if you use clobetasol.
  • I’m sick to my stomach and my eyes
  • have a skin condition such as acne or rosacea
  • are either attempting to conceive, are already pregnant, or are breastfeeding.
  • suffer from facial skin conditions? (clobetasol can only be used on the face if a doctor prescribes it, for a maximum of 5 days)

When and how to make use of it

You should always follow the advice of a pharmacist, doctor, or the leaflet on the packaging of your medication. Clobetasol only needs to be used once or twice a day for a week for the majority of people. Some doctors may advise you to continue using it for a longer period of time. If you’re going to use it twice a day, try to give yourself an 8 to 12-hour break between each use. It is best not to use it for more than 5 days on children under the age of 12 until the doctor has examined them again. Clobetasol is a 0.05 percent cream that contains 5mg of clobetasol per 10g.

Clobaderm Ointment
Clobaderm Ointment

Using an ointment or cream: Cream and ointment forms of Clobetasol are available for purchase (and also a scalp treatment and shampoo).

Generally speaking:

  • More effective on skin that is weeping or damp, clobetasol cream
  • It’s great for dry or flaky patches of skin because it’s thicker and greasier.

How much cream or ointment should be applied?

As a rule, you’ll be informed how much cream or ointment to apply in fingertip units. How much cream or ointment can be squeezed onto your fingers in this amount of space? (the top of your finger down to the first bend in your finger). If you want to treat an area twice as large as your hand’s palm with one fingertip unit of cream, you should be able to accomplish so. The correct amount of cream for newborns and children is dependent on their age. You can get advice from a doctor or pharmacist.

How to apply a cream or ointment

  • Hands-on-cleansing
  • Apply a thin coating of the cream or ointment to the inflamed skin.
  • Smooth it into your skin in the direction of your hair’s movement.
  • Make sure that the cream or ointment does not get into any wounds or damaged skin.
  • After that, wash your hands (unless you’re treating someone with your hands).
  • Apply the cream or ointment to the entire region of skin that is inflamed, not just the worst spots.
  • You should not apply moisturizer at the same time as clobetasol. Clobetasol should be used at least 30 minutes apart from any other product.
  • After applying clobetasol, wait at least 10 minutes before applying a bandage or plaster.
  • For children, do not apply dressings or bandages on top of the cream or ointment.

But what happens if I forget?

Do not worry if you forget to apply clobetasol. When you recall, use it. You can skip the missed dose and continue with your normal schedule if you forget until a few hours before your next dose.

Clobaderm Ointment
Clobaderm Ointment

Effects on the body as a whole

When clobetasol cream is applied to the skin, some persons experience a brief burning or stinging sensation. After a few days of utilizing it, this no longer occurs.

Serious repercussions

Serious negative effects are exceedingly rare. Clobetasol side effects occur in one out of every ten thousand people. If you apply clobetasol on a big area of skin for a lengthy period of time, you are more likely to experience a major side effect. Your skin may become thinner and more vulnerable to stretch marks after using clobetasol for a long time. There is a good chance that stretch marks will remain, however they normally diminish with time. You may experience a skin reaction or an allergic reaction if you use clobetasol lotion, which contains cetostearyl alcohol and chlorocresol.

Youngsters and pre-teens

Clobetasol use in children and teenagers for an extended period of time has been linked to stunted growth in some rare instances. Because it is a steroid, this is the case. During the course of treatment, your child’s doctor will keep a close eye on your child’s weight and height. In this manner, if there are any problems with their growth, their treatment may be modified swiftly. If you’re worried, make an appointment with your doctor. They’ll be able to tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of letting your kid use clobetasol.

Disruption to the senses

The use of systemic and topical corticosteroids has been linked to visual disturbances. Ophthalmologists should be consulted if a patient experiences impaired vision or other visual problems, such as glaucoma or central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR), which have been linked to the use of systemic and topical corticosteroids in the treatment of autoimmune illnesses.

Obstetrics and gynecology, as well as breastfeeding


Clobetasol usage in pregnant women has been studied sparingly. Pregnant animals receiving topical corticosteroids may experience problems in the development of their offspring (see section 5.3). This finding’s applicability to people has yet to be determined. The use of clobetasol during pregnancy should only be contemplated when the predicted benefits outweigh the risks to the developing foetus. The smallest amount of material should be used for the shortest period of time.


The safety of using topical steroids while breastfeeding has not been shown. If corticosteroids are applied to the skin, it is not known if they are absorbed into the bloodstream sufficiently to create detectable quantities in breast milk. Only if the predicted benefit to the mother outweighs the danger to the infant may clobetasol propionate be administered during nursing. Because of the risk of unintentional ingestion by the baby, clobetasol propionate should not be taken while breastfeeding.


Topical corticosteroids have not been studied in people to see if they have an effect on fertility. In rats, clobetasol injected subcutaneously had no effect on mating performance, but fertility was reduced at the maximum dose.

Pilate Clobetasol is a treatment for swelling, itching, and inflammation used in the skin. It can lead to skin problems like:

  • eczema, including dermatitis of touch
  • Psoriasis Psoriasis
  • planus lichen
  • Lupus Lupus

Only prescription Clobetasol is available. It is considerably better than other steroid creams including 1% power for hydrocortisone. It comes as a cream, salad, scalp, and shampoo.

  • It is classified as a topical steroid medication (steroid), or a form of medication. Corticoids are not equivalent to anabolic steroids.
  • Don’t put clobetasol on your face until your doctor confirms that it is all right. It can worsen some skin conditions on the face.
  • Clobetasol is a very potent steroid (including skin therapy and shampoo).

Sometimes it is measured in fingertip units how much cream or ointment you have to use. You should punch on your fingertip (top your finger before the very first bend in your finger). This is the amount of cream or ointment.